当我启动nginx时,dynatrace代理日志显示 -
2017-10-31 21:58:14 [ce68772b] info [native] Successfully loaded agent binary /opt/dynatrace/agent/downloads/appmon/native/
==> dt_dtnginxagent_w1b-dev-et-rz-app-bb-web_26779.0.log <==
2017-10-31 21:58:19.808088 [26779/ce68772b] warning [native] generate_offsets.sh script generated
2017-10-31 21:58:19.808181 [26779/ce68772b] warning [native] Automatic Nginx agent configuration generation failed
2017-10-31 21:58:19.808192 [26779/ce68772b] warning [native] In order to run Nginx with dynaTrace Agent you need to perform this manual step:
2017-10-31 21:58:19.808199 [26779/ce68772b] warning [native] Please run the following command to generate Nginx Agent configuration and then restart Nginx:
2017-10-31 21:58:19.808208 [26779/ce68772b] warning [native] /opt/dynatrace/agent/conf/generate_offsets.sh -b /usr/sbin/nginx -o /opt/dynatrace/agent/conf/dtnginx_self_generated_offsets.json
2017-10-31 22:23:39.474132 [26751/b77f98d5] info [native] New subAgent registered successfully: db846b2b
2017-10-31 22:23:39.485625 [26751/b77f98d5] info [native] sub agent registered with id (sub/slave) db846b2b/dedfe76e9 (UDP queue size: 0)
2017-10-31 22:23:45.090885 [26751/b77f98d5] info [native] New subAgent registered successfully: b805cd43
2017-10-31 22:23:45.090913 [26751/b77f98d5] info [native] sub agent registered with id (sub/slave) b805cd43/d8ec7151e (UDP queue size: 0)
2017-10-31 22:23:52.102050 [26751/c69d78d5] info [native] License update received for sub agent db846b2b: license = ok, uem volume = not exhausted
2017-10-31 22:23:52.102104 [26751/c69d78d5] info [native] Subagent license is updated, id=[0xdb846b2b] = license ok;
2017-10-31 22:23:52.114657 [26751/c69d78d5] info [native] License update received for sub agent b805cd43: license = ok, uem volume = not exhausted
2017-10-31 22:23:52.114689 [26751/c69d78d5] info [native] Subagent license is updated, id=[0xb805cd43] = license ok;
2017-10-31 22:23:59.099111 [26751/c8c0f895] info [native] Unregistering subAgent db846b2b
2017-10-31 22:23:59.099191 [26751/c8c0f895] info [native] sub agent unregistered with id (sub/slave) db846b2b/dedfe76e9 (UDP queue size: 0)
2017-10-31 22:24:05.106795 [26751/c8c0f895] info [native] Unregistering subAgent b805cd43
2017-10-31 22:24:05.106863 [26751/c8c0f895] info [native] sub agent unregistered with id (sub/slave) b805cd43/d8ec7151e (UDP queue size: 0)
根据文档,我更新了'/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service'文件,如下所示 -
Description=nginx - high performance web server
After=network-online.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -p /opt/log/nginx
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf -p /opt/log/nginx
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s QUIT $MAINPID