
时间:2017-10-28 23:31:37

标签: assembly x86 irvine32





编辑:我修改了我的代码和我正在使用的功能。我现在正在做:l_(i-1) * (-1)x^2/(2i)(2i+1)


INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

negone      REAL8 -1.0
inputx      REAL8 ? 
one         REAL8 1.0
istu        REAL8 1.0
two         REAL8 2.0
inputa      REAL8 ?
inputb      REAL8 ?
inputc      REAL8 ?
result      REAL8 ?

prompt      BYTE    "Enter an Integer for X",0dh,0ah,0
resultPrompt BYTE   "The result of sine (your angle) is: ",0

main PROC
finit                   ; initializes floating point
mov edx,OFFSET prompt   ; offsets the prompt
call WriteString        ; writes prompt
call ReadFloat          ; read input of the value
fst inputx              ; save input of user
fmul inputx             ; Multiplies for X Squared
fmul negone             ; Multiplies X by negative 1
fst inputa              ; Inputs answer into inputa
mov eax, 2              ; move 2 into eax
fmul istu               ; Multiplies this by i
fst inputb              ; inputs answer into inputb
mov eax, 2              ; moves 2 into eax
fmul istu               ; multiplies that by i
fadd one                ; adds 1
fst inputc              ; places this into inputc
fmul inputb             ; multiplies input c with input b
fdiv inputa             ; divides whole by input a
fsub inputx             ; subtracts x
fst result              ; places this into result
mov eax, 0              ; moves i into eax
fadd istu
inc eax                 ; increments i
fst istu
cmp eax,10              ; compares i with 10
je endloop              ; if 10, end the loop
mov edx,OFFSET resultPrompt ; offsets result
call WriteString        ; write prompt
call WriteFloat
call Crlf
call waitmsg
main ENDP
END main

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