如何使用android studio 3.0设置GCE开发服务器

时间:2017-10-26 12:40:50

标签: android android-studio google-cloud-endpoints

只需安装新的 android studio 3.0 ,我就无法在android studio模块中找到 google cloud endpoint

请如何使用最新的 android studio 3.0

设置Google Cloud Endpoint

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In This link the Read.MD That is Provided By GoogleCloudPlatform specifically for endpoints-framework-gradle-plugin has a few modifications due to issue they have found ... It Worked For me as i had the same issue , do the modifications until this line "If you have a particularly complicated buildscript classpath bringing in a lot of dependencies with cryptic error messages like"

clean and build your app and try to run your backend module

here is the link : https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/endpoints-framework-gradle-plugin/blob/master/ANDROID_README.md

you might face an issue of jsr305 or so ...

add configurations.all in your build.gradle (app) as below

android {
configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.force    'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:1.3.9'

you might another issue called Can't start process working directory ............................. exploded-app folder doesn't exist

in order to solve this

modify the backend/backend.iml


<option name="WAR_DIR" value="$MODULE_DIR$/build/exploded-app" />


<option name="WAR_DIR" value="$MODULE_DIR$/build/exploded-backend" />

if you faced anything let me know i have been going through hit and miss so i faced some issues that might occur to you

note: check the "Android Studio" section specially the "Run" part because it's telling you that you need to run the local development server using the gradle task appengineStart which starts the development server in non-blocking mode