在.net core 2.0 Web应用程序中将WCF服务添加为连接服务时出错

时间:2017-10-31 15:16:20

标签: wcf asp.net-core .net-core visual-studio-2017

我正在使用VS 2017,当我尝试使用" Microsoft WCF Web服务参考提供商"在asp.net核心Web应用程序中添加WCF服务作为连接服务时,它出错了,这里是错误日志:

Importing web service metadata ...
Number of services found: 1
Restoring NuGet packages ...
Building solution ...
Scaffolding service reference code ...
Warning: Cannot import wsdl:binding
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Channels.StandardBindingImporter
Error: The method or operation is not implemented.

Error:Error: No endpoints compatible with .Net Core apps were found.

Error:An unknown error occurred while invoking the service metadata component.
Failed to generate service reference.



编辑1:使用VS 15.5.1再次测试,仍然无法正常工作。因此.Net Core不完全支持邮件安全性:https://github.com/dotnet/wcf/issues/1354 我在WCF中有消息安全性,因此我无法在.Net核心项目中将我的WCF服务添加为连接服务。

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