我找到了这个很棒的剧本,但是,我需要协助编辑它还包括PC序列号,有人能帮忙吗? 我能够让它按原样运行,但是,我真的要求PC序列号也包含在输出中, 如果确实包括登录用户也很棒,但确实需要PC名称/序列号,监视器制造/型号和序列号。
Generate a report in multiple formats (if requested) of monitors that are connected to computers.
This script will take a list of computers (from a txt file or from AD) and will
query each computer through WMI, asking what the serial number and manufacturer is.
It can then generate multiple types of reports, CSV, HTML, or e-mail the HTML as the body of the message.
Switch, used to define wether you want a CSV report generated or not.
The location where you want the CSV report to be stored, if the CSVReport switch is true.
Switch, used to define wether you want an HTML report generated or not.
The location where you want the HTML report to be stored, if the HTMLReport switch is true.
Switch, used to indicate weather you want to send the report via e-mail with the body formatted as HTML.
.PARAMTER LinkToComputer
Switch, this is a work in progress (I am figuring out the API's to call to make this work), essentially it
will be used in conjunction with the ImportToSpiceworks switch and it will define wether you want to link
the monitors found, to the computers that they were found to be connected to.
Switch, used to define wether you want to use AD to define the array or computers to scan if monitors are
connected to them or not.
Switch, used to define wether you want to use a txt file to define the array list of computers to be
scanned if there is a monitor connected or not.
.PARAMETER FromFileLocation
The location where the txt file is located that has the list of computers to be scanned for monitors attached.
This file should have 1 computer name of each new row.
Switch, this switch is used to test the functionality of the script, against the localhost only.
Get-AttachedMoritorInventory.ps1 -FromFile -FromFileLocation "C:\Test\Servers.txt" -HTMLReport -HTMLOutputFile "C:\Test\AttachedMonitors.html"
Get-AttachedMoritorInventory.ps1 -FromAD -CSVReport -CSVOutputFile "C:\Test\AttachedMonitors.csv"
Get-AttachedMoritorInventory.ps1 -FromAD -EmailReportAsHTML
Author: Matt Bergeron
Spiceworks: Chamele0n
Blog: www.chamele0n.com
1.4 Better detection of Virtual Machines, to support Microsoft Surface tablets.
1.3 Fix bug for displaying year of manufacture
1.2 Fixed bug where it was prompting for credentials where it shouldn't have been.
1.1 Fixed bug that caused -Test parameter not to work.
1.0 Initial release
[string]$CSVOutputFile = "C:\Test\AttachedMonitors.csv",
[switch]$HTMLReport = $true,
[string]$HTMLOutputFile = "C:\Test\AttachedMonitors.htm",
[string]$FromFileLocation = "C:\Test\Servers.txt",
SMTP Mail Settings
$SMTPProperties = @{
To = "ToUser@domain.com"
From = "FromUser@Domain.com"
Subject = "Monitor Inventory"
SMTPServer = "mail.domain.com"
$Results = @()
$Count = 0
if ($FromAD)
{ ### Attempts to Import ActiveDirectory Module. Produces error if fails.
Try { Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch { Write-Host "Unable to load Active Directory module, is RSAT installed?"; Break }
HTML Header
$Header = @"
TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;}
TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: #808080;}
TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
.odd { background-color:#ffffff; }
.even { background-color:#dddddd; }
Attached Monitor Inventory Report
Function ConvertTo-Char ($Array)
$Output = ""
ForEach($char in $Array)
{ $Output += [char]$char -join ""
return $Output
Function Detect-VirtualMachine
Param (
$VMModels = @("Virtual Machine","VMware Virtual Platform","Xen","VirtualBox")
$CheckPhysicalOrVMQuery = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Query "Select * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\CIMV2" -ErrorAction Stop
if ($VMModels -contains $CheckPhysicalOrVMQuery.Model)
{ $IsVM = $True
{ $IsVM = $False
Return $IsVM
Function Set-AlternatingRows
Simple function to alternate the row colors in an HTML table
This function accepts pipeline input from ConvertTo-HTML or any
string with HTML in it. It will then search for <tr> and replace
it with <tr class=(something)>. With the combination of CSS it
can set alternating colors on table rows.
CSS requirements:
.odd { background-color:#ffffff; }
.even { background-color:#dddddd; }
Classnames can be anything and are configurable when executing the
function. Colors can, of course, be set to your preference.
This function does not add CSS to your report, so you must provide
the style sheet, typically part of the ConvertTo-HTML cmdlet using
the -Head parameter.
String containing the HTML line, typically piped in through the
Define which CSS class is your "even" row and color.
Define which CSS class is your "odd" row and color.
.EXAMPLE $Report | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header | Set-AlternateRows -CSSEvenClass even -CSSOddClass odd | Out-File HTMLReport.html
$Header can be defined with a here-string as:
$Header = @"
TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: #6495ED;}
TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
.odd { background-color:#ffffff; }
.even { background-color:#dddddd; }
This will produce a table with alternating white and grey rows. Custom CSS
is defined in the $Header string and included with the table thanks to the -Head
parameter in ConvertTo-HTML.
Author: Martin Pugh
Twitter: @thesurlyadm1n
Spiceworks: Martin9700
Blog: www.thesurlyadmin.com
1.0 Initial function release
Begin {
$ClassName = $CSSEvenClass
Process {
If ($Line.Contains("<tr><td>"))
{ $Line = $Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr class=""$ClassName"">")
If ($ClassName -eq $CSSEvenClass)
{ $ClassName = $CSSOddClass
{ $ClassName = $CSSEvenClass
Return $Line
}# End Set-AlternatingRows Function
if ($FromAD){ $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties Name }
if ($FromFile){ $Computers = Get-Content $FromFileLocation }
ForEach ($Computer in $Computers)
$progress = @{
Activity = "Querying Connected Monitors on $ComputerName"
Status = "$Count of $($Computers.Count) completed"
PercentComplete = $Count / $($Computers.Count) * 100
Id = 0
Write-Progress @progress
if ($FromAD)
{ $ComputerName = $Computer.DNSHostName
ElseIf ($FromFile)
{ $ComputerName = $Computer
ElseIf ($Test)
{ Write-Host "Test Mode Enabled" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ComputerName = $Env:ComputerName
if (-not ($Test))
{ $IsPhysicalMachine = Detect-VirtualMachine -ComputerName $ComputerName
{ $IsPhysicalMachine = Detect-VirtualMachine -ComputerName "localhost"
if (-not ($Test))
{ Write-Host "ComputerName: $($ComputerName), caught an error checking if the computer was physical or virtual: $($Error[0])" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
{ Write-Host "ComputerName: $($ComputerName), caught an error checking if the computer was physical or virtual: $($Error[0])" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
$Results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Active = "N/A"
Manufacturer = "N/A"
UserFriendlyName = "N/A"
SerialNumber = "N/A"
WeekOfManufacture = "N/A"
YearOfManufacture = "N/A"
Status = "2 – Warning"
Message = "There was a problem checking if the computer was physical or virtual: $($Error[0])"
If ($IsPhysicalMachine -eq $false)
if (-not ($Test))
{ $Query = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Query "Select * FROM WMIMonitorID" -Namespace root\wmi -ErrorAction Stop
{ $Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * FROM WMIMonitorID" -Namespace root\wmi -ErrorAction Stop
ForEach ($Monitor in $Query)
$Results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Active = $Monitor.Active
Manufacturer = ConvertTo-Char($Monitor.ManufacturerName)
UserFriendlyName = ConvertTo-Char($Monitor.userfriendlyname)
SerialNumber = ConvertTo-Char($Monitor.serialnumberid)
WeekOfManufacture = $Monitor.WeekOfManufacture
YearOfManufacture = $Monitor.YearOfManufacture
Status = "0 – OK"
Message = "N/A"
$Results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Active = "N/A"
Manufacturer = "N/A"
UserFriendlyName = "N/A"
SerialNumber = "N/A"
WeekOfManufacture = "N/A"
YearOfManufacture = "N/A"
Status = "1 – Error"
Message = "Error: $($Error[0])"
{ Write-Host "ComputerName: $($ComputerName) was a virtual machine. Skipping monitor inventory." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Active = $false
Manufacturer = "N/A"
UserFriendlyName = "N/A"
SerialNumber = "N/A"
WeekOfManufacture = "N/A"
YearOfManufacture = "N/A"
Status = "N/A – Informational"
Message = "Virtual Machine, skipped monitor inventory."
Debugging to make sure there are results.
#Write-Host "Results Count: $($Results.count)"
If ($Results.count -gt 0)
{ $Results = $Results | Select ComputerName,Active,Manufacturer,UserFriendlyName,SerialNumber,WeekOfManufacture,YearOfManufacture,Status,Message
if ($CSVReport)
{ $Results | Sort Status,ComputerName | Export-CSV -Path $CSVOutputFile -NoTypeInformation
if ($HTMLReport)
{ $Results | Sort Status,ComputerName | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header | Out-File $HTMLOutputFile
if ($EmailReportAsHTML)
{ $Body = $Results | Sort Status,ComputerName | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header | Out-String
Send-MailMessage @SMTPProperties -Body $Body -BodyAsHTML
{ Write-Output "There were 0 results in the `$Results array."
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$serialno = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Bios | Select -Property SerialNumber
Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem | Format-List Name, manufacturer, model, SystemType