Duplicate element being added through for loop

时间:2017-10-30 15:32:50

标签: python python-2.7 list for-loop del

NOTE: I do not want to use del

I am trying to understand algorithms better which is why I want to avoid the built-in del statement.

I am populating a list of 10 randomly generated numbers. I then am trying to remove an item from the list by index, using a for loop:

if remove_index < lst_size:
   for value in range(remove_index, lst_size-1):
        lst[value] = lst[value+1]
    lst_size -= 1

Everything works fine, except that the loop is adding the last item twice. Meaning, if the 8th item has the value 4, it will add a 9th item also valued 4. I am not sure why it is doing this. I still am able to move the value at the selected index (while moving everything up), but it adds on the duplicate.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的列表中没有添加任何内容。它始于$( document ).ready(function() { $('ul.feed li').first().addClass('top'); $('ul.feed li').last().addClass('stack'); var touch = $('ul.feed li.top').offset().left; var pullLeftLimit = touch - 15; var stackPos = $('ul.feed li.stack').position(); console.log('Stack Of Cards at: ' + stackPos.left + ' top: ' + stackPos.top); $($('.content ul li').get().reverse()).each(function(i, el) { $(el).css('z-index', i + 1); var degrees = Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) - 10); $(el).css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)', '-moz-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)', '-ms-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)', '-o-transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)', 'transform' : 'rotate('+degrees+'deg)', 'zoom' : 1 }); }); $( function() { $( ".draggable" ).draggable({ axis: "x", drag: function( event, ui ) { var newTouch = $('ul.feed li.top').offset().left; if(pullLeftLimit > newTouch){ $(this).addClass('swipe'); setTimeout(function(){ $(this).css({top: stackPos.top, left: stackPos.left}); }, 1000); } } }); }); $(function(){ $( ".cover" ).on( "swipe", swipeHandler ); function swipeHandler( event ){ $( this ).parent().addClass( "swipe" ); } }); function stackMe(){ console.log('test'); } }); 元素,并且由于您不会删除任何元素,因此在您完成操作时它会保留相同的数字。



仅仅递减del对列表没有影响 - 虽然您可能正在使用它来存储列表的大小,但它们没有连接,而更改一个对另一个没有影响。