
时间:2017-10-22 17:35:10

标签: javascript jquery closures parameter-passing iife


var my_team = function() {
    var handleTeam = function() {
        //do some ajax 
        // and update selected DOM element
    return {
        //main function to initiate the module
        init: function() {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {



<select name="players" id="player">
<select name="coaches" id="coach">

我希望能够将HTML id - 属性playercoach传递给init(),以便采取一些操作来操纵DOM

我知道的一种方法是,我可以更改init - 函数以接受两个parameters并更新handleTeam以取两个等等。

init: function(param1, param2) {
    handleTeam(param1, param2);




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



是OPs代码段中的模式是"Closure",它也是"Immediately Invoked Function Expression (aka "IIFE")



var myTeam = (function( _sDefault, _oDefault ) { // my_team vs. myTeam? Naming convention for JS is CamelCase!

    // underscore prepended or appended to variable names is common use to show that a variable has private access
    var _handleTeam = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
        console.log( sDefault );
        console.log( oDefault );
        // "cannot call"/"don't has access" to init() nor updatePlayer() 
    return { // deploy public methods
        init: function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
            if ( !sDefault ) sDefault = _sDefault; // devs write: sDefault = _sDefault || sDefault;
            if ( !oDefault ) oDefault = _oDefault;
            _handleTeam( sDefault, oDefault );
        updatePlayer: function() {

})( 'default', {default: true} ); // pass values on IIFE

myTeam.init(); // initiate with default values
myTeam.init( 'custom', {default: false, custom: true} ); // initiate with custom values
myTeam.init(); // initiate again with default values


  1. 私有方法无权访问由返回值部署的公共方法。
  2. 有点难以阅读,因此难以维护。
  3. 所以这是一个我更喜欢上面的模式还关闭和IIFE

    var myTeam = (function( _sDefault, _oDefault ) {
        // make sure that _oDefault can not be modified from outer scope
        _oDefault = $.extend({}, _oDefault); // *
        // declare variables with private access
        var _oThis = this, // most devs write "that" instead of "_oThis" like I do, you can see "self" also quite often
            _oBackup = {sDefault: _sDefault, oDefault: $.extend({}, _oDefault)}; // *
        var _handleTeam = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
            // public methods are now also availabe to private ones
            _oThis.log( sDefault );
            _oThis.log( oDefault );
            return _oThis.updatePlayer();
        // declare properties with public access
        this.setDefaults = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
            if ( typeof sDefault === 'string' )
                _sDefault = sDefault;
            if ( typeof sDefault === 'boolean' )
                _sDefault = _oBackup.sDefault;
            if ( typeof oDefault === 'object' )
                _oDefault = $.extend({}, oDefault); // *
            if ( typeof oDefault === 'boolean' )
                _oDefault = $.extend({}, _oBackup.oDefault); // *
            return this; // make public methods chainable
        this.updatePlayer = function() {
            return this.log('updatePlayer'); // make public methods chainable
        this.log = function( sLog ) {
            return this; // make public methods chainable
        this.init = function( sDefault, oDefault ) {
                sDefault || _sDefault,
                oDefault || _oDefault
            return this; // make public methods chainable
        return this; // deploy everything that has public access
    })( 'default', {default: true} ); // set default parameters on IIFE
    // our public methods are chainable now
    myTeam.init().log('initiated with default values')
          .init( 'custom', {default: false, custom: true} ).log('initiated with custom values')
          .setDefaults( false, false ).log('reseted to default values')
          .init().log('initiated reseted default values')
          .setDefaults( 'new default', {default: true, newDefault: true} ).log('set new default values')
          .init().log('initiated with new default values');
    // *: if you don't know why I'm using  jQuery.extend for objects, feel free to leave a comment and I can explain...
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>



    init: function(param1, param2) { handleTeam(param1, param2); }




    init: function() {
       handleTeam(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
       // or you can do it like this as well:
       handleTeam.apply(this, arguments); // 
    myTeam.init( 'yep', 'don't worry', 'works' )

    当我一遍又一遍地阅读你的问题时,我猜以下的模型应该是你的方向(或者至少应该能够说明事情如何协同工作)。工作伪代码| 关闭,但没有IIFE

    (function( $ ) { // sure this an IIFE again but thats not essentially to the question at this point
      var Team = function() {
        // private
        var _oThis = this,
            _oTeam = {},
            _privateHelper = function() {
              // this function can not be triggered directly from outer scope
              console.log('_privateHelper was called');
              return _oThis; // use _oThis instead of this here!!!
            _get = function( sId, sIdSub ) {
              return _oTeam[sId] && _oTeam[sId][sIdSub] ? _oTeam[sId][sIdSub] : false;
            _set = function( sId, sIdSub, val ) {
              _oTeam[sId][sIdSub] = val;
              return _privateHelper(); 
        // public
        this.register = function() {
          for( var i = 0, iLen = arguments.length, sId; i < iLen; ++i ) {
            sId = arguments[i];
            _oTeam[ sId ] = {
              $: $('#' + sId), // #1 cache jQuery collection
              aPerson: [], // #2 cache names of each person
              sSelectedPerson: false // #3 cache name of selected person
            _oTeam[ sId ].$.find('option').each(function( iEach ){
              _oTeam[ sId ].aPerson[ iEach ] = $(this).val(); // #2
            this.updateSelectedPerson( sId ); // #3
          return this; // for chaining | BTW: this === _oThis
        this.updateSelectedPerson = function( sId ) {
          if ( _oTeam[ sId ] ) {
            _set(sId, 'sSelectedPerson', _oTeam[ sId ].$.val());
          return this;
        this.getSelectedPerson = function( sId ) {
          return _get(sId, 'sSelectedPerson');
        this.getPersons = function( sId ) {
          return _get(sId, 'aPerson');
        this.update = function( sId ) {
          if ( _oTeam[ sId ] ) {
              'old selected: ' + this.getSelectedPerson( sId ),
              'new selected: ' + this.updateSelectedPerson( sId ).getSelectedPerson( sId )
          return this;
        arguments.length && this.register.apply( this, arguments );
        return this; // deploy public properties
      $(function(){ // document ready
        var oTeam = new Team( 'coach', 'player' ); // would be the same as ...
        // var oTeam = new Team().register( 'coach', 'player' );
        $('select').on('change.team', function(){
          oTeam.update( this.id )
    })( jQuery ) // pass jQuery on IIFE for making save use of "$"
    <h1 style="font-size:1em;display:inline">select coach and player: </h1>
    <select name="players" id="player">
        <option>player Mark</option>
        <option>player Tom</option>
    <select name="coaches" id="coach">
        <option>coach Mark</option>
        <option selected>coach Tom</option>
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

    处理具有type of object


    var oO = {prop: 'save???'},
        oA = [true],
        s  = 'save!',
        i  = 0,
        b  = true,
        fn = function( oO, oA, s, i, b ) {
          // every argument will get a new value
          // lets have a look if this effects the original variable that was passed
          oO.prop = 'nope!';
          oA[0]   = 'oh oh!';
          s       = 'yep save';
          i       = 999;
          b       = false;
    fn(oO, oA, s, i, b);
                            // initial   -> inner scope -> outer scope
    console.log( oO.prop ); // 'save???' -> 'nope!'     -> 'nope!'
    console.log( oA[0]   ); // true      -> 'oh oh!'    -> 'oh oh'
    console.log( s       ); // 'save!'   -> 'yep save'  -> 'save!'
    console.log( i       ); // 0         -> 999         -> 0
    console.log( b       ); // true      -> false       -> true



    “对象”不是JavaScript中的值,也不能“传递”   您正在处理的所有值都是引用(指向对象的指针)   传递或分配引用会给出另一个指向同一对象的引用。当然,您可以通过其他参考修改同一个对象。


    因此,如果您现在仔细查看上面的模型 - 这就是为什么我使用jQuery utility method extend来处理与外部范围有某种关系的对象(这是作为参数传递的情况 - 对吗?)。

    记住它 - 从现在开始永远不要忘记它!如果您是新手,这可以为您节省数小时的麻烦!


    var oO = {prop: 'make it save now'},
        oA = [true],
        fn = function( oO, oA ) {
          var o = jQuery.extend({}, oO, oA);
          console.log('log#1', o);
          o[0] = 'how save is this?';
          o.prop = 'so save now :)';
          console.log('log#2', o);
    fn( oO, oA );
    console.log('log#3', oO, oA);
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
