
时间:2017-10-25 05:58:14

标签: python

我试图通过使用python链表和类来构建Shipyard函数。 这就是我现在所拥有的:

class Package:

    def __init__(self,owner,destination,weight):
    self.weight = weight # sets the package weight to the weight that is input
    self.destination = destination # sets the package destination to the destination that was input
    self.owner = owner # sets the package owner to the owner that was input
    self.ID = self.ID() # calls the ID function to make a unique ID
    self.nPack = None # used to singuly link list in a container

def ID(self):
    global packnum
    package == 100000 + packnum # adds the package number to 100000 to make the ID
    packnum += 1 # increases pack num by 1
    return package # returns the ID

def readIn(self,Id):
    self.ID = Id # sets the package.id to the sent id

class Container:

def __init__(self,P):
    self.destination = P.destination # makes the container desintaion to that of the first package
    self.weight = P.weight # makes the container weigh as much as the only package in the list
    self.fpackage = P # a pointer that points to the first package in the container
    self.ID = self.ID() # calls ID() to make a custom conainer ID
    self.nt = None # pointer that points to the next container in the yard
    self.lt = None # pointer that points to the previous container in the yard

def readIn(self,Id):
    self.ID = Id # sets the container ID to that of the file
    self.fpackage = None # makes it so there is no package in the container
    self.weight = 0 # sets teh weight to 0

def ID(self):
    global conNum # holds the number of container that exist + 1
    contain = 300000 + conNum # adds conNum to 300000 to make an ID
    conNum += 1 # increments conNum
    return contain #returns the ID

def maxweight(self,P):
    if (self.weight + P.weight) > 2000: # if the package will put the container over the limit
        return 1 # returns true
        return 0 # if the package will fit returns false

def add(self,P,N):
    if self.fpackage == None: # if there are no packages in the container
        self.fpackage = P # makes the new package equal the head
        self.weight += P.weight # adds the weigh into the container
    elif P.weight < self.fpackage.weight: # if the package is lighter than the current first package
        P.nPack = self.fpackage # makes the P.nPack point to the current head
        self.fpackage = P # makes P the new head
        self.weight += P.weight # adds the weight of P to the container
    elif N.nPack == None: # if the current package being looked at is the end of the list
        N.nPack = P # makes the end point to P making P the new end
        self.weight += P.weight # adds the weight to the container
    elif N.nPack.weight >= P.weight: # if the next package is larger than the new package
        P.nPack = N.nPack # makes p point the the next package
        N.nPack = P # makes the current package point to the new package
        self.weight += P.weight # adds teh weight of P into the container
    else: # if none of the above are true
        self.add(P, N.nPack) # recurses forward in the list

def search(self,Id,pack):
    found = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the ID is found in the container
    noin = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the ID was not found in the container
    while found == 0 and noin == 0: # runs till one of teh two variable are make true
        if pack.ID == Id: # if the current package is the one being looked for
            found = 1 # makes found = 1
        elif pack.nPack == None: # if the current package being looked at is the last in the list
            noin = 1 # sets noin to 1
        else: # if neather of the above is true
            pack = pack.nPack # moves to the next package in the list
    if found == 0 and noin == 1: # if the package was not found
        return 2 # returns 2
    elif found == 1: # if the package was found in the container
        return 1 # returns 1

def remove(self,Id,pack):
    found = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the package was removed
    noin = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the package was not found in the current container
    while found == 0 and noin == 0: # while both variable are false
        if self.fpackage.ID == Id: # if the first package in the list is the target
            self.weight -= pack.weight # removes the weight of the package from the container
            self.fpackage = pack.nPack # makes the head point to the second package in the container
            found = 1 # sets found to 1
        elif pack.nPack == None: # if the current package is the end of the list
            noin = 1 # sets noin to 1
        elif pack.nPack.ID == Id: # if the next package is the target
            self.weight -= pack.nPack.weight # removes the targest weight from the container
            pack.nPack = pack.nPack.nPack #  makes the current package point to the package after the target
            found = 1 # sets found to 1
        else: # if none of the above are true
            pack = pack.nPack # moves to the next package in the list
    if found == 0 and noin == 1: # if the package was not found
        return 2 # returns 2
    elif found == 1: # if the package was found
        return 1 # returns 1

def writeall(self,pack,file):
    if pack != None: # if its not the last package
        file.write(str(pack.ID) + ', ' + pack.owner +', ' + str(pack.weight) +'\n') # creates a string of the ID, Ownerm weight of the package
        self.writeall(pack.nPack,file) # recurses to the next package in the list

def printall(self,pack):
    if pack != None: # if its not the last package in the container
        print ('  ' + str(pack.ID) + ' , ' + pack.owner + ' , ' + pack.destination + ' , ' + str(pack.weight)) # prints out the ID, owner and weight of the package
        self.printall(pack.nPack) # recureses to the next package in the list

class Shipyard:

def __init__(self):
    self.cCount = 0 # sets teh number of container to 0
    self.FContainer = None # sets the first container refrence to None

def readIn(self,file):
    n = file.readline()
    while n != '': # while not at the end of the file
        if n[0] == '%': # if the read in information is for a container
            line = [] # a blank list to put the good character into
            for x in n: # goes through all the letters
                if x.isalpha() == 1 or x.isdigit() or x == ' ': # checks if its a character to keep
                    line.append(x) # puts the character into the list
            l = ''.join(line) # reforms all the words from the individual charcters
            l = l.split(' ') # makes a list fo the values
            l.pop(0) # removes the blank value in the 0 spot of teh list
            dest = l[1] # makes the destination equal the input value(used when adding packages)
            tem = Package('temp',l[1].capitalize(),2000) # makes a temporary package that will make a new container
            temp = Container(tem) # makes a container with the temp package
            temp.readIn(int(l[0])) # makes the container empty but set to the destination
            self.place(temp,self.FContainer) # puts the container in its appropriate place in teh yard(alphabeticly by destination)
            n = file.readline() # reads the next line of the file
        else: # if the line was a package
            line = [] # a blank list to put the good character into
            for x in n: # goes through all the letters
                if x.isalpha() == 1 or x.isdigit() or x == ' ' or x == '_': # checks if its a character to keep
                    line.append(x) # puts the character into the list
            l = ''.join(line) # reforms all the words from the individual charcters
            l = l.split(' ') # makes a list of the read values
            if len(l) == 4: # if the file input is like the exapmle with the name seperated
                a = l[0] # sets a to the ID
                b = str(l[1] + '_' + l[2]) # combins the first and last name seperated by a _
                c = l[3] # makes c = weight
                l = [a,b,c] # remakes the list of values
            P = Package(l[1], dest.capitalize(), int(l[2])) # makes a package using the values in the list
            P.readIn(int(l[0])) # sets the package Id to that from the file
            self.fillContainer(P,self.FContainer) # adds the package into the appropriate container
            n = file.readline() # eads teh next line in the file

def place(self,P,F):
    if self.FContainer == None: # if there are no containers in the yard
        self.FContainer = P # sets the first container to the empty container
    elif P.destination < self.FContainer.destination: # if the destaintion of the empty container comes before the first container
        self.FContainer.lt = P # make the current first container previous point to the empty container
        P.nt = self.FContainer # sets the empty conainers next pointer to point at the current first Container
        self.FContainer = P # sets the empty container to the yards first containers
    elif F.nt != None and P.destination >= F.nt.destination: # if the destination of the empty container comes after the next container in the list
        self.place(P,F.nt) # recurse so with the next container in the list being the current
    elif F.nt != None and P.destination < F.nt.destination: # if the next containers destination comes after the new containers destination
        F.nt.lt = P # sets the next containers previous pointer to point to the new container
        P.nt = F.nt # sets the new container's next pointer to point to the next container
        P.lt = F # sets the new container's previous pointer to point to the current container
        F.nt = P  # sets the current container's next pointer to point to the new container
    elif F.nt == None: # if the current container is the end of the list
        F.nt = P # makes the current container's next pointer point to the new container
        P.lt = F # makes the new container's previous pointer point to the current container

def Search(self,Id,dest,cont):
    found = 0 # a variable that is used to keep track if the package is found
    while cont.destination == dest and found == 0: # if the current container's destination is the same as the input one and the package is not found
        found = cont.search(Id,cont.fpackage) # searches throught the packages of the current container looking for the matching package ID
    if found == 1: # if the package was found
        return cont # it returns the container class of the current container
    elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination <= dest and found != 1: # if the package was not found and the next container's destination is less than or matches the target
        return self.Search(Id,dest,cont.nt) # recurses with the next container being the current
    elif cont.nt == None or cont.nt.destination > dest: # if there is no next container or the next container's destination is larger than the target
        return 0   # return 0

def fillContainer(self,New,cont):
    if self.FContainer == None: # if there are no containers in the yard yet
        self.FContainer = Container(New) # makes the first container point to the new container
    elif New.destination == cont.destination: # if the current container has the same destination as the package
        # the next if statment checks if there is no room in the container and if the next container is to a diffrent destination
        if cont.maxweight(New) == 1 and cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination != New.destination:
            self.newcontainer(cont,cont.nt,New) # if it passes it inserts a new container between the two
        # the next if statment passes if there is no room in the container and the next container is to the same destination
        elif cont.maxweight(New) == 1 and cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination == New.destination: 
            self.fillContainer(New,cont.nt) # it recurses with with the next container being the current
        elif cont.maxweight(New) == 1 and cont.nt == None: # this checks if this container is the last in line and there is no room left in the container
            c = Container(New) # makes a new container set to c
            c.lt = cont # makes c's previous pointer point to the current container
            cont.nt = c # makes the current container's next point point to c
        else: # if it fails all the above if statments
            cont.add(New,cont.fpackage) # it adds the package to the current container
    elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination <= New.destination: # if the next container's destination is less than or equal to the package destination
        self.fillContainer(New,cont.nt) # puts the packahe into the next container
    elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination > New.destination and cont.destination < New.destination:
        self.newcontainer(cont,cont.nt,New) # makes a new container with the package in it that is placed between the current and next container
    else: # if the current container is the first or last container
        if New.destination < cont.destination: # if the package destination comes before the first containers destination
            c = Container(New) # makes a new container with the package
            c.nt = cont # makes the new container point to current container
            cont.lt = c # makes the current container point back to the new container
            self.FContainer = c # makes the new container the first container in the yard
        else: # if the current container is the last in the list
            c = Container(New) # makes a new container with the package
            c.lt = cont # makes the new container point back to the last in the list
            cont.nt = c # makes the last container in the list point to the new container

def newcontainer(self,cont,contn,New):
    new = Container(New) # makes the new container
    contn.lt = new # makes the later container point back to new
    cont.nt = new  # makes the first container point to new
    new.nt = contn # makes new point forward to the later container
    new.lt = cont  # makes new point back to the first container

def locate(self,dest,cont):
    if cont.destination == dest: # if the containers destination is the same as the peramiter
        return cont # returns the container
    elif cont.nt != None: # if the next container is not none 
        return self.locate(dest,cont.nt) # recurses to the next container
        return 0 # returns 0 if no matching container is found

def remove(self,Id,dest,cont):
    found = 0 # if package has been found
    while cont.destination == dest and found == 0: # while the container is for the same destination and the package has not been found
        found = cont.remove(Id,cont.fpackage) # it goes through the contianer to try and find the package
    if found == 1: # if the package was found in the container
        if cont.fpackage == None: # if there is no more packages in the container
            if cont.lt == None and cont.nt == None: # if there are no more packages in the yard
                self.FContainer = None # sets the first container in the yard to None
            elif cont.lt == None and cont.nt != None: # if the container is the first container
                self.FContainer = cont.nt # makes the first container pointer point to the next container
            elif cont.lt != None and cont.nt == None:
                cont.lt.nt = None
            else: # if there is a before and after the current container
                cont.lt.nt = cont.nt # makes the previous container point to the next container
                cont.nt.lt = cont.lt # makes the next container point back to the previous container
    elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination <= dest and found != 1: # if the next container has a lower or equal destination as the target
        self.remove(Id,dest,cont.nt) # recurses with the next container being set as the current

def printMD(self,dest,cont):
    if cont.destination == dest: # if the container is going to the target destination
        print('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + ', ' + str(cont.weight)) # prints out the information for the destination
        cont.printall(cont.fpackage) # calls print all that prints the packages in the container
    if cont.nt != None: # if not at the end of the list of containers
        self.printMD(dest,cont.nt) # moves to the next container

def fileWrite(self,cont,file):
    if cont == None: # if there is no more containers
        file.close() # closes the file
    else: # if there is still containers to be writen
        file.write('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + '\n') # writes the container information to the file
        cont.writeall(cont.fpackage,file) # writes the packages in the container to the file
        self.fileWrite(cont.nt,file) # uses recursion to go to the next container

def printMA(self,cont):
    if cont == None: # if there are no more containers
        None # terminates the function
        print('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + ', ' + str(cont.weight)) # prints out the container information
        cont.printall(cont.fpackage) # prints out all the packages in the container
        self.printMA(cont.nt) # goes to the next container in the list

def printCC(self,cont):
    if cont == None: # if there are no more containers
        None # terminates teh function
        print('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + ', Has ' + str(2000 - cont.weight) + ' Pounds of space left') # prints the information for the current container
        self.printCC(cont.nt) # goes to the next container

def shipout(self):
    weight = 0 # a variable that keeps track of the weight of the containers shiped out
    count = 0 # keeps track of the number of containers shipped out
    dest = input("What destinations do you want to send containers to: \n") # gets the target destination from the user
    dest = dest.capitalize()
    first = self.locate(dest,self.FContainer) # finds the first container with a matching destination
    if first == 0: # if no containers have a matching destination
        print("There are no container to go to that destination \n") # prints a message stating there are no containers
    else: # else there were containers
        st = first # keeps track of the first container
        while first.nt != None and first.destination == dest: # while the container equals the target
            count += 1 # increases the container count by 1
            weight += first.weight # adds the weight of the container to the weight
            first = first.nt # moves first to the next container
        if st.lt == None and first.destination != dest: # if the first container was the start
            first.lt = None # makes the last container looked at point back to None
            self.FContainer = first # makes thefirst container in the yard equal first
            print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # prints out the final statment
        elif st.lt != None and first.nt == None and first.destination == dest: # if the final container is the end of the list
            weight += first.weight # adds the weight of the last container
            count += 1 # adds 1 to the count of containers
            st.lt.nt = None # makes the container before st point to None
            print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # prints out the end statment
        elif st.lt == None and first.nt == None and first.destination == dest: # if the all of the containers were shipped out
            weight += first.weight # adds the weight of the last container to the count
            count += 1 # increases the number of container by one
            self.FContainer = None # sets the first container in the yard to none
            print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # prints out the end statment
        else: # if the containers sent out were in the middle of the list
            st.lt.nt = first # sets the next pointer of the preceding container to point to the last container
            first.lt = st.lt # sets the last container to point to the container preceding the ones being shipped out
            print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # print the end statement


from ShippingYardClass import * # imports the 3 classes Shipyard, Container and Package

def Main():
    print("The commands that this program takes are:") 
    print("a = add package")
    print("s = search for a package") 
    print("p = print")
    print("r = remove package")
    print("sh = ship containers")
    print("q = quit")

    order = input("Make a decision by entering letter that you would like to do:") # gets what the user wants to do
    while order != 'q': 
        if order == 'a':
            values = input("Enter the owner, destination and weight(seperate them with a space, if there is a space in the owner or destination use a _ to represent it): \n") 
            i = values.split(' ') 
            while len(i) != 3: 
                values = input("Error: enter the owner, destination and weight(seperate them with a space, if ther is a space in it use a _ to represent it): \n ")
                i = values.split(' ') 
            while i[2].isdigit() == 0 or int(i[2]) > 2000:
                i[2] = input("You did not enter a valid weight, Please enter one below 2000: \n") 
            New = Package(i[0].capitalize(),i[1].capitalize(),int(i[2]))

    if order == 's':
        values = input("Enter the ID number then the Destination of the package(seperate them with a space, Use _ for spaces in destination): \n ")
        i = values.split(' ')
        while len(i) != 2 and i[0].isdigit != 1:
            values = input("Enter the ID number then the Destination of the package(seperate them with a space): \n ") 
            i = values.split(' ') 
        r = Shipyard.Search(int(i[0]),i[1].capitalize(),Shipyard.FContainer) 
        if r != 0: 
            print("Package " + i[0] + " going to " + i[1].capitalize() + " is in Container " + str(r.ID) + "\n") 
            print("There is no Package with the ID " + i[0] + " going to " + i[1].capitalize() + " is not in the yard \n") 

    if order == 'p':
        t = input("what would you like to print(md = manifest for a destination, ma = manifest for the yard, cc = list of containors): \n") 
        if t == 'md': 
            dest = input("what is the destination you want a manifest for: \n ") 
        if t == 'ma':
        if t == 'cc':

    if order == 'r':
        values = input("enter the ID and Destination of the package you want removed(seperate them with a space): \n ")
        i = values.split(' ') 
        while len(i) != 2 and i[0].isdigit() == 0: 
            values = input("enter the ID and Destination of the package you want removed(seperate them with a space): \n ")
            i = values.split(' ') 

        if order == 'sh': 
        if order != 'a' and order != 'p'and order != 'r'and order != 'sh'and order != 'q':
            raise TypeError("Wrong input letter")
        return Main()


然而,当我运行meun功能并选择&#34; a&#34;在菜单中,尝试输入所有者,目的地和体重。例如:Jack Japan 80.出现错误&#34; NameError:name&#39; package&#39;没有定义&#34;回到Package类的ID函数。 我的代码有什么问题,如何解决?谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


 package == 100000 + packnum

这不是赋值而是表达式(package == 100000),因为您使用了==而不是=。 Python无法评估表达式,因为您从未声明过名为package的变量。

 package = 100000 + packnum




答案 1 :(得分:0)

class Package:

    def __init__(self,owner,destination,weight):
        self.weight = weight # sets the package weight to the weight that is input
        self.destination = destination # sets the package destination to the destination that was input
        self.owner = owner # sets the package owner to the owner that was input
        self.ID = self.ID() # calls the ID function to make a unique ID
        self.nPack = None # used to singuly link list in a container

    def ID(self):
        global packnum
        package = 100000 + packnum # adds the package number to 100000 to make the ID
        packnum += 1 # increases pack num by 1
        return package # returns the ID

    def readIn(self,Id):
        self.ID = Id # sets the package.id to the sent id

class Container:

    def __init__(self,P):
        self.destination = P.destination # makes the container desintaion to that of the first package
        self.weight = P.weight # makes the container weigh as much as the only package in the list
        self.fpackage = P # a pointer that points to the first package in the container
        self.ID = self.ID() # calls ID() to make a custom conainer ID
        self.nt = None # pointer that points to the next container in the yard
        self.lt = None # pointer that points to the previous container in the yard

    def readIn(self,Id):
        self.ID = Id # sets the container ID to that of the file
        self.fpackage = None # makes it so there is no package in the container
        self.weight = 0 # sets teh weight to 0

    def ID(self):
        global conNum # holds the number of container that exist + 1
        contain = 300000 + conNum # adds conNum to 300000 to make an ID
        conNum += 1 # increments conNum
        return contain #returns the ID

    def maxweight(self,P):
        if (self.weight + P.weight) > 2000: # if the package will put the container over the limit
            return 1 # returns true
            return 0 # if the package will fit returns false

    def add(self,P,N):
        if self.fpackage == None: # if there are no packages in the container
            self.fpackage = P # makes the new package equal the head
            self.weight += P.weight # adds the weigh into the container
        elif P.weight < self.fpackage.weight: # if the package is lighter than the current first package
            P.nPack = self.fpackage # makes the P.nPack point to the current head
            self.fpackage = P # makes P the new head
            self.weight += P.weight # adds the weight of P to the container
        elif N.nPack == None: # if the current package being looked at is the end of the list
            N.nPack = P # makes the end point to P making P the new end
            self.weight += P.weight # adds the weight to the container
        elif N.nPack.weight >= P.weight: # if the next package is larger than the new package
            P.nPack = N.nPack # makes p point the the next package
            N.nPack = P # makes the current package point to the new package
            self.weight += P.weight # adds teh weight of P into the container
        else: # if none of the above are true
            self.add(P, N.nPack) # recurses forward in the list

    def search(self,Id,pack):
        found = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the ID is found in the container
        noin = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the ID was not found in the container
        while found == 0 and noin == 0: # runs till one of teh two variable are make true
            if pack.ID == Id: # if the current package is the one being looked for
                found = 1 # makes found = 1
            elif pack.nPack == None: # if the current package being looked at is the last in the list
                noin = 1 # sets noin to 1
            else: # if neather of the above is true
                pack = pack.nPack # moves to the next package in the list
        if found == 0 and noin == 1: # if the package was not found
            return 2 # returns 2
        elif found == 1: # if the package was found in the container
            return 1 # returns 1

    def remove(self,Id,pack):
        found = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the package was removed
        noin = 0 # a variable used to indicate if the package was not found in the current container
        while found == 0 and noin == 0: # while both variable are false
            if self.fpackage.ID == Id: # if the first package in the list is the target
                self.weight -= pack.weight # removes the weight of the package from the container
                self.fpackage = pack.nPack # makes the head point to the second package in the container
                found = 1 # sets found to 1
            elif pack.nPack == None: # if the current package is the end of the list
                noin = 1 # sets noin to 1
            elif pack.nPack.ID == Id: # if the next package is the target
                self.weight -= pack.nPack.weight # removes the targest weight from the container
                pack.nPack = pack.nPack.nPack #  makes the current package point to the package after the target
                found = 1 # sets found to 1
            else: # if none of the above are true
                pack = pack.nPack # moves to the next package in the list
        if found == 0 and noin == 1: # if the package was not found
            return 2 # returns 2
        elif found == 1: # if the package was found
            return 1 # returns 1

    def writeall(self,pack,file):
        if pack != None: # if its not the last package
            file.write(str(pack.ID) + ', ' + pack.owner +', ' + str(pack.weight) +'\n') # creates a string of the ID, Ownerm weight of the package
            self.writeall(pack.nPack,file) # recurses to the next package in the list

    def printall(self,pack):
        if pack != None: # if its not the last package in the container
            print ('  ' + str(pack.ID) + ' , ' + pack.owner + ' , ' + pack.destination + ' , ' + str(pack.weight)) # prints out the ID, owner and weight of the package
            self.printall(pack.nPack) # recureses to the next package in the list

class Shipyard:

    def __init__(self):
        self.cCount = 0 # sets teh number of container to 0
        self.FContainer = None # sets the first container refrence to None

    def readIn(self,file):
        n = file.readline()
        while n != '': # while not at the end of the file
            if n[0] == '%': # if the read in information is for a container
                line = [] # a blank list to put the good character into
                for x in n: # goes through all the letters
                    if x.isalpha() == 1 or x.isdigit() or x == ' ': # checks if its a character to keep
                        line.append(x) # puts the character into the list
                l = ''.join(line) # reforms all the words from the individual charcters
                l = l.split(' ') # makes a list fo the values
                l.pop(0) # removes the blank value in the 0 spot of teh list
                dest = l[1] # makes the destination equal the input value(used when adding packages)
                tem = Package('temp',l[1].capitalize(),2000) # makes a temporary package that will make a new container
                temp = Container(tem) # makes a container with the temp package
                temp.readIn(int(l[0])) # makes the container empty but set to the destination
                self.place(temp,self.FContainer) # puts the container in its appropriate place in teh yard(alphabeticly by destination)
                n = file.readline() # reads the next line of the file
            else: # if the line was a package
                line = [] # a blank list to put the good character into
                for x in n: # goes through all the letters
                    if x.isalpha() == 1 or x.isdigit() or x == ' ' or x == '_': # checks if its a character to keep
                        line.append(x) # puts the character into the list
                l = ''.join(line) # reforms all the words from the individual charcters
                l = l.split(' ') # makes a list of the read values
                if len(l) == 4: # if the file input is like the exapmle with the name seperated
                    a = l[0] # sets a to the ID
                    b = str(l[1] + '_' + l[2]) # combins the first and last name seperated by a _
                    c = l[3] # makes c = weight
                    l = [a,b,c] # remakes the list of values
                P = Package(l[1], dest.capitalize(), int(l[2])) # makes a package using the values in the list
                P.readIn(int(l[0])) # sets the package Id to that from the file
                self.fillContainer(P,self.FContainer) # adds the package into the appropriate container
                n = file.readline() # eads teh next line in the file

    def place(self,P,F):
        if self.FContainer == None: # if there are no containers in the yard
            self.FContainer = P # sets the first container to the empty container
        elif P.destination < self.FContainer.destination: # if the destaintion of the empty container comes before the first container
            self.FContainer.lt = P # make the current first container previous point to the empty container
            P.nt = self.FContainer # sets the empty conainers next pointer to point at the current first Container
            self.FContainer = P # sets the empty container to the yards first containers
        elif F.nt != None and P.destination >= F.nt.destination: # if the destination of the empty container comes after the next container in the list
            self.place(P,F.nt) # recurse so with the next container in the list being the current
        elif F.nt != None and P.destination < F.nt.destination: # if the next containers destination comes after the new containers destination
            F.nt.lt = P # sets the next containers previous pointer to point to the new container
            P.nt = F.nt # sets the new container's next pointer to point to the next container
            P.lt = F # sets the new container's previous pointer to point to the current container
            F.nt = P  # sets the current container's next pointer to point to the new container
        elif F.nt == None: # if the current container is the end of the list
            F.nt = P # makes the current container's next pointer point to the new container
            P.lt = F # makes the new container's previous pointer point to the current container

    def Search(self,Id,dest,cont):
        found = 0 # a variable that is used to keep track if the package is found
        while cont.destination == dest and found == 0: # if the current container's destination is the same as the input one and the package is not found
            found = cont.search(Id,cont.fpackage) # searches throught the packages of the current container looking for the matching package ID
        if found == 1: # if the package was found
            return cont # it returns the container class of the current container
        elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination <= dest and found != 1: # if the package was not found and the next container's destination is less than or matches the target
            return self.Search(Id,dest,cont.nt) # recurses with the next container being the current
        elif cont.nt == None or cont.nt.destination > dest: # if there is no next container or the next container's destination is larger than the target
            return 0   # return 0

    def fillContainer(self,New,cont):
        if self.FContainer == None: # if there are no containers in the yard yet
            self.FContainer = Container(New) # makes the first container point to the new container
        elif New.destination == cont.destination: # if the current container has the same destination as the package
        # the next if statment checks if there is no room in the container and if the next container is to a diffrent destination
            if cont.maxweight(New) == 1 and cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination != New.destination:
                self.newcontainer(cont,cont.nt,New) # if it passes it inserts a new container between the two
        # the next if statment passes if there is no room in the container and the next container is to the same destination
            elif cont.maxweight(New) == 1 and cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination == New.destination: 
                self.fillContainer(New,cont.nt) # it recurses with with the next container being the current
            elif cont.maxweight(New) == 1 and cont.nt == None: # this checks if this container is the last in line and there is no room left in the container
                c = Container(New) # makes a new container set to c
                c.lt = cont # makes c's previous pointer point to the current container
                cont.nt = c # makes the current container's next point point to c
            else: # if it fails all the above if statments
                cont.add(New,cont.fpackage) # it adds the package to the current container
        elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination <= New.destination: # if the next container's destination is less than or equal to the package destination
            self.fillContainer(New,cont.nt) # puts the packahe into the next container
        elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination > New.destination and cont.destination < New.destination:
            self.newcontainer(cont,cont.nt,New) # makes a new container with the package in it that is placed between the current and next container
        else: # if the current container is the first or last container
            if New.destination < cont.destination: # if the package destination comes before the first containers destination
                c = Container(New) # makes a new container with the package
                c.nt = cont # makes the new container point to current container
                cont.lt = c # makes the current container point back to the new container
                self.FContainer = c # makes the new container the first container in the yard
            else: # if the current container is the last in the list
                c = Container(New) # makes a new container with the package
                c.lt = cont # makes the new container point back to the last in the list
                cont.nt = c # makes the last container in the list point to the new container

    def newcontainer(self,cont,contn,New):
        new = Container(New) # makes the new container
        contn.lt = new # makes the later container point back to new
        cont.nt = new  # makes the first container point to new
        new.nt = contn # makes new point forward to the later container
        new.lt = cont  # makes new point back to the first container

    def locate(self,dest,cont):
        if cont.destination == dest: # if the containers destination is the same as the peramiter
            return cont # returns the container
        elif cont.nt != None: # if the next container is not none 
            return self.locate(dest,cont.nt) # recurses to the next container
            return 0 # returns 0 if no matching container is found

    def remove(self,Id,dest,cont):
        found = 0 # if package has been found
        while cont.destination == dest and found == 0: # while the container is for the same destination and the package has not been found
            found = cont.remove(Id,cont.fpackage) # it goes through the contianer to try and find the package
        if found == 1: # if the package was found in the container
            if cont.fpackage == None: # if there is no more packages in the container
                if cont.lt == None and cont.nt == None: # if there are no more packages in the yard
                    self.FContainer = None # sets the first container in the yard to None
                elif cont.lt == None and cont.nt != None: # if the container is the first container
                    self.FContainer = cont.nt # makes the first container pointer point to the next container
                elif cont.lt != None and cont.nt == None:
                    cont.lt.nt = None
                else: # if there is a before and after the current container
                    cont.lt.nt = cont.nt # makes the previous container point to the next container
                    cont.nt.lt = cont.lt # makes the next container point back to the previous container
        elif cont.nt != None and cont.nt.destination <= dest and found != 1: # if the next container has a lower or equal destination as the target
            self.remove(Id,dest,cont.nt) # recurses with the next container being set as the current

    def printMD(self,dest,cont):
        if cont.destination == dest: # if the container is going to the target destination
            print('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + ', ' + str(cont.weight)) # prints out the information for the destination
            cont.printall(cont.fpackage) # calls print all that prints the packages in the container
        if cont.nt != None: # if not at the end of the list of containers
            self.printMD(dest,cont.nt) # moves to the next container

    def fileWrite(self,cont,file):
        if cont == None: # if there is no more containers
            file.close() # closes the file
        else: # if there is still containers to be writen
            file.write('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + '\n') # writes the container information to the file
            cont.writeall(cont.fpackage,file) # writes the packages in the container to the file
            self.fileWrite(cont.nt,file) # uses recursion to go to the next container

    def printMA(self,cont):
        if cont == None: # if there are no more containers
            None # terminates the function
            print('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + ', ' + str(cont.weight)) # prints out the container information
            cont.printall(cont.fpackage) # prints out all the packages in the container
            self.printMA(cont.nt) # goes to the next container in the list

    def printCC(self,cont):
        if cont == None: # if there are no more containers
            None # terminates teh function
            print('% ' + str(cont.ID) + ', ' + cont.destination + ', Has ' + str(2000 - cont.weight) + ' Pounds of space left') # prints the information for the current container
            self.printCC(cont.nt) # goes to the next container

    def shipout(self):
        weight = 0 # a variable that keeps track of the weight of the containers shiped out
        count = 0 # keeps track of the number of containers shipped out
        dest = input("What destinations do you want to send containers to: \n") # gets the target destination from the user
        dest = dest.capitalize()
        first = self.locate(dest,self.FContainer) # finds the first container with a matching destination
        if first == 0: # if no containers have a matching destination
            print("There are no container to go to that destination \n") # prints a message stating there are no containers
        else: # else there were containers
            st = first # keeps track of the first container
            while first.nt != None and first.destination == dest: # while the container equals the target
                count += 1 # increases the container count by 1
                weight += first.weight # adds the weight of the container to the weight
                first = first.nt # moves first to the next container
            if st.lt == None and first.destination != dest: # if the first container was the start
                first.lt = None # makes the last container looked at point back to None
                self.FContainer = first # makes thefirst container in the yard equal first
                print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # prints out the final statment
            elif st.lt != None and first.nt == None and first.destination == dest: # if the final container is the end of the list
                weight += first.weight # adds the weight of the last container
                count += 1 # adds 1 to the count of containers
                st.lt.nt = None # makes the container before st point to None
                print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # prints out the end statment
            elif st.lt == None and first.nt == None and first.destination == dest: # if the all of the containers were shipped out
                weight += first.weight # adds the weight of the last container to the count
                count += 1 # increases the number of container by one
                self.FContainer = None # sets the first container in the yard to none
                print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # prints out the end statment
            else: # if the containers sent out were in the middle of the list
                st.lt.nt = first # sets the next pointer of the preceding container to point to the last container
                first.lt = st.lt # sets the last container to point to the container preceding the ones being shipped out
                print("There were " + str(count) + " Containers shipped out weighing " + str(weight) + "\n") # print the end statement

答案 2 :(得分:0)

本月我一直在研究一个类似的项目,它使用像你这样的造船厂,集装箱和包裹。我一直在使用的解决方案是使用self._id = id(self)来使用'id'函数中内置的pythons。另外我看到这是从去年开始的,所以它可能与你的项目不再相关