
时间:2017-10-28 13:18:00

标签: javascript ecmascript-6 promise es6-promise chain




l <- 0.5 # bone 1/2 thickness (cm)
x_vec <- c(0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.30, 0.45) # distance along the bone (cm)
U48meas <- c(1.195, 1.197, 1.199, 1.201, 1.209) # measured (234U/238U)
Th0U8meas <- c(0.43, 0.44, 0.46, 0.47, 0.51) # measured (230Th/238U)

paraminit <- c(5*10e-13, 10e3, 1.2) # initial parameters: D/R, age (yr) and (234U/238U) at the surface
lowerbound <- c(1e-14, 1e4, 1) # minimum values: D/R, age (yr) and (234U/238U) at the surface
upperbound <- c(1e-12, 60e3, 1.3) # maximum values: D/R, age (yr) and (234U/238U) at the surface

A1_0 <- 0.025 # (238U) activity at the surface of the bone (disintegrations per second)

l234 <- 2.8262e-6/(365.25*24*3600) # 234U decay constant (s-1)
l230 <- 9.1577e-6/(365.25*24*3600) # 230Th decay constant (s-1)

length_series <- 100 # number of n in the series sum

funmin <- function(x) {
  K <- x[1] # D/R diffusion coefficient/volumetric equilibirum constant
  t <- x[2] # age in yr
  t <- t*(365.25*24*3600) # convert age to seconds
  U48_0 <- x[3] # (234U/238U) at the surface
  A2_0 <- U48_0*A1_0 # (234U) activity at the surface (disintegrations per second)
  DA2_0 <- A2_0 - A1_0 # (234U) activity excess at the surface of the bone (disintegrations per second)

  # create vectors
  series238 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  series234 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  series230 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  beta234 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  beta230 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  gamma <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  A1 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))
  DA2 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))
  A3 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))
  f <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))

  i <- 0

  for (x in x_vec){
    for (n in 0:length_series){
      # series238[n+1] <- (-1)^n/(2*n + 1)*exp(-K*((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
      series238[n+1] <- (-1)/(2*n + 1)*exp(-K*((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
      beta234[n+1] <- 1 + 4*l234*(l^2)/((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*K
      beta230[n+1] <- l230 - l234 - K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2/(4*l^2)
      gamma[n+1] <- l230*(1/(beta230[n+1] + l234) + (U48_0 - 1)*exp(-l234*t)/(beta234[n+1]*beta230[n+1]))
      # series234[n+1] <- (-1)^n/((2*n + 1)*beta234[n+1])*exp(-l234*t-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
      # series230[n+1] <- (-1)^n/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
      series234[n+1] <- (-1)/((2*n + 1)*beta234[n+1])*exp(-l234*t-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
      series230[n+1] <- (-1)/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    sum_series238 <- sum(series238)  
    sum_series234 <- sum(series234)  
    sum_series230 <- sum(series230)
    i <- i+1
    A1[i] <- A1_0*(1 - 4/pi*sum_series238) # (238U) activity (disintegrations per second)
    DA2[i] <- DA2_0*(cosh(x*(l234/K)^0.5)/(cosh(l*l234/K)^0.5) - 4/pi*sum_series234) # (234U) activity excess (disintegrations per second)

    # calculate 'f' used to calculate A3
    t0 <- 0
    series230_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
    beta234_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
    beta230_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
    gamma_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
    for (n in 0:length_series){
      beta234_0[n+1] <- 1 + 4*l234*(l^2)/((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*K
      beta230_0[n+1] <- l230 - l234 - K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2/(4*l^2)
      gamma_0[n+1] <- l230*(1/(beta230[n+1] + l234) + (U48_0 - 1)*exp(-l234*t0)/(beta234[n+1]*beta230[n+1]))
      # series230_0[n+1] <- (-1)^n/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t0/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
      series230_0[n+1] <- (-1)/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t0/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    sum_series230_0 <- sum(series230_0)
    f[i] <- - A1_0*(1 + (U48_0 - 1)*cosh(x*(l234/K)^0.5)/(cosh(l*(l234/K)^0.5) - 4/pi*sum_series230_0))*exp(-l230*t)
    A3[i] <- f[i] + A1_0*(1 + (U48_0 - 1)*cosh(x*(l234/K)^0.5)/(cosh(l*(l234/K)^0.5) - 4/pi*sum_series230)) # (230Th) activity (disintegrations per second)
  A2 <- DA2 + A1 # (234U) activity (disintegrations per second)
  U48calc <- A2/A1 # (234U/238U)
  Th0U8calc <- A3/A1 # (230Th/238U)
  Th0U4calc <- A3/A2 # (230Th/234U)
  fmin <- sum((U48calc - U48meas)^2 + (Th0U8calc - Th0U8meas)^2 ) # function to minimise

sol <- optim(paraminit, funmin, method = "L-BFGS-B",
             lower = lowerbound, upper = upperbound)

print(sol) # display result of minimisation

# calculate ratios with solutions from minimisation

x_vec <- c(0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.30, 0.45)

K <- sol$par[1] # D/R diffusion coefficient/volumetric equilibirum constant
t <- sol$par[2] # age in yr
t <- t*(365.25*24*3600)
U48_0 <- sol$par[3]
A2_0 <- U48_0*A1_0
DA2_0 <- A2_0 - A1_0 # (234U) excess at the surface of the bone (disintegrations per second)

series238 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
series234 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
series230 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
beta234 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
beta230 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
gamma <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
A1 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))
DA2 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))
A3 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))
f <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(x_vec))

i <- 0

for (x in x_vec){
  for (n in 0:length_series){
    # series238[n+1] <- (-1)^n/(2*n + 1)*exp(-K*((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    series238[n+1] <- (-1)/(2*n + 1)*exp(-K*((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    beta234[n+1] <- 1 + 4*l234*(l^2)/((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*K
    beta230[n+1] <- l230 - l234 - K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2/(4*l^2)
    gamma[n+1] <- l230*(1/(beta230[n+1] + l234) + (U48_0 - 1)*exp(-l234*t)/(beta234[n+1]*beta230[n+1]))
    # series234[n+1] <- (-1)^n/((2*n + 1)*beta234[n+1])*exp(-l234*t-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    # series230[n+1] <- (-1)^n/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    series234[n+1] <- (-1)/((2*n + 1)*beta234[n+1])*exp(-l234*t-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    series230[n+1] <- (-1)/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
  sum_series238 <- sum(series238)  
  sum_series234 <- sum(series234)  
  sum_series230 <- sum(series230)
  i <- i+1
  A1[i] <- A1_0*(1 - 4/pi*sum_series238)
  DA2[i] <- DA2_0*(cosh(x*(l234/K)^0.5)/(cosh(l*l234/K)^0.5) - 4/pi*sum_series234)

  t0 <- 0
  series230_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  beta234_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  beta230_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  gamma_0 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length_series+1)
  for (n in 0:length_series){
    beta234_0[n+1] <- 1 + 4*l234*(l^2)/((2*n + 1)^2)*pi^2*K
    beta230_0[n+1] <- l230 - l234 - K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2/(4*l^2)
    gamma_0[n+1] <- l230*(1/(beta230[n+1] + l234) + (U48_0 - 1)*exp(-l234*t0)/(beta234[n+1]*beta230[n+1]))
    # series230_0[n+1] <- (-1)^n/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t0/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
    series230_0[n+1] <- (-1)/(2*n + 1)*gamma[n+1]*exp(-K*(2*n + 1)^2*pi^2*t0/(4*l^2))*cos((2*n + 1)/2*pi*x/l)
  sum_series230_0 <- sum(series230_0)
  f[i] <- - A1_0*(1 + (U48_0 - 1)*cosh(x*(l234/K)^0.5)/(cosh(l*(l234/K)^0.5) - 4/pi*sum_series230_0))*exp(-l230*t)
  A3[i] <- f[i] + A1_0*(1 + (U48_0 - 1)*cosh(x*(l234/K)^0.5)/(cosh(l*(l234/K)^0.5) - 4/pi*sum_series230))
A2 <- DA2 + A1
U48calc <- A2/A1
Th0U8calc <- A3/A1
Th0U4calc <- A3/A2

# create vectors to show data across the bone, not just 1/2 the bone
x_vec <- c(rev(-x_vec/l), x_vec/l) 
U48calc <- c(rev(U48calc), U48calc)
Th0U8calc <- c(rev(Th0U8calc), Th0U8calc)
Th0U4calc <- c(rev(Th0U4calc), Th0U4calc)
U48meas <- c(rev(U48meas), U48meas)
Th0U8meas <- c(rev(Th0U8meas), Th0U8meas)

df <- as.data.frame(cbind(x_vec, U48calc, Th0U8calc, Th0U4calc, U48meas, Th0U8meas))

ggplot() + geom_point(data = df, aes(x_vec, Th0U8calc), colour = 'red', size=3) + 
  geom_point(data = df, aes(x_vec, Th0U8meas), colour = 'blue', size=3) +
  xlab("Normalised distance from the center of the bone") +
ggplot() + geom_point(data = df, aes(x_vec, U48calc), colour = 'red', size=3) + 
  geom_point(data = df, aes(x_vec, U48meas), colour = 'blue', size=3) +
  xlab("Normalised distance from the center of the bone") +


new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { 
    // A mock async action using setTimeout
    setTimeout(function() { resolve(10); }, 3000);

.then(function(num) { 
    console.log('first then: ', num); return num * 2; })

.then(function(num) { 
    setTimeout(function() { 
        console.log('second then: ', num); return num * 2; }, 500);

.then(function(num) { 
    console.log('last then: ', num);

// From the console:
// first then:  10
// last then:  undefined
// second then:  20

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



new Promise(function (resolve) { 
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000);
.then(function (num) { 
    console.log('first then: ', num); return num * 2;
.then(function (num) { 
    return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    	setTimeout(function () { 
            console.log('second then: ', num);
            resolve(num * 2);
        }, 500);
.then(function (num) { 
    console.log('last then: ', num);

