
时间:2017-10-31 07:06:20

标签: r rattle

我支持的系统正在使用由拨浪鼓生成的代码进行一些预测。然而,在仔细观察由拨浪鼓代码生成的预测时,我发现代码根本不做任何预测,而只是按原样显示输入文件。虽然我期望对新数据进行预测,但它只是按原样显示输入文件。 请一位专家看看附带的代码,并指导我可能出现的问题。 创建这个的人已经离开了公司,我正试图弄清楚如何解决这个问题。 我是R的新手,非常感谢用户的帮助。代码如下:

# Rattle is Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Togaware Pty Ltd.

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:05 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Rattle version 3.4.1 user 'vikashs'

# Export this log textview to a file using the Export button or the Tools 
# menu to save a log of all activity. This facilitates repeatability. Exporting 
# to file 'myrf01.R', for example, allows us to the type in the R Console 
# the command source('myrf01.R') to repeat the process automatically. 
# Generally, we may want to edit the file to suit our needs. We can also directly 
# edit this current log textview to record additional information before exporting. 

# Saving and loading projects also retains this log.


# This log generally records the process of building a model. However, with very 
# little effort the log can be used to score a new dataset. The logical variable 
# 'building' is used to toggle between generating transformations, as when building 
# a model, and simply using the transformations, as when scoring a dataset.

predictFraud=(function(inputVector) {

building <- TRUE
scoring  <- ! building

# The colorspace package is used to generate the colours used in plots, if available.


# A pre-defined value is used to reset the random seed so that results are repeatable.

crv$seed <- 42 

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:18 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Load the data.

crs$dataset <- read.csv(java_file1, na.strings=c(".", "NA", "", "?"), strip.white=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8")

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:30 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Note the user selections. 

# Build the training/validate/test datasets.

crs$nobs <- nrow(crs$dataset) # 1000 observations 
crs$sample <- crs$train <- sample(nrow(crs$dataset), 0.7*crs$nobs) # 700 observations
crs$validate <- NULL
crs$test <- setdiff(setdiff(seq_len(nrow(crs$dataset)), crs$train), crs$validate) # 300 observations

# The following variable selections have been noted.

crs$input <- inputVector



crs$target  <- colnames(crs$dataset)[ncol(crs$dataset)]
crs$risk    <- NULL
crs$ident   <- "ID"
crs$ignore  <- NULL
crs$weights <- NULL

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:36 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# The 'randomForest' package provides the 'randomForest' function.

require(randomForest, quietly=TRUE)

# Build the Random Forest model.

crs$rf <- randomForest(Response ~ .,
      data=crs$dataset[crs$sample,c(crs$input, crs$target)], 

rn <- round(importance(crs$rf), 2)

for (i in 1:length(names(GiniIndex)))
        temp[i]= names(GiniIndex)[i]
 # temp=sort(temp)

# Regression model 

# Build a Regression model.

crs$glm <- glm(Response ~ .,
    data=crs$dataset[crs$train, c(crs$input, crs$target)],

# Generate a textual view of the Linear model.

cat(sprintf("Log likelihood: %.3f (%d df)\n",
            attr(logLik(crs$glm), "df")))
cat(sprintf("Null/Residual deviance difference: %.3f (%d df)\n",
cat(sprintf("Chi-square p-value: %.8f\n",
cat(sprintf("Pseudo R-Square (optimistic): %.8f\n",
             cor(crs$glm$y, crs$glm$fitted.values)))
cat('\n==== ANOVA ====\n\n')
print(anova(crs$glm, test="Chisq"))

# Time taken: 0.56 secs

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:41 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Evaluate model performance. 

# Generate an Error Matrix for the Linear model.

# Obtain the response from the Linear model.

crs$pr <- as.vector(ifelse(predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]) > 0.5, "Y", "N"))

# Generate the confusion matrix showing counts.

table(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response, crs$pr,
        dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))

# Generate the confusion matrix showing proportions.

pcme <- function(actual, cl)
  x <- table(actual, cl)
  tbl <- cbind(round(x/length(actual), 2),
                             x[2,1]/sum(x[2,])), 2))
  names(attr(tbl, "dimnames")) <- c("Actual", "Predicted")
pcme(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response, crs$pr)

# Calculate the overall error percentage.

overall <- function(x)
  if (nrow(x) == 2) 
    cat((x[1,2] + x[2,1]) / sum(x)) 
    cat(1 - (x[1,rownames(x)]) / sum(x))
overall(table(crs$pr, crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response,  
        dnn=c("Predicted", "Actual")))

# Calculate the averaged class error percentage.

avgerr <- function(x) 
    cat(mean(c(x[1,2], x[2,1]) / apply(x, 1, sum))) 
avgerr(table(crs$pr, crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response,  
        dnn=c("Predicted", "Actual")))

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:46 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Evaluate model performance. 

# Risk Chart: requires the ggplot2 package.


# Generate a risk chart.

# Rattle provides evaluateRisk() and riskchart().

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])
crs$eval <- evaluateRisk(crs$pr, crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response)
#                crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response, 
#                title="Performance Chart Linear Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test] ", show.lift=TRUE, show.precision=TRUE))

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:53 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Evaluate model performance. 

# Lift Chart: requires the ROCR package.


# Obtain predictions for the glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

# Remove observations with missing target.

no.miss   <- na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response)
miss.list <- attr(no.miss, "na.action")
attributes(no.miss) <- NULL

if (length(miss.list))
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr[-miss.list], no.miss)
} else
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr, no.miss)

# Convert rate of positive predictions to percentage.

per <- performance(pred, "lift", "rpp")
per@x.values[[1]] <- per@x.values[[1]]*100

# Plot the lift chart.
#plot(per, col="#CC0000FF", lty=1, xlab="Caseload (%)", add=FALSE)

# Generate a Lift Chart for the glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [train].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

# Also convert rate of positive predictions to percentage

per <- performance(prediction(crs$pr, crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response),"lift", "rpp")
per@x.values[[1]] <- per@x.values[[1]]*100

# Now plot the lift.

# Bug in ROCR 1.0-3 plot does not obey the add command.# Calling the function directly (.plot.performance) does work.

#.plot.performance(per, col="#00CCCCFF", lty=2, add=TRUE)

# Add a legend to the plot.

#legend("topright", c("Test","Train"), col=rainbow(2, 1, .8), lty=1:2, title="Linear", inset=c(0.05, 0.05))

# Add decorations to the plot.

#title(main="Lift Chart  Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv ",
#    sub=paste("Rattle", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S"), Sys.info()["user"]))

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:56 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Evaluate model performance. 

# ROC Curve: requires the ROCR package.


# ROC Curve: requires the ggplot2 package.

require(ggplot2, quietly=TRUE)

# Generate an ROC Curve for the glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

# Remove observations with missing target.

no.miss   <- na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response)
miss.list <- attr(no.miss, "na.action")
attributes(no.miss) <- NULL

if (length(miss.list))
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr[-miss.list], no.miss)
} else
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr, no.miss)

pe <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
au <- performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]
pd <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(pe@x.values), tpr=unlist(pe@y.values))
p <- ggplot(pd, aes(x=fpr, y=tpr))
p <- p + geom_line(colour="red")
p <- p + xlab("False Positive Rate") + ylab("True Positive Rate")
p <- p + ggtitle("ROC Curve Linear Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test] Response")
p <- p + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=10))
p <- p + geom_line(data=data.frame(), aes(x=c(0,1), y=c(0,1)), colour="grey")
p <- p + annotate("text", x=0.50, y=0.00, hjust=0, vjust=0, size=5,
                   label=paste("AUC =", round(au, 2)))

# Calculate the area under the curve for the plot.

# Remove observations with missing target.

no.miss   <- na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response)
miss.list <- attr(no.miss, "na.action")
attributes(no.miss) <- NULL

if (length(miss.list))
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr[-miss.list], no.miss)
} else
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr, no.miss)
performance(pred, "auc")

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:32:59 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Evaluate model performance. 

# Precision/Recall Plot: requires the ROCR package


# Generate a Precision/Recall Plot for the glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

# Remove observations with missing target.

no.miss   <- na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response)
miss.list <- attr(no.miss, "na.action")
attributes(no.miss) <- NULL

if (length(miss.list))
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr[-miss.list], no.miss)
} else
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr, no.miss)
#plot(performance(pred, "prec", "rec"), col="#CC0000FF", lty=1, add=FALSE)
dp2<-performance(pred, "prec", "rec")

# Generate a Precision/Recall Plot for the glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [train].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

# In ROCR (1.0-3) plot does not obey the add command.
# Calling the function directly (.plot.performance) does work.

#.plot.performance(performance(prediction(crs$pr, crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response),"prec", "rec"), col="#00CCCCFF", lty=2, add=TRUE)

# Add a legend to the plot.

#legend("bottomleft", c("Test","Train"), col=rainbow(2, 1, .8), lty=1:2, title="glm", inset=c(0.05, 0.05))

# Add decorations to the plot.

#title(main="Precision/Recall Plot  Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv ",
#    sub=paste("Rattle", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S"), Sys.info()["user"]))

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:33:05 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Evaluate model performance. 

# Sensitivity/Specificity Plot: requires the ROCR package


# Generate Sensitivity/Specificity Plot for glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

# Remove observations with missing target.

no.miss   <- na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response)
miss.list <- attr(no.miss, "na.action")
attributes(no.miss) <- NULL

if (length(miss.list))
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr[-miss.list], no.miss)
} else
  pred <- prediction(crs$pr, no.miss)
#plot(performance(pred, "sens", "spec"), col="#CC0000FF", lty=1, add=FALSE)
dp1<-performance(pred, "sens", "spec")

# Generate a Lift Chart for the glm model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [train].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)])

#In ROCR (1.0-3) plot does not obey the add command.
# Calling the function directly (.plot.performance) does work.

#.plot.performance(performance(prediction(crs$pr, crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]$Response),"sens", "spec"), col="#00CCCCFF", lty=2, add=TRUE)

# Add a legend to the plot.

#legend("bottomleft", c("Test","Train"), col=rainbow(2, 1, .8), lty=1:2, title="glm", inset=c(0.05, 0.05))

# Add decorations to the plot.

#title(main="Sensitivity/Specificity (tpr/tnr)  Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv ",
 #   sub=paste("Rattle", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S"), Sys.info()["user"]))

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:33:11 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Score a dataset. 

# Obtain probability scores for the Linear model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test].

#crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input)])
crs$pr <- as.vector(ifelse(predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input, crs$target)]) > 0.5, "Y", "N"))

# Extract the relevant variables from the dataset.

sdata <- subset(crs$dataset[crs$test,], select=c("ID", "Response"))

# Output the combined data.

write.csv(cbind(sdata, crs$pr), file="D:/R_Outputs/Logistic_Custom_Scores.csv", row.names=FALSE)

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:33:22 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Score a dataset. 

# Rattle timestamp: 2015-08-03 08:33:36 x86_64-w64-mingw32 

# Score a dataset. 

# Obtain probability scores for the Linear model on Master_File_New_02_New_Ver01.csv [test].

crs$pr <- predict(crs$glm, type="response", newdata=crs$dataset[crs$test, c(crs$input)])

# Extract the relevant variables from the dataset.

sdata <- subset(crs$dataset[crs$test,], select=c("ID", "Response"))

# Output the combined data.

write.csv(cbind(sdata, crs$pr), file="D:/R_Outputs/Logistic_Custom_Prob.csv", row.names=FALSE)


#Prediction on New Dataset

#data_for_prediction <- crs$dataset[-29]
data_for_prediction=read.csv(java_file2, na.strings=c(".", "NA", "", "?"), strip.white=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8")
result <- predict(crs$glm, type = "response", newdata=data_for_prediction)

for (i in 1:length(result))
  tempdata[i]= (1-result[i])





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