到目前为止,所有这些都有效。 我遇到的困难是能够通过" RangeArr()"函数之外的数组。请参阅下面的工作代码:
Function FindMissingReports(Path)
Dim FileName, File
Dim RangeArr()
intSize = 0
For i = 0 to 7
ReDim Preserve RangeArr(intSize)
RangeArr(intSize) = Year(Date - i) & "-" & Month(Date - i) & "-" & Day(Date - i)
intSize = intSize +1
Dim FileArr()
intSize = 0
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Create the object used to display popup boxes
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Loop through all of the files in the "Path" directory.
For Each File in oFSO.getfolder(Path).Files
'If the file name contains "Defect Report"
If instr(File.Name, "Defect Report") <> 0 Then
Set objFile = oFSO.GetFile(File)
'Define the filename as a variable
FileName = File.Name
'Get the report date from the first 10 characters of the filename.
FileDate = Left(FileName, 10)
ReDim Preserve FileArr(intSize)
FileArr(intSize) = FileDate
intSize = intSize +1
End If
For i = 0 to UBound(FileArr)
For j = 0 to UBound(RangeArr)
If UBound(RangeArr) > UBound(FileArr) and UBound(FileArr) <> -1 Then
On Error Resume Next
If FileArr(i) = RangeArr(j) Then
removalIndexFile = i
For x = removalIndexFile to UBound(FileArr) -1
FileArr(x) = FileArr(x+1)
ReDim Preserve FileArr(UBound(FileArr)-1)
removalIndexRange = j
For x = removalIndexRange to UBound(RangeArr) -1
RangeArr(x) = RangeArr(x+1)
ReDim Preserve RangeArr(UBound(RangeArr)-1)
End If
End If
For i = 0 to UBound(RangeArr)
If IsWeekday(RangeArr(i)) Then
MsgBox(RangeArr(i) & ". It worked! This is the only weekday report missing from the list.")
End If
End Function
Function IsWeekday(theDate)
IsWeekday = Weekday(theDate,vbMonday) <= 5
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
' To return x from a function, assign x to the function's name
Function f(p)
Select Case p
Case "Array()"
f = Array("array via Array()")
Case "FuncLikeSplit()"
f = Split("func-returns-(dyn)-array")
Case "DimReDimAssign"
Dim tmp
ReDim tmp(0)
tmp(0) = "Dim-ReDim-Assign"
f = tmp
Case Else
WScript.Echo "Error!"
End Select
End Function
Dim a, p
' prove for each a: it's a dynamic array
For Each p In Split("Array() FuncLikeSplit() DimReDimAssign")
a = f(p)
WScript.Echo p, TypeName(a), UBound(a), a(0)
ReDim Preserve a(Ubound(a) + 1)
a(UBound(a)) = "grownup"
WScript.Echo UBound(a), a(UBound(a))
WScript.Echo "----------------"
cscript 47042147.vbs
Array() Variant() 0 array via Array()
1 grownup
FuncLikeSplit() Variant() 0 func-returns-(dyn)-array
1 grownup
DimReDimAssign Variant() 0 Dim-ReDim-Assign
1 grownup
FindMissingReports = RangeArr
Dim a : a = FindMissingReports(TestPath)