(家庭作业)试图用C ++制作Yahtzee游戏

时间:2017-10-23 20:11:30

标签: c++

我是初学者C ++课程,我试图建立一个Yahtzee游戏,用户掷骰子,希望得到所有五个骰子相同的数字。我们需要尝试保持弹出最多的骰子(例如,我们滚动一个" 4 5 3 3 1",我想保持三个,以便它在整个游戏中保持不变)然后再次滚动继续努力让所有五个骰子都一样。以下是我到目前为止的情况:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void choiceRoll(){
int num;
int dice1 = rand()%6+1;
int dice2 = rand()%6+1;
int dice3 = rand()%6+1;
int dice4 = rand()%6+1;
int dice5 = rand()%6+1;
cout << "Your roll is: " << dice1 << " " << dice2 << " " << dice3 
<< " " << dice4 << " " << dice5 << endl;

int main() {
    int dice1 = rand()%6+1;
    int dice2 = rand()%6+1;
    int dice3 = rand()%6+1;
    int dice4 = rand()%6+1;
    int dice5 = rand()%6+1;
    int x;
    int num;
    char play;

    cout << "Let's play some Yahtzee!" << endl;
        cout << "Which number do you want to hold?";
        cin >> num;
        if (num>=1  and num<=6)
        cout << "Thanks for playing!";
    if (dice1=dice2=dice3=dice4=dice5){
        cout << "YAHTZEE!!!!" << endl;

    return 0;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我受到了一些c ++ 17新鲜感的启发。这是:

Live On Coliru ¹

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

using namespace std;

using Score = size_t;

namespace {
    enum class face : Score { one=1, two, three, four, five, six, _hide=0 };

    ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, face f) {
        switch(f) {
            case face::one:   return os << "⚀";
            case face::two:   return os << "⚁";
            case face::three: return os << "⚂";
            case face::four:  return os << "⚃";
            case face::five:  return os << "⚄";
            case face::six:   return os << "⚅";
            case face::_hide: default: return os << ".";

    face roll_one() {
        static mt19937 e { random_device{}() };
        static uniform_int_distribution<Score> dist(Score(face::one), Score(face::six));
        return face{dist(e)};

template <size_t... I>
struct hand_impl {
    static constexpr size_t N = sizeof...(I);
    static_assert(is_same_v<index_sequence<I...>, make_index_sequence<N> >, "this hack merely enables fold expressions");
    using dice_t      = array<face, N>;
    using selection_t = array<bool, N>;

    dice_t      faces;
    selection_t held = {};

    hand_impl() {
        generate_n(faces.begin(), N, roll_one);

    void hold_highest() {
        held = matching(max({faces[I]...}));

    void reroll() {
        faces = {{ (held[I]? faces[I] : roll_one())... }};

    enum class method { upper_box, _3_of_a_kind, _4_of_a_kind, full_house,
                  small_straight, large_straight, yahtzee, chance };

    struct candidate_t { 
        dice_t faces;
        selection_t key;
        method how;

    friend size_t score(candidate_t c) {
        // fixed
        switch(c.how) {
            case method::full_house:     return 25;
            case method::small_straight: return 30;
            case method::large_straight: return 40;
            case method::yahtzee:        return 50;
            default: break;

        // depending on face values
        size_t all_values[] = { Score(c.faces[I])... };

        switch(c.how) {
            case method::upper_box:      return ((c.key[I]? all_values[I] : 0) + ...);
            case method::_3_of_a_kind: 
            case method::_4_of_a_kind: 
            case method::chance:         return (all_values[I] + ...);
            default: throw runtime_error("illegal move");

    auto generate() const {
        vector<candidate_t> result;

        result.push_back({ faces, all(), method::chance });

        // equal groups
        for (face f : {face::one, face::two, face::three, face::four, face::five, face::six}) {
            auto m = matching(f);
            auto n = cardinality(m);
            if (n) result.push_back({ faces, m, method::upper_box });
            if (n==5) result.push_back({ faces, m, method::yahtzee });
            if (n>=4) {
                if (n>4) *find(begin(m), end(m), true) = false; // discard one
                result.push_back({ faces, m, method::_4_of_a_kind });
            if (n>=3) {
                if (n>3) *find(begin(m), end(m), true) = false; // discard one
                result.push_back({ faces, m, method::_3_of_a_kind });

                // look at remaining two
                dice_t other {{ (m[I]? face::_hide : faces[I])... }};
                sort(begin(other), end(other));
                // if they match, it's also a full house
                if (other[0] == other[1])
                    result.push_back({ faces, m, method::full_house });

            // straights (increasing series)
            auto inorder = faces;
            sort(begin(inorder), end(inorder), greater<>{}); // favour the higher values

            auto decreasing_at = [&](size_t i) {
                return Score(inorder[i]) == 1 + Score(inorder[(i+1) % N])? 'y':'n';

            char const s[] = { decreasing_at(I)... };
            if (auto where = string_view(s).find("yyyy"); where != string_view::npos)
                result.push_back({ inorder, selection_t { (I>=where && I<where+4)... }, method::large_straight });
            if (auto where = string_view(s).find("yyy"); where != string_view::npos)
                result.push_back({ inorder, selection_t { (I>=where && I<where+3)... }, method::small_straight });

        return result;

    static selection_t all() { return { (void(I), true)... }; }

    selection_t matching(face f) const {
        return { (faces[I] == f)... };

    static size_t cardinality(selection_t s) {
        return count(begin(s), end(s), true);

    template <size_t Index>
    static ostream& print_held(ostream& os, dice_t faces, selection_t held) {
        return os << faces[Index] << (held[Index]? "\xCC\xB2":"");

    template <size_t Index>
    static ostream& print_key_dice(ostream& os, dice_t faces, selection_t key) {
        return os << (key[Index]? faces[Index] : face::_hide);

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, hand_impl h) {
        return (print_held<I>(os, h.faces, h.held), ...);

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, candidate_t const& c) {
        struct R { ostream& os; ios::fmtflags kept; ~R() { os.flags(kept); } } keep { os, os.flags() };

        os << "[" << left << setw(15) << c.how << "] ";
        return (print_key_dice<I>(os, c.faces, c.key), ...);

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, method m) {
        switch(m) {
            case method::upper_box:      return os << "upper box";
            case method::_3_of_a_kind:   return os << "three of a kind";
            case method::_4_of_a_kind:   return os << "four of a kind";
            case method::full_house:     return os << "full house";
            case method::small_straight: return os << "small straight";
            case method::large_straight: return os << "large straight";
            case method::yahtzee:        return os << "yahtzee";
            case method::chance:         return os << "chance";
        return os << "[no score]";

template <size_t... I> hand_impl<I...> make_hand_helper(index_sequence<I...>) { return {}; }
template <size_t N = 5> auto make_hand() { return make_hand_helper(make_index_sequence<N>{}); }

template <size_t N = 5> using hand = decltype(make_hand<N>());
using Yahtzee = hand<>;

int main() {

    Yahtzee hand = make_hand();
    auto rolls = 3;

    do {
        cout << hand << "\n";

        multimap<Score, Yahtzee::candidate_t, greater<> > ranked;
        for (auto c : hand.generate())
            ranked.emplace(score(c), c);

        for (auto&& [score, c] : ranked)
            cout << setw(2) << score << " - " << c << "\n";

    } while (--rolls);


⚁⚄⚅̲⚃⚂ ¹
40 - [large straight ] ⚅⚄⚃⚂.
30 - [small straight ] ⚅⚄⚃..
20 - [chance         ] ⚁⚄⚅⚃⚂
 6 - [upper box      ] ..⚅..
 5 - [upper box      ] .⚄...
 4 - [upper box      ] ...⚃.
 3 - [upper box      ] ....⚂
 2 - [upper box      ] ⚁....
⚃⚃⚅̲⚅̲⚁ ¹
22 - [chance         ] ⚃⚃⚅⚅⚁
12 - [upper box      ] ..⚅⚅.
 8 - [upper box      ] ⚃⚃...
 2 - [upper box      ] ....⚁
⚅̲⚅̲⚅̲⚅̲⚂ ¹
27 - [chance         ] ⚅⚅⚅⚅⚂
27 - [four of a kind ] ⚅⚅⚅⚅.
27 - [three of a kind] .⚅⚅⚅.
25 - [full house     ] .⚅⚅⚅.
24 - [upper box      ] ⚅⚅⚅⚅.
 3 - [upper box      ] ....⚂

¹遗憾的是,浏览器并不都希望尊重U + 0332 COMBINING LOW LINE,这应该强调所持有的骰子,如下所示:enter image description here