
时间:2017-10-26 12:53:36

标签: regex flex-lexer

所以我想将每个#替换为whitespace on the end of line,将每个@替换为@,但我的程序不会终止它只写aTAB时为a输入我给了%{ #include<stdio.h> int yylex(); %} %% ^[[:space:]]* printf("#"); ([:space:]*)$ printf("@"); %% int main() { yylex(); } ,就像带有空格的符号$一样。

from googleapiclient import smaple_tools

我刚刚开始学习flex,我觉得有点困惑,public _dSubject: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject(null); autorefresh(filterObj) { return Observable.timer(60000).subscribe(() => this.callAPI()); } callAPI() { const url = this.endpointURL + '/xyz'; this.subscription = this.http.post(url, filterObj, this.headerObj) .map((res: Response) => { let response = res.json(); return response; }) .subscribe( response => { this._dSubject.next(response); }, error => (this.handleError(error)) ); } 符号如何工作,不应该检查行尾的模式?谢谢你的帮助

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