您好我正在寻找家庭作业的帮助! 所以提示如下:
输入从美元到人民币的汇率:6.81 输入0将美元兑换成人民币,反之亦然:0 输入美元金额:100 100.0美元是681.0元。 输入从美元到人民币的汇率:6.81 输入0将美元兑换成人民币,反之亦然:1 输入人民币金额:1000 1000.0元是146.843美元 146美元 3季度 0角钱 1镍 4便士“
因此,在将资金分成美分价值之前,我得到了我的代码来完成所有事情。这就是我的问题所在,我不知道如何使用十进制值(或分数)来显示每个数量的金额。 这是我的代码
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LabTask6 {
private static Scanner key = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double exchangeRate = 0;
int conversion;
double dollar = 0;
double yuan = 0;
String Dollar = " ";
int quarter = 0;
System.out.print("Enter the exchange rate from dollars to RMB: ");
exchangeRate = key.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter 0 to convert dollars to RMB or "
+ " 1 for RMB to dollars: ");
conversion = key.nextInt();
//while(conversion == 0 || conversion == 1) {
if(conversion == 0) {
System.out.print("Enter the dollar amount: ");
dollar = key.nextDouble();
yuan = dollar * exchangeRate;
System.out.println("$" + dollar + " is " + yuan + " yuan.");
}else if(conversion == 1) {
System.out.print("Enter the Yuan amount: ");
yuan = key.nextDouble();
dollar = yuan / exchangeRate;
System.out.printf(yuan + " yuan is%8.3f dollars.", dollar);
Dollar = dollar + "";
System.out.println(Dollar.substring(0, Dollar.indexOf(".")) + " dollars");
正如你所看到的,在第二个if语句中,我试图通过将数字转换为字符串并仅显示从索引(0)到'。'的内容来获得“美元”数量。焦炭。然而,这对于其他所需物品(如镍币,硬币,四分之一和便士)不起作用。 我最初的想法是制作一个while循环,阻止小数(分)达到零并递增分值,声明为变量,只要它们可以被分值整除,即数字是126.47,我会取47和看看它是否可以被25整除,那么如果结果是> 0那么它会加1/4或四分之一++。这有两个问题,一个是最终值不是47美分,而且我试图弄清楚如何首先孤立和操纵这些分值。 我知道我写了一篇令人毛骨悚然的文章,但我现在完全被难倒了,我想尽可能地清楚,任何人都可以帮忙吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
,因为变量不应以每个Java Naming Conventions的大写字母开头。我还想指出ajb非常正确,因为使用double
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
public static void main(String[] args){
//omitting extra code to shorten the answer
}else if(conversion == 1) {
System.out.print("Enter the Yuan amount: ");
yuan = key.nextDouble();
dollar = yuan / exchangeRate;
System.out.printf(yuan + " yuan is%8.3f dollars.", dollar);
dollarStr = String.valueOf(dollar);
System.out.println(dollarStr.substring(0, dollarStr.indexOf(".")) + " dollars");
//Get the "cents" part of the converted value
String centsStr = dollarStr.substring(dollarStr.indexOf("."));
//Convert the value into a double
double cents = Double.parseDouble(centsStr);
//Multiplying by 100 so that something like 0.173 dollars
// becomes 17.3 cents
cents *= 100;
//Assuming you want to round to nearest penny,
// but it's unclear from your question if this is correct.
cents = Math.round(cents);
//quick and dirty conversion of the rounded cents to an integer value
int change = (int) cents;
//For demonstration purposes, feel free to remove it.
System.out.println(cents+ " cents");
//Calculate how many of each kind of coin and display results.
Map<Coin, Integer> changeMap = makeChange(change);
for(Coin coin: changeMap.keySet()){
int numCoins = changeMap.get(coin);
System.out.print(numCoins +" "+ (numCoins != 1 ? coin.getPlural() : coin.name().toLowerCase())+" ");
//Calculates the number of each kind of Coin to use
// in order to make the specified amount of change.
public static Map<Coin,Integer> makeChange(int cents){
Map<Coin,Integer> results = new HashMap<>();
for(Coin coin: Coin.values()){
int numCoins = cents/coin.getValue();
cents = cents % coin.getValue();
results.put(coin, numCoins);
return results;
public enum Coin {
QUARTER(25, "quarters"), DIME(10, "dimes"), NICKEL(5, "nickels"), PENNY(1, "pennies");
private int value;
private String plural;
private Coin(int val, String plur){
value = val;
plural = plur;
public int getValue(){
return value;
public String getPlural(){
return plural;