我试图绘制一些实验数据点(由x,y和z定义)和一些" iso-z"线。要绘制轮廓线,数据需要采用网格格式。我试图按照其他地方的建议,通过dgrid3d实验,nongrid数据,通过插值转换为网格点,并使用这些新的数据点绘制轮廓线。
set term pdf color enhanced font 'Arial, 18' size 13.5cm,9.2cm
set out 'phasediag.pdf'
#Here I convert the data points, stored in 1f.dat into a grid format.
set table '1f-grid.dat'
set dgrid3d 50,50
splot '1f.dat' u 3:4:2
unset table
#Here I would like to draw the countour lines, to be used after in the plot.
set contour base
set cntrparam level auto 5
unset surface
set table 'cont.dat'
splot '1f-grid.dat'
unset table
# Load the palette color definition.
load 'parula.pal'
set logscale cb
set cbrange[1e5:1e9]
set format cb '10^{%1.1T}'
set cblabel 'Mw / g mol^{-1}' offset 2.5,0
set format x '%1.1f'
set format y '%1.1f'
set label '1{/Symbol F}' at 0.4,6.3
set label '2{/Symbol F}' at 2.15,3
plot[0:2.7][2.5:7] '1f.dat' u 3:4:2 with points pt 5 palette, '2f.dat' u 3:2 with points pt 7 lc rgb "black"
set out
Warning: Cannot contour non grid data. Please use "set dgrid3d".
提前致谢, 利奥