
时间:2017-10-25 10:58:23

标签: android android-recyclerview kotlin android-custom-view android-touch-event

我的横向RecyclerView包含leftPadding = 48dptopPadding = 24dpclipToPadding = false。它从左侧的空白区域开始,但是当用户滚动列表时,其项目将在该(先前为空)空间上绘制。顶部空格总是空的。

enter image description here

RecyclerView位于带有foreground = selectableItemBackground的FrameLayout内。

我的问题来自RecyclerView消耗并忽略左侧和顶部空格上的触摸,这意味着OnClickListener不会被触发,这两者都附加到{{1} }或FrameLayout

我已尝试使用RecyclerViewclickable = false focusable = false,但它无效。


  1. 可滚动RecyclerView enter image description here
  2. 可点击的RecyclerViewenter image description here
  3. 单击RecyclerView空格时
  4. FrameLayout点击事件
  5. (替代3)可点击RecyclerView's个空格 enter image description here enter image description here
  6. 编辑:我创建了一个简单的项目,显示我正在谈论的问题: 有两个提交,第一个我试图抓住父视图的点击,第二个我试图抓住RecyclerView本身的点击。它们都不起作用。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


class MyRecyclerView @JvmOverloads constructor(
        context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : RecyclerView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {

    private var isValid = false
    private var x: Int = 0
    private var y: Int = 0
    // this will help us to understand whether the event can be considered a touch or scroll
    private val delta: Int = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).scaledTouchSlop

    override fun onTouchEvent(e: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
        val onTouchEvent = super.onTouchEvent(e)
        when (e?.action) {
            MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
                // saving initial touch location
                x = e.rawX.toInt()
                y = e.rawY.toInt()
                isValid = true
            MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> {
                if (Math.abs(e.rawX - x) > delta ||
                        Math.abs(e.rawY - y) > delta) {
                    // if a scroll happens - no longer consider this movement as valid
                    // this is needed for handling scroll on the inner part of `RecyclerView`                            
                    isValid = false
            MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> {
                if (isValid && Math.abs(e.rawX - x) < delta &&
                        Math.abs(e.rawY - y) < delta &&
                        isInRightArea(e)) {
                    // 1. if the movement is still valid
                    // 2. we have actually performed a click                            
                    // 3. the click is in expected rectangle
                    // then perform click
        return onTouchEvent

    // This is needed in order to handle the edge case, when a click listener 
    // would be fired when performing a click between the items of `RecyclerView`
    private fun isInRightArea(e: MotionEvent): Boolean {
        val r = Rect()
        r.left = paddingLeft = + paddingTop
        return !r.contains(e.rawX.toInt(), e.rawY.toInt())



enter image description here