copyLastrow = ws1.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Const FILE1 = "C:\Users\roperalta\Desktop\Book1.xlsx"
Const FILE2 = "C:\Users\roperalta\Desktop\PBJ_Excel_to_XML_Template_v_2_00_3.xlsx"
Dim LastRow
Dim xlApp
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim wb1, wb2
With xlApp
.Visible = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wb1 = .Workbooks.Open(FILE1, 0, False)
Set wb2 = .Workbooks.Open(FILE2, 0, False)
End With
Dim ws1, ws2
Set ws1 = wb1.Sheets("Sheet0 (2)")
Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets("Header")
ws2.Range("B3:D3").Value2 = ws1.Range("B2:D2").Value2
Set ws1 = wb1.Sheets("Sheet0")
Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets("Employees")
copyLastrow = ws1.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
pasteLastrowG = ws2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'pasteLastrowH ...
'pasteLastrowI ...
ws1.Range("J" & copyLastrow).Copy Destination:=ws2.Range("A" & pasteLastrowG)
'Copy and paste B code here
'Copy and paste C code here
Set ws1 = Nothing
Set ws2 = Nothing
Set wb1 = Nothing
'Set wb2 = Nothing
'Set xlApp = Nothing
答案 0 :(得分:0)
VBScript不允许使用名称参数,也不知道Excel.Application NameSpace。因此,您需要完全限定对Excel.Application对象的所有引用,无论如何您都应该这样做。同样,您应该声明Const变量来替换Excel.Application枚举和常量。
Const FILE1 = "C:\Users\roperalta\Desktop\Book1.xlsx"
Const FILE2 = "C:\Users\roperalta\Desktop\PBJ_Excel_to_XML_Template_v_2_00_3.xlsx"
Const xlPrevious = 2
Const xlByRows = 1
Dim LastRow
Dim xlApp, wb1, wb2, ws1, ws2
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
.Visible = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wb1 = .Workbooks.Open(FILE1, 0, False)
Set wb2 = .Workbooks.Open(FILE2, 0, False)
End With
Set ws1 = wb1.Sheets("Sheet0 (2)")
Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets("Header")
ws2.Range("B3:D3").Value2 = ws1.Range("B2:D2").Value2
Set ws1 = wb1.Sheets("Sheet0")
Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets("Employees")
copyLastrow = ws1.Cells.Find("*", , , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
pasteLastrowG = ws2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'pasteLastrowH ...
'pasteLastrowI ...
ws1.Range("J" & copyLastrow).Copy ws2.Range("A" & pasteLastrowG)
'Copy and paste B code here
'Copy and paste C code here
wb2.Close True
wb1.Close False