是否可以在ubuntu 14上安装opencv for python3而无需从源代码编译?
另外使用pip3 search
pip3 search opencv | grep opencv
pyElphel - Use Elphel camera from python with opencv2
cv2-wrapper - Wrapper for python opencv 2.4.12 32bit
opencv_cffi - A random subset of OpenCV's functionality, wrapped via CFFI
opencv-python-armv7l - opencv-python on armv7l.
airtest - Automation test library for android based on opencv
opencv-contrib-python - Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
helper_functions - A simple module of simple function, for opencv and python3
atx - Automation test library for android based on opencv
aircv - Find object position based on python-opencv2.
ctypes-opencv - ctypes-opencv - A Python wrapper for OpenCV using ctypes
cv2wrap - Wrapper for python opencv 2.4.12 32bit
opencv_engine - OpenCV imaging engine for thumbor.
opencv-utils - OpenCV Utilities
opencv-python-aarch64 - Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
simple-opencv-ocr - A simple OCR with OpenCV
pyopencv - PyOpenCV - A Python wrapper for OpenCV 2.x using Boost.Python and NumPy
opencv-cython - An alternative OpenCV wrapper
opencv_helpers - Helper functions for opencv
opencvutils - Simple OpenCV 3.x image processing functions
opencv-python - Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
pip3 install opencv-python
tail /home/user/.pip/pip.log
No distributions at all found for opencv-python
Exception information:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/basecommand.py", line 122, in main
status = self.run(options, args)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/commands/install.py", line 278, in run
requirement_set.prepare_files(finder, force_root_egg_info=self.bundle, bundle=self.bundle)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/req.py", line 1178, in prepare_files
url = finder.find_requirement(req_to_install, upgrade=self.upgrade)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/index.py", line 277, in find_requirement
raise DistributionNotFound('No distributions at all found for %s' % req)
pip.exceptions.DistributionNotFound: No distributions at all found for opencv-python
通过apt-cache search
apt-cache search opencv | grep opencv
libopencv-calib3d-dev - development files for libopencv-calib3d
libopencv-calib3d2.4 - computer vision Camera Calibration library
libopencv-contrib-dev - development files for libopencv-contrib
libopencv-contrib2.4 - computer vision contrib library
libopencv-core-dev - development files for libopencv-core
libopencv-core2.4 - computer vision core library
libopencv-dev - development files for opencv
libopencv-features2d-dev - development files for libopencv-features2d
libopencv-features2d2.4 - computer vision Feature Detection and Descriptor Extraction library
libopencv-flann-dev - development files for libopencv-flann
libopencv-flann2.4 - computer vision Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional spaces library
libopencv-gpu-dev - development files for libopencv-gpu2.4
libopencv-gpu2.4 - computer vision GPU library
libopencv-highgui-dev - development files for libopencv-highgui
libopencv-highgui2.4 - computer vision High-level GUI and Media I/O library
libopencv-imgproc-dev - development files for libopencv-imgproc
libopencv-imgproc2.4 - computer vision Image Processing library
libopencv-legacy-dev - development files for libopencv-legacy
libopencv-legacy2.4 - computer vision legacy library
libopencv-ml-dev - development files for libopencv-ml
libopencv-ml2.4 - computer vision Machine Learning library
libopencv-objdetect-dev - development files for libopencv-objdetect
libopencv-objdetect2.4 - computer vision Object Detection library
libopencv-ocl-dev - development files for libopencv-ocl2.4
libopencv-ocl2.4 - computer vision OpenCL support library
libopencv-photo-dev - development files for libopencv-photo2.4
libopencv-photo2.4 - computer vision computational photography library
libopencv-stitching-dev - development files for libopencv-stitching2.4
libopencv-stitching2.4 - computer vision image stitching library
libopencv-superres-dev - development files for libopencv-superres2.4
libopencv-superres2.4 - computer vision Super Resolution library
libopencv-ts-dev - development files for libopencv-ts2.4
libopencv-ts2.4 - computer vision ts library
libopencv-video-dev - development files for libopencv-video
libopencv-video2.4 - computer vision Video analysis library
libopencv-videostab-dev - development files for libopencv-videostab2.4
libopencv-videostab2.4 - computer vision video stabilization library
libopencv2.4-java - Java bindings for the computer vision library
libopencv2.4-jni - Java jni library for the computer vision library
opencv-data - development data for opencv
opencv-doc - OpenCV documentation and examples
python-opencv - Python bindings for the computer vision library