以下代码尝试创建一个Func委托,该委托从原始的func Argument Type转换为另一种类型。
public static Delegate Convert<T1, R>(this Func<T1, R> func, Type argType)
var param = Expression.Parameter(argType);
var convertedParam = new Expression[] { Expression.Convert(param, typeof(T1))};
var call = Expression.Convert(
func.Target == null || func.Target is Closure
? Expression.Call(func.Method, Expression.Constant(func.Target), convertedParam[0])// this path causes the error
: Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(func.Target), func.Method, convertedParam), typeof(R));
var delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(argType, typeof(R));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, call, param);
return lambda.Compile();// BUG: 'MethodInfo must be a runtime MethodInfo object.