我正在尝试将字符串的字符数组和DWORD数组放在一起,然后将它们反转为QWORD数组。因此,如果输入1,2,3,4,5和s,h,r,u,g,它将打印出g5 u4 r3 h2 s1。我一直只为一个数组获得奇怪的垃圾值。只有一个会像它应该打印。如果我将其中一个数组更改为另一个数组的副本,那么它的效果非常好。
include irvine32.inc
string1 byte 0Ah,0Dh,"Dumping out charArr",0
string2 byte 0Ah,0Dh,"Dumping out numArr", 0
string3 byte 0Ah,0Dh,"Dumping out newArr", 0
charArr byte 5 dup (?)
numArr dword 5 dup (?)
newArr qword 5 dup (?)
prompt1 byte "Please enter a number: ", 0
prompt2 byte "Please enter 5 characters: ", 0
prompt3 byte "The integer array you entered is: ", 0
prompt4 byte "The characters you entered are: ", 0
prompt5 byte "The mean of the integer array is: ", 0
prompt6 byte "The elements of the new array are: ", 0
prompt7 byte " ", 0
mov esi, offset numArr ; number input
mov ecx, lengthof numArr
mov edx, offset prompt1
call writeString
call readDec
mov [esi], eax
add esi, type numArr
loop L1
mov esi, offset numArr ; array output
mov ecx, lengthof numArr
mov edx, offset prompt3
call writeString
mov eax, [esi]
call writeDec
add esi, type numArr
mov al, ' '
call writeChar
loop L3
call crlf
mov esi, offset charArr ; char input
mov ecx, lengthof charArr
mov edx, offset prompt2
call writeString
call readChar
mov [esi], al
add esi, type charArr
loop L2
call crlf
mov esi, offset charArr ;char output
mov ecx, lengthof charArr
mov edx, offset prompt4
call writeString
mov eax, [esi]
call writeChar
add esi, type charArr
mov al, ' '
call writeChar
loop L4
call crlf
sub eax, eax
sub edx, edx
mov esi, offset numArr
mov ecx, lengthof numArr
add eax, [esi]
add esi, type numArr
loop L5
mov ecx, lengthof numArr
div ecx
mov ebx, edx
mov edx, offset prompt5
call writeString
call writeDec
call crlf
; reversing and combining arrays
mov esi, offset newArr
mov edi, offset charArr + type numArr
mov ecx, lengthof newArr
mov edx, offset prompt6
call writeString
mov eax, [edi]
dec edi
mov [esi], eax
add esi, type newArr
loop L6
mov esi, offset newArr + type numArr
mov edi, offset numArr + type numArr * type numArr
mov ecx, lengthof newArr
mov eax, [edi]
sub edi, type numArr
mov [esi], eax
add esi, type newArr
loop L7
mov esi, offset newArr
mov ecx, lengthof newArr
mov edx, offset prompt7
mov eax, [esi]
call writeChar
add esi, type numArr
call writeDec
add esi, type numArr
call writeString
loop L8