
时间:2011-01-14 12:35:23

标签: javascript 3d canvas rotation drag

我在画布上写了一个小的3D“引擎”..不是真正的引擎,而是更多基于Eric Pascarello's demo代码的应用程序(命中数字“7”几次看它旋转)< / p>

这一切都非常好,我甚至为每个平面(“侧面”)添加了平均z值的排序 - 这样我就可以使用由多个立方体组成的主体,以便最后绘制靠近相机的形状。

现在,当鼠标点击画布时,我想检测单击了哪一侧。 像this



  1. 每边由4(x,y,z)角定义
  2. 使用我认为常规的“透视投影”
  3. 将每个角落绘制到画布上

    这是我的代码 - 很酷:用鼠标旋转

    //edit: see the code in my answer below

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

完美!我想我需要问这个问题所以我可以自己回答: - )

该解决方案基于我发现的用于检测多边形中点的存在的一些惊人的片段。这是2d功能,但是嘿......我的画布也是如此 - 愚蠢的我。


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        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="Rubiks.png" />  
        <script>var isIE = false</script>
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            .move {
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<script type="text/javascript">
//  cube code shared by Eric Pascarello 
var sideLength = 50;
var width = 600;
var height = 450;
var center = new Point(width/2, height/2)
var perspective = sideLength * 16;  
var xzRotation = -Math.PI/2;
var yzRotation = 0;
var xyRotation = 0;
var isColored = true;
var cube, calcCube, lgth 
var canvas, ctx, animation
var mouse = new Point(0,0);
var absMouse = new Point(0,0)
var clickedMouse = new Point(0,0)
var posCanvas
var clickRGB = [248, 128, 23]       // orange = #F88017
var clickRGB = [255,192,203]        // pink
var arrPolygons = []
var arrSortedIndex

/** cube stuff **/
function rotate(bForce) {
    if (!bForce && (this.last_xyRotation == xyRotation && 
        this.last_xzRotation == xzRotation && 
        this.last_yzRotation == yzRotation
        || !dragCube) ) {

    var drawStyle = getRadioValue("drawStyle")      // color, bw, or trans
    if (drawStyle=="trans") {
        $("chkWire").disabled = true
        $("chkWire").checked = true
    } else {
        $("chkWire").disabled = false

    // rotate cube into calcCube. also set colors.
    for (var i=0; i<lgth; i++) {
        var side = cube.sides[i];
        var calcSide = calcCube.sides[i];
        var avgZ = 0
        var side_polygon = []
        for (var j=0 ; j<4; j++){
            var corner = side.corners[j];
            var calc1 = calc(corner.x, corner.y, xyRotation, 1);
            var calc2 = calc(calc1.p1, corner.z, xzRotation, 1);
            var calc3 = calc(calc1.p2, calc2.p2, yzRotation, -1);
            var x = (calc2.p1 * perspective) / (perspective - calc3.p2) + center.x;
            var y = (calc3.p1 * perspective) / (perspective - calc3.p2) + center.y;
            calcSide.corners[j].x = x
            calcSide.corners[j].y = y
            side_polygon.push (new Point(x, y))
            avgZ += calc3.p2
        calcSide.avgZ = avgZ // /4
        calcSide.polygon = side_polygon

        var light = side.light;
        var calc1 = calc(light.x, light.y, xyRotation, 1);
        var calc2 = calc(calc1.p1, light.z, xzRotation, 1);
        var calc3 = calc(calc1.p2, calc2.p2, yzRotation, -1);
        calcSide.light = calc3.p2;

        // decide color
        var brightness = Math.floor(calcSide.light);
        brightness = trimVal(brightness, 0, 255)
        var colorRGB = []
        var colorCodeRGB = (side.clickState) ?  clickRGB : (drawStyle=="color" ? side.color : "b,b,b").split(",")
        for (var c=0; c<3; c++) {   
            colorRGB[c] = (colorCodeRGB[c]=="b") ? brightness : colorCodeRGB[c]
        fillRGBA = "rgba(" + colorRGB + ",255)";
        calcSide.fillRGBA = fillRGBA

    // sort sides by avgZ !!    
    arrSortedIndex = []
    for (var i=0; i<lgth; i++) {
        arrSortedIndex[i] = i
    for (var i=0; i<lgth-1; i++) {
        for (var j=i+1; j<lgth; j++) {
            if (calcCube.sides[i].avgZ > calcCube.sides[j].avgZ) {
                var temp = calcCube.sides[i].avgZ
                calcCube.sides[i].avgZ = calcCube.sides[j].avgZ
                calcCube.sides[j].avgZ = temp

                var temp = arrSortedIndex[i]
                arrSortedIndex[i] = arrSortedIndex[j]
                arrSortedIndex[j] = temp

    // draw all sides
    ctx.clearRect (0,0, width, height);    
    for (var i=0; i<lgth; i++) {
        var calcSide = calcCube.sides[arrSortedIndex[i]];
        ctx.fillStyle = calcSide.fillRGBA
        var corners = calcSide.corners;
        ctx.moveTo (corners[0].x, corners[0].y);
        ctx.lineTo (corners[1].x, corners[1].y);
        ctx.lineTo (corners[2].x, corners[2].y);
        ctx.lineTo (corners[3].x, corners[3].y);
        ctx.lineTo (corners[0].x, corners[0].y);
        if (drawStyle!="trans") {
        if ($("chkWire").checked) {

    this.last_xyRotation = xyRotation
    this.last_xzRotation = xzRotation
    this.last_yzRotation = yzRotation
function calc(p1,p2,ang,pn){

    var cosAng = Math.cos(ang);
    var sinAng = Math.sin(ang);

     var r1 = cosAng * p1 - pn * sinAng * p2;
     var r2 = cosAng * p2 + pn * sinAng * p1;

    return { "p1": r1,"p2":r2};
function getCube(sideLength) {

    var ret =  {
        sides : [
            { //FRONT
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength} ],
            light   : {x: 0, y: 0, z: 255 },
            color   : "0,b,0"

            { //BACK
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 0, y: 0, z: -255 },
            color   : "0,0,b"

            {  //RIGHT
            corners : [ {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 255, y: 0, z: 0 },
            color   : "b,0,0"

            { //LEFT
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: -255, y: 0, z: 0},
            color   : "0,b,b"

            {  //top
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},    
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y:-1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 0, y:-255 , z: 0},
            color   : "b,b,0"

            {  //bottom
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: 1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 0, y: 255, z: 0},
            color   : "b,0,b"

            // anoter cube behind and above - my addition

            { //FRONT
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength} ],
            light   : {x: 0, y: 0, z: 255 },
            color   : "0,b,0"

            { //BACK
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 0, y: 0, z: -255 },
            color   : "0,0,b"

            {  //RIGHT
            corners : [ {x: 1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 255, y: 0, z: 0 },
            color   : "b,0,0"

            { //LEFT
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: -255, y: 0, z: 0},
            color   : "0,b,b"

            {  //top
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},   
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 1*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 0, y:-255 , z: 0},
            color   : "b,b,0"

            {  //bottom
            corners : [ {x:-1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z: -1*sideLength},
                        {x: 1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength},
                        {x:-1*sideLength, y: 3*sideLength, z:-3*sideLength} ],
            light  :  {x: 0, y: 255, z: 0},
            color   : "b,0,b"

    lgth = ret.sides.length; 

    calcCube = {sides:[]}
    for (var i=0; i<lgth; i++) {
        calcCube.sides[i] =  {corners : [{},{},{},{}], light:0, avgZ:0} 
    return ret

/** 2d stuff **/
function Point(x,y) {
    this.x = x
    this.y = y
function Polygon() {
    var ret = []
    for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
        ret.push (arguments[i])
    return ret
function isPointInPoly(poly, pt) {
    // from http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/5295 - wow!
    for(var c = false, i = -1, l = poly.length, j = l - 1; ++i < l; j = i)
        ((poly[i].y <= pt.y && pt.y < poly[j].y) || (poly[j].y <= pt.y && pt.y < poly[i].y))
        && (pt.x < (poly[j].x - poly[i].x) * (pt.y - poly[i].y) / (poly[j].y - poly[i].y) + poly[i].x)
        && (c = !c);
    return c;

/** event handlers **/
var dragCube = null
function mouseMove(e) {
    var posx = 0;
    var posy = 0;
    e = e || window.event;
    if (isIE&&false) {
        posx = e.offsetX
        posy = e.offsetY
    } else {
        if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
            posx = e.pageX;
            posy = e.pageY;
        } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
            posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
            posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
        absMouse = (new Point(posx, posy))
    //$("debug").innerHTML = myStringify(absMouse)
    if (dragCube) {
        var diff = new Point (posx - dragCube.anchor.x, posy - dragCube.anchor.y)
        if (!dragCube.moved) {
            dragCube.moved = true
            addClass ($("cv"), "move")
        dragCube.anchor = new Point (posx, posy)
        xzRotation -= diff.x/100
        yzRotation += diff.y/100
        //$("debug").innerHTML = myStringify(diff)
function mouseDown(e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    dragCube = {
        anchor : new Point( absMouse.x, absMouse.y),
        moved : false,
        side: -1
    var inside = new Point (absMouse.x - posCanvas.x, absMouse.y - posCanvas.y )
    //for (var i=0; i<lgth; i++) {
    for (var i=lgth-1; i>=0; i--) {
        if (isPointInPoly(calcCube.sides[arrSortedIndex[i]].polygon, inside)) {
            dragCube.side = arrSortedIndex[i]
    ctx.arc(inside.x, inside.y, 1, 0, Math.PI*2, false);    
function mouseUp(e) {
    if (dragCube && !dragCube.moved) {
        var index = dragCube.side
        if (index>=0) {
            cube.sides[index].clickState = !cube.sides[index].clickState
    dragCube = null
    removeClass ($("cv"), "move")

/** buttons **/
function addClass(objElement, strClass) {
    if (!objElement) return;
    if (objElement.className) {
        removeClass(objElement, strClass);
        objElement.className += ' '+strClass;
    } else {
        objElement.className = strClass;
function removeClass(objElement, strClass) {
    if (!objElement) return;
    if (objElement.className) {
        var arrList = objElement.className.split(' ');
        var strClassUpper = strClass.toUpperCase();
        for (var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) {
            if (arrList[i].toUpperCase() == strClassUpper) {
                arrList.splice(i, 1);
        objElement.className = arrList.join(' ');

/** misc and util **/
function $(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);
function findPos(obj) {
    var curleft = curtop = 0;
    if (obj && obj.offsetParent) {
        do {
            curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
            curtop += obj.offsetTop;
        } while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
    return new Point(curleft,curtop);
function dec2hex(d, padding) {
    var hex = Number(d).toString(16);
    padding = padding || 2
    while (hex.length < padding) {
        hex = "0" + hex;
    return hex;
function trimVal(val, min, max) {
    return Math.max( Math.min(val, max), min)
function getRadioValue (name) {
    for (i=0;i<document.forms["frm"][name].length;i++) {
        if (document.forms["frm"][name][i].checked) {
            return document.forms["frm"][name][i].value;
    return null

/** init **/
function init() {
    canvas = $("cv");
    canvas.style.width = width;
    canvas.style.height = height;
    canvas.setAttribute("width", width)
    canvas.setAttribute("height", height)   
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    posCanvas = findPos(canvas)

    cube = getCube(sideLength)

    animation = window.setInterval("rotate()", 50);


<body onload="init()"
    <div dir=rtl class="header">קובייה</div>
    <div dir=rtl class="subHeader">גיררו את הקוביה עם העכבר על מנת לסובב אותה.</div>
    <div dir=rtl class="subHeader">ליחצו על פאה על מנת לסמן אותה.</div>

    <!-- main canvas -->
        <div id="wrapper" dir="ltr">
            <canvas onmousedown="mouseDown(event)" id="cv" width="100" height="100"></canvas>   

    <!-- control panel -->
    <div dir="rtl" class="opac" style="position:absolute; background:lightyellow; border:1px solid black; right:10px; top:100px; font-size:12px; padding:4px; width:120px">
        <div dir=rtl>
            <form name=frm>
                <input name="drawStyle" type="radio" value="color" onclick="rotate(true)" onchange="rotate(true)" checked>צבעוני<br>
                <input name="drawStyle" type="radio" value="bw" onclick="rotate(true)" onchange="rotate(true)">שחור לבן<br>
                <input name="drawStyle" type="radio" value="trans" onclick="rotate(true)" onchange="rotate(true)">שקוף<br>
                <input id="chkWire" type="checkbox" onclick="rotate(true)" onchange="rotate(true)">מסגרת<BR>

    <div id="debug"></div>
