Date Revenue 9-Jan $943,690.00 9-Feb $1,062,565.00 9-Mar $210,079.00 9-Apr -$735,286.00 9-May $842,933.00 9-Jun $358,691.00 9-Jul $914,953.00 9-Aug $723,427.00 9-Sep -$837,468.00 9-Oct -$146,929.00 9-Nov $831,730.00 9-Dec $917,752.00 10-Jan $800,038.00 10-Feb $1,117,103.00 10-Mar $181,220.00 10-Apr $120,968.00 10-May $844,012.00 10-Jun $307,468.00 10-Jul $502,341.00 # This is what I did so far... # Dependencies import csv # Files to load (Remember to change these) file_to_load = "raw_data/budget_data_2.csv" totalrev = 0 count = 0 # Read the csv and convert it into a list of dictionaries with open(file_to_load) as revenue_data: reader = csv.reader(revenue_data) next(reader) for row in reader: count += 1 revenue = float(row[1]) totalrev += revenue for i in range(1,revenue): revenue_change = (revenue[i+1] - revenue[i]) avg_rev_change = sum(revenue_change)/count print("avg rev change: ", avg_rev_change) print ("budget_data_1.csv") print ("---------------------------------") print ("Total Months: ", count) print ("Total Revenue:", totalrev)
我在CSV文件中有以上数据。我在找到收入变化方面遇到了问题,即第1行的收入 - 第0行,第2行 - 第1行等等......最后,我想要总收入变化的总和。我试过循环,但我猜有一些愚蠢的错误。请建议我代码,以便我可以比较我的错误。我是python和编码的新手。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
>>> df
Date Revenue
0 9-Jan $943,690.00
1 9-Feb $1,062,565.00
2 9-Mar $210,079.00
3 9-Apr -$735,286.00
4 9-May $842,933.00
5 9-Jun $358,691.00
6 9-Jul $914,953.00
7 9-Aug $723,427.00
8 9-Sep -$837,468.00
9 9-Oct -$146,929.00
10 9-Nov $831,730.00
11 9-Dec $917,752.00
12 10-Jan $800,038.00
13 10-Feb $1,117,103.00
14 10-Mar $181,220.00
15 10-Apr $120,968.00
16 10-May $844,012.00
17 10-Jun $307,468.00
18 10-Jul $502,341.00
# Remove the dollar sign and any other weird chars
>>> df['Revenue'] = [float(''.join(c for c in row if c in '.1234567890')) for row in df['Revenue']]
>>> df['Diff'] = df['Revenue'] - df['Revenue'].shift(1)
>>> df
Date Revenue Diff
0 9-Jan 943690.0 NaN
1 9-Feb 1062565.0 118875.0
2 9-Mar 210079.0 -852486.0
3 9-Apr 735286.0 525207.0
4 9-May 842933.0 107647.0
5 9-Jun 358691.0 -484242.0
6 9-Jul 914953.0 556262.0
7 9-Aug 723427.0 -191526.0
8 9-Sep 837468.0 114041.0
9 9-Oct 146929.0 -690539.0
10 9-Nov 831730.0 684801.0
11 9-Dec 917752.0 86022.0
12 10-Jan 800038.0 -117714.0
13 10-Feb 1117103.0 317065.0
14 10-Mar 181220.0 -935883.0
15 10-Apr 120968.0 -60252.0
16 10-May 844012.0 723044.0
17 10-Jun 307468.0 -536544.0
18 10-Jul 502341.0 194873.0
答案 1 :(得分:0)
import csv # Files to load (Remember to change these) file_to_load = "raw_data/budget_data_2.csv" # Read the csv and convert it into a list of dictionaries with open(file_to_load) as revenue_data: reader = csv.reader(revenue_data) # use of next to skip first title row in csv file next(reader) revenue = [] date = [] rev_change = [] # in this loop I did sum of column 1 which is revenue in csv file and counted total months which is column 0 for row in reader: revenue.append(float(row[1])) date.append(row[0]) print("Financial Analysis") print("-----------------------------------") print("Total Months:", len(date)) print("Total Revenue: $", sum(revenue)) #in this loop I did total of difference between all row of column "Revenue" and found total revnue change. Also found out max revenue change and min revenue change. for i in range(1,len(revenue)): rev_change.append(revenue[i] - revenue[i-1]) avg_rev_change = sum(rev_change)/len(rev_change) max_rev_change = max(rev_change) min_rev_change = min(rev_change) max_rev_change_date = str(date[rev_change.index(max(rev_change))]) min_rev_change_date = str(date[rev_change.index(min(rev_change))]) print("Avereage Revenue Change: $", round(avg_rev_change)) print("Greatest Increase in Revenue:", max_rev_change_date,"($", max_rev_change,")") print("Greatest Decrease in Revenue:", min_rev_change_date,"($", min_rev_change,")")
Financial Analysis ----------------------------------- Total Months: 86 Total Revenue: $ 36973911.0 Avereage Revenue Change: $ -5955 Greatest Increase in Revenue: Jun-2014 ($ 1645140.0 ) Greatest Decrease in Revenue: May-2014 ($ -1947745.0 )