新手C ++用户试图制作一个使用数组存储名称的程序。输出是一个菜单,您输入一个命令,它执行所述功能。问题是,当我尝试从菜单输入命令时,程序崩溃。编译时我没有收到任何错误或警告,所以我不知道为什么会崩溃。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void addName (string nameList[], const int listMax); //Adds a name
void removeName (string nameList[], const int listMax); //Removes a name
void findName (string nameList[], const int listMax); // Searches for a name in the saved list
void showList (string nameList[], const int listMax); //Shows a list of names currentllistMax stored
void sortList (string nameList[], const int listMax); //Sorts saved names in alphabetical order
//Global Declartions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const int listMax = 50;
// MAIN FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(){
char input; // Variable for when the user inputs their menu selection
string nameList[listMax]; //string called names with the size being namesMax which is 50
cout << "Enter a Command " << endl; //Prompt to choose command from menu
cout << "<A> - Add a name to the database(Max 10)." << endl; //getNames
cout << "<R> - Remove a name from the database" << endl; //removeName
cout << "<F> - Search for a name in the database" << endl; //findName
cout << "<L> - Shows current state of list" << endl; //displalistMaxNames
cout << "<S> - Sorts the database." << endl; //sortNames
cout << "<Q> - Ends the program." << endl; //Exits the program entirellistMax
cin >> input; //Saves the menu choice input
if (input == 'A' ||input == 'a')
addName(nameList, listMax);
else if (input == 'R' || input == 'r')
removeName(nameList, listMax);
else if (input == 'F' || input == 'f')
findName(nameList, listMax);
else if (input == 'L' || input == 'l')
showList(nameList, listMax);
else if (input == 'S' || input == 's')
sortList(nameList, listMax);
else if (input == 'Q' || input == 'q')
return 0;
// ADD NAMES FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void addName(string nameList[], const int listMax){
int x;
for (x = 0; x < listMax; x++) //x = 0 > if x is less than listMax, increment blistMax 1
cout << "Enter a name to be added to the database: ";
cin >> nameList[listMax];
// REMOVE NAMES FUNCTION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeName(string nameList[], const int listMax){
string clearName; //EmptlistMax String
string removeName;
cout << "Enter the name to be removed from the database: ";
cin >> removeName; //The name entered saved to removeName for further computation
for (int x = 0; x < listMax; x++) // x = 0, if x is less than listMax; increment blistMax 1
if(nameList[x] == removeName) // Goes through everlistMax arralistMax level searching to see if it compares to the name saved to removeName
nameList[x] = clearName; // If name is found, assign value of clearnName, which is an emptlistMax string, thus removing it from the arralistMax.
else if(x == listMax - 1) // If it goes through the entire arralistMax and doesnt find a match it outputs that the name could not be found.
cout << "Name not found";
// SEARCH FUNCTION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void findName(string nameList[], const int listMax){
int x = 0;
int z;
bool f = false;
string searchName;
cout << "Enter a name to search for";
cin >> searchName;
while (!f && x <= listMax) //While f and x are equal to / less than listMax
int listMax = (x + z) / 2;
if (nameList[listMax] == searchName) // if our arralistMax is on level listMax then its on the list
f = true;
cout << nameList[listMax] << "is on the list!" <<endl;
else if (nameList[listMax] > searchName)
z = listMax - 1;
x = listMax + 1;
// DISPLAY FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void showList(string nameList[], const int listMax){
cout << nameList[listMax];
// SORT NAMES FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void sortList(string nameList[], const int listMax){
bool sort;
sort = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < listMax - 1; x++)
if (nameList[x] > nameList[x + 1])
sort = 1;
while (sort == 1);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
使用public class Register extends AppCompatActivity {
protected SnapToSellDataSource mDataSource;
public String sFullname;
public String sEmail;
public String sMobileNumber;
public String sPassword;
EditText full_name, email, mobile_number, pwd, copwd;
Button registerButton;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mDataSource = new SnapToSellDataSource(Register.this);
full_name = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText);
email = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText2);
mobile_number = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText3);
pwd = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText4);
copwd = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText5);
registerButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
registerButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Register register = new Register();
String editPassword = pwd.getText().toString();
String editConfirmPassword = copwd.getText().toString();
if(editPassword.equals(editConfirmPassword)) {
//This isn't overwriting the null class variables I
//instantiated so that I can pass them to the class below
sFullname = full_name.getText().toString();
sEmail = email.getText().toString();
sMobileNumber = mobile_number.getText().toString();
sPassword = pwd.getText().toString();