
时间:2017-10-26 16:39:32

标签: r dplyr interpolation spline




Q1:如何使用以下功能代码,但限制在每个变量的第一个非var1值和最后一个非wetland值之间进行插值的范围。例如,它只应在深度-8NA插入0,并为深度-14library(tidyverse) test_int <- test %>% group_by(site) %>% mutate_at(vars(c(var1, var2)), funs("i" = if(sum(!is.na(.)) > 1) spline(x=depth, y=., xout=depth)[["y"]] else NA)) 返回0


Q2:有没有办法将我的插值从smooth绑定到loess?或者这不适合样条曲线(例如,我应该使用其他插值方法,例如const Parent = { data() { return { transitionName: "slide-left", transitionDuration: 2.5 }; }, computed: { transitionStyle() { return { 'transition-duration': this.transitionDuration +'s' } } }, beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) { const toDepth = to.path.split("/").length; const fromDepth = from.path.split("/").length; /////////////// // this is where you set the transition duration // replace with your own implementation of setting duration this.transitionDuration = Math.random()*1.5+0.5; /////////////// this.transitionName = toDepth < fromDepth ? "slide-right" : "slide-left"; next(); }, template: ` <div class="parent"> <h2>Parent</h2> {{transitionStyle}} <transition :name="transitionName"> <router-view class="child-view" :style="transitionStyle"></router-view> </transition> </div> ` }; beforeRouteUpdate)?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

不漂亮,但能够过滤掉多余的值。 副作用是它还会过滤掉超出minmax限制的插值。

test_clean <- 
    test %>% 
    group_by(site) %>% 
    mutate_at(vars(c(var1, var2)),
              funs(c("c" = if(sum(!is.na(.)) > 1) 
                            spline(x=depth, y=., xout=depth)[["y"]]
                        else NA),
                    "min" = min(., na.rm = TRUE),
                    "max" = max(., na.rm = TRUE)
              ) %>% 
    mutate(var1_i = if_else(var1_c >= var1_min & var1_c <= var1_max, var1_c, NA_real_),
           var2_i = if_else(var2_c >= var2_min & var2_c <= var2_max, var2_c, NA_real_)) %>% 
    select(site:var2, ends_with("i"))

# A tibble: 14 x 6
# Groups:   site [3]
      site depth  var1  var2 var1_i   var2_i
    <fctr> <int> <int> <int>  <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 wetland     0    NA     1     NA 1.000000
 2 wetland    -3     1    NA    1.0 3.078125
 3 wetland    -4     3     3    3.0 3.000000
 4 wetland    -8    NA     4     NA 4.000000
 5 wetland   -10     6     8    6.0 8.000000
 6 wetland   -14    NA    NA     NA       NA
 7    lake     0     1    NA    1.0       NA
 8    lake    -1     2    NA    2.0       NA
 9    lake    -3    NA    NA    3.4       NA
10    lake    -5     4    NA    4.0       NA
11  stream     0     1    NA    1.0       NA
12  stream    -2    NA     2    2.0       NA
13  stream    -4    NA    NA    3.0       NA
14  stream    -6     4    NA    4.0       NA


# A tibble: 14 x 12
# Groups:   site [3]
      site depth  var1  var2     var1_c    var2_c var1_min var2_min var1_max var2_max var1_i   var2_i
    <fctr> <int> <int> <int>      <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 wetland     0    NA     1 -7.5714286  1.000000        1        1        6        8     NA 1.000000
 2 wetland    -3     1    NA  1.0000000  3.078125        1        1        6        8    1.0 3.078125
 3 wetland    -4     3     3  3.0000000  3.000000        1        1        6        8    3.0 3.000000
 4 wetland    -8    NA     4  6.7142857  4.000000        1        1        6        8     NA 4.000000
 5 wetland   -10     6     8  6.0000000  8.000000        1        1        6        8    6.0 8.000000
 6 wetland   -14    NA    NA -0.5714286 30.750000        1        1        6        8     NA       NA
 7    lake     0     1    NA  1.0000000        NA        1      Inf        4     -Inf    1.0       NA
 8    lake    -1     2    NA  2.0000000        NA        1      Inf        4     -Inf    2.0       NA
 9    lake    -3    NA    NA  3.4000000        NA        1      Inf        4     -Inf    3.4       NA
10    lake    -5     4    NA  4.0000000        NA        1      Inf        4     -Inf    4.0       NA
11  stream     0     1    NA  1.0000000        NA        1        2        4        2    1.0       NA
12  stream    -2    NA     2  2.0000000        NA        1        2        4        2    2.0       NA
13  stream    -4    NA    NA  3.0000000        NA        1        2        4        2    3.0       NA
14  stream    -6     4    NA  4.0000000        NA        1        2        4        2    4.0       NA