
时间:2017-10-20 14:28:27

标签: excel vba excel-vba eventtrigger


Option Explicit

Sub FillDownFormula_test2()
 ' Filldown a formula for in column of data.
 ' Assumes a data table with headings in the first row,
 ' the formula in the second row and is the active cell.
 ' this one is tested based on set range
 ' Test results were positive
 Dim rng As Range, rng2 As Range
 Dim rngData As Range
 Dim rngFormula As Range, rng2Formula As Range
 Dim rowData As Long
 Dim colData As Long
 Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
 Dim ws As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet

 Set ws = wb.Sheets("Feuil1")

 With ws

' Set the ranges
 Set rng = wb.Sheets("Feuil1").Range("F2")
 Set rngData = rng.CurrentRegion

' Set the row and column variables
 rowData = rngData.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
 colData = rng.Column

' Set the formula range and fill down the formula
 Set rngFormula = rngData.Offset(1, colData - 1).Resize(rowData - 1, 1)

 'G2 is a different formulas but same on every sheets
 Set rng2 = wb.Sheets("Feuil1").Range("G2")

' Set the row and column variables
 rowData = rngData.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
 colData = rng2.Column

' Set the formula range and fill down the formula
 Set rng2Formula = rngData.Offset(1, colData - 1).Resize(rowData - 1, 1)
 End With

 With ws2
Set rng = wb.Sheets("Feuil2").Range("F2")
 Set rngData = rng.CurrentRegion

' Set the row and column variables
    rowData = rngData.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
   colData = rng.Column

' Set the formula range and fill down the formula
 Set rngFormula = rngData.Offset(1, colData - 1).Resize(rowData - 1, 1)

 Set rng2 = wb.Sheets("Feuil2").Range("G2")

' Set the row and column variables
 rowData = rngData.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
 colData = rng2.Column

' Set the formula range and fill down the formula
 Set rng2Formula = rngData.Offset(1, colData - 1).Resize(rowData - 1, 1)

 End With
 End Sub

最后一个问题:当时做一个范围最有效率是什么,所以它允许我在做第二个之前输入公式。 (我有六个公式来填补)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Sub FillDownFormula_test2()
 ' Filldown a formula for in column of data.
 ' Assumes a data table with headings in the first row,
 ' the formula in the second row and is the active cell.
 ' this one is tested based on set range
 ' Test results were positive
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim ws2 As Worksheet

    Set ws = wb.Sheets("Feuil1")

    With ws
        Call FillDownData(.Range("F2"), Range("F2").CurrentRegion)
        Call FillDownData(.Range("G2"), Range("G2").CurrentRegion)
    End With

    Set ws2 = wb.Sheets("Feuil2")

    With ws2
        Call FillDownData(.Range("F2"), Range("F2").CurrentRegion)
        Call FillDownData(.Range("G2"), Range("G2").CurrentRegion)
    End With

End Sub

Function FillDownData(rng As Range, rngData As Range)

    Dim rowData As Long
    Dim colData As Long
    Dim rngFormula As Range

' Set the row and column variables
    rowData = rngData.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
    colData = rng.column
Debug.Print rowData & " " & colData
' Set the formula range and fill down the formula
    'Set rngFormula = rngData.Offset(1, colData - 1).Resize(rowData - 1, 1)

End Function