输入Excel / Datatable
Domain Username Details
x sam1 1234 //row1
x jack1 4412 //row2
x sam1 1233 //row3
y jack1 4442 //row4
z jason1 5522 //row5
x sam1 8949 //row6
Row Domain Username Details ErrorMessage
1 x sam1 1234 Duplicate row for r3, r6
3 x sam1 1233 Duplicate row for r1, r6
6 x sam1 8949 Duplicate row for r1, r3
Row Domain Username Details
2 x jack1 4412 //not duplicate with row4 because different domain
4 y jack1 4442 //row4
5 z jason1 5522
public class Record
public long Row { get; set; }
public string Domain { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Details { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage{ get; set; }
public bool IsValid { get;set; }
DataTable excelDataTable = ... //read excel into datatable
foreach (DataRow row in excelDataTable.Rows) //loop through each row of the datatable
StringBuilder errorStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); //stores string error message because there would be more validations
Record record = new Record() {
Domain = row["Domain"].ToString(),
Username = row["Username "].ToString(),
Details = row["Details"].ToString(),
if(most efficient way to determine if row has duplicates which returns bool)
//most efficient way to get the other rows that the current row duplicates
errorStringBuilder.Append("Duplicate with: "..)//append rows that it duplicates
if(errorStringBuilder.Length != 0)
record.ErrorMessage = sb.toString();
record.IsValid = false;
return new List().Add(
new Record(){Row=1, Domain=x, Username=sam1, Details=1234, ErrorMessage=Duplicate row for r3, r6,IsValid=false}
new Record(){Row=2, Domain=x, Username=jack1, Details=4412, ErrorMessage=,IsValid=true}
new Record(){Row=3, Domain=x, Username=sam1, Details=1233, ErrorMessage=Duplicate row for r3, r6,IsValid=false}
new Record(){Row=4, Domain=y, Username=jack1, Details=4442, ErrorMessage=,IsValid=true}
new Record(){Row=5, Domain=z, Username=jason1, Details=5522, ErrorMessage=,IsValid=true}
new Record(){Row=6, Domain=x, Username=sam1, Details=8949, ErrorMessage=Duplicate row for r3, r6,IsValid=false});
答案 0 :(得分:2)
var usernameDomainGroups = excelDataTable.AsEnumerable()
.Select((r, index) => new { Row = row, RowNumber = index + 1})
.GroupBy(x => new {UserName = x.Row.Field<string>("Username"), Domain = x.Row.Field<string>("Domain")});
foreach (var group in usernameDomainGroups)
bool isValid = !group.Skip(1).Any();
if (isValid)
recordList.Add(new Record
Row = group.First().RowNumber,
Domain = group.Key.Domain,
Username = group.Key.UserName,
Details = group.First().Row.Field<string>("Details"),
IsValid = true,
ErrorMessage = null
// tricky part, if you need further help ask
// start with group.Select(r => new Record ....
// then you can use recordList.AddRange(...)