
时间:2017-10-21 15:25:59

标签: java design-patterns try-with-resources


首先,让我设置场景。我们正在使用两种类型的对象文档和文档集合。 “文档集合”字面上包含对文档的引用和每个文档的一些元数据。


  1. 锁定集合
  2. 使用Collection
  3. 做有用的东西
  4. 锁定文档
  5. 使用Collection and Document
  6. 做有用的事情
  7. 解锁文件
  8. 解锁收藏
  9. 并在代码中表示如下:

    Collection col = null;
    try {
        col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
        // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
        Document doc = null;
        try {
            doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
            // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
        } finally {
            if (doc != null) {
    } finally {
        if (col != null) {

    既然Java 7之后我们已经try-with-resources了,我们已对其进行了改进,以便Java代码描述自动释放资源:

    try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
        // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
        try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
            // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)



    1. 锁定集合
    2. 使用Collection
    3. 做有用的东西
    4. 锁定文档
    5. 做任何需要收藏和文件(罕见)
    6. 的事情
    7. 解锁收藏
    8. 使用Document
    9. 执行有用的操作
    10. 解锁文件
    11. 我想知道在代码中实现这种不对称方法的最佳模式。这显然可以通过try / finally等完成,如下所示:

      Collection col = null;
      Document doc = null;
      try {
          col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
          // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
          try {
              doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
              // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).
          } finally {
              if (col != null) {
          // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
      } finally {
          if (doc != null) {


      try (final ManagedRelease<Collection> mcol =
              new ManagedRelease<>(getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK))) {
          // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
          try (final ManagedRelease<Document> mdoc =
                  mcol.withAsymetrical(mcol.resource.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK))) {
              // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).
          }  // NOTE: Collection is released here
          // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)
      }  // NOTE: Document is released here


      private static class ManagedRelease<T extends AutoCloseable> implements AutoCloseable {
          final T resource;
          private Supplier<Optional<Exception>> closer;
          public ManagedRelease(final T resource) {
              this.resource = resource;
              this.closer = asCloserFn(resource);
          private ManagedRelease(final T resource, final Supplier<Optional<Exception>> closer) {
              this.resource = resource;
              this.closer = closer;
          public <U extends AutoCloseable> ManagedRelease<U> withAsymetrical(final U otherResource) {
              // switch the closers of ManagedRelease<T> and ManagedRelease<U>
              final ManagedRelease<U> asymManagedResource = new ManagedRelease<>(otherResource, closer);
              this.closer = asCloserFn(otherResource);
              return asymManagedResource;
          public void close() throws Exception {
              final Optional<Exception> maybeEx = closer.get();
              if(maybeEx.isPresent()) {
                  throw maybeEx.get();
          private static Supplier<Optional<Exception>> asCloserFn(final AutoCloseable autoCloseable) {
              return () -> {
                  try {
                      return Optional.empty();
                  } catch (final Exception e) {
                      return Optional.of(e);


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

    try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

        // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

        // NOTE: usually Collection is released here
        // optionally make `col` not final and explicitly set it to `null`
        // here so IDE would notify you about any usage after this point

        // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)




答案 1 :(得分:2)


   public static void sample() {
    Resource resourceA = new Resource("A");
    Resource resourceB = new Resource("B");
        .lock()// lock A
        .doOnValue(Main::doSomething)// do for A
        .with(resourceB)// join with B
        .lock()// lock A & B (A has been locked)
        .doOnBoth(Main::doSomething)// do for A and B
        .toRight()// only need B (unlock A)
        .doOnValue(Main::doSomething)// do for B
        .close();// unlock B

  private static void doSomething(Resource... rs) {
    System.out.println("do with: " + Arrays.toString(rs));


lock: Resource(A)
do with: [Resource(A)]
lock: Resource(B)
do with: [Resource(A), Resource(B)]
unlock: Resource(A)
do with: [Resource(B)]
unlock: Resource(B)


public interface Lockable extends AutoCloseable {

  void lock() throws Exception;

  void unlock() throws Exception;

  boolean isLocked();

  default void close() throws Exception {


然后我们可以构建我们的LockVisitor(为了减少这个答案的长度,我删除方法实现。You can find the complete code on github.

import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;

public class LockVisitor<T extends Lockable> implements AutoCloseable {
  public static <T extends Lockable> LockVisitor<T> create(T lockable) {
    return new LockVisitor<>(lockable);

  T value;
  Exception error;

  public LockVisitor(T value);

  public LockVisitor<T> lock();

  public LockVisitor<T> unlock();

  public LockVisitor<T> doOnValue(Consumer<T> func);

  public LockVisitor<T> doOnError(Consumer<Exception> func);

  public <B extends Lockable> TwoLockVisitor<T, B> with(LockVisitor<B> other);

  public <B extends Lockable> TwoLockVisitor<T, B> with(B other);


import io.reactivex.functions.BiConsumer;
import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer;

public class TwoLockVisitor<A extends Lockable, B extends Lockable> {
  public static <A extends Lockable, B extends Lockable> TwoLockVisitor<A, B> create(A a, B b) {
    return new TwoLockVisitor<>(LockVisitor.create(a), LockVisitor.create(b));

  LockVisitor<A> left;
  LockVisitor<B> right;

  public TwoLockVisitor(LockVisitor<A> left, LockVisitor<B> right);

  public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> lock();

  public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> unlock();

  public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> doOnLeft(Consumer<A> func);

  public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> doOnRight(Consumer<B> func);

  public TwoLockVisitor<A, B> doOnBoth(BiConsumer<A, B> func);

  public LockVisitor<A> toLeft();

  public LockVisitor<B> toRight();


答案 2 :(得分:1)


try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK;
    final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

    // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

    // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)




// The lambdas here are Supplier
try (final ReleaseManager<Collection> colManager = new ReleaseManager<>(() -> getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);
    final ReleaseManager<Document> docManager = new ReleaseManager<>(() -> colManager.getResource().get().getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

    try (final Managed<Collection> colManaged = colManager.getResource()) {

        // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

    } // Here the resource close does nothing

    try (final Managed<Collection> colManaged = colManager.getResourceForLastUse();
        final Managed<Document> docManaged = docManager.getResource()) {

        // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

    } // Here the close of colManaged actually closes it, while docManaged.close() is a no-op

    try (final Managed<Document> docManaged = docManager.getResourceForLastUse()) {

        // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)

    } // Here the document gets closed
} // Here the managers get closed, which would close their resources if needed



ReleaseManager这是一个通用类,它为资源采用Supplier,在第一次getResource()调用时懒惰地调用它,并为将来的调用记住结果。 getResource()返回一个在关闭时不执行任何操作的包装器,getResourceForLastUse()返回一个包装器,它在包装器关闭时实际关闭资源;我把它们写成同一个班级,但你可以把它们变成不同的班级,我不确定它是否真的能让它更清晰。

