
时间:2017-10-26 18:00:29

标签: javascript jquery node.js mongoose cheerio


下面是刮刀;但是,当提入描述时,它还会从链接中“读取我”作为文本。我还想继续摘录,但在最后删除Read More:

app.get("/scraper", function(req, res) {
  // Grabs the body of the html with request
  request("https://techcrunch.com/", function(error, response, html) {
    // Load into cheerio with $ as a shorthand selector
    var $ = cheerio.load(html);
    // Grabs the title, description, and link within the block-content class.
    $(".block-content").each(function(i, element) {

              // Save an empty result object
              var result = {};

              // Saves them as properties of the result object
              result.title = $(this).find(".post-title").children("a").text();
              result.link = $(this).find("a").children(".excerpt").attr("href");
              result.description =$(this).find(".excerpt").text();


        if (result.title && result.link && result.description) {

      // Creates a new entry using the article model

      var entry = new Article(result);

            // Saves that entry to the db
            entry.save(function(err, doc, next) {
              // Log any errors
              if (err) {


{ title: 'Snapcart raises $10M to shed light on consumer spending in emerging markets',
  link: 'https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/25/snapcart-raises-10m/',
  description: 'Taking on a giant like the $15 billion research firm Nielsen is no easy task. But tucked away in Southeast Asia, Snapcart is a two-year old company that is making progress by shining light on the black box that is consumer spending in emerging markets. Read More' }

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result.description =$(this).find(".excerpt").text().replace(' Read More', '');

使用replace会从字符串中删除Read More