如何在Ruby调试器中设置变量(ruby-debug / rdebug)?

时间:2011-01-13 20:16:47

标签: ruby-on-rails ruby debugging variable-assignment ruby-debug


require 'rubygems'
require 'ruby-debug'
x = 1
puts x



ruby-debug help v0.10.4
Type 'help <command-name>' for help on a specific command

Available commands:
backtrace  delete   enable  help  method  putl     set     trace    
break      disable  eval    info  next    quit     show    undisplay
catch      display  exit    irb   p       reload   step    up       
condition  down     finish  kill  pp      restart  thread  var      
continue   edit     frame   list  ps      save     tmate   where


(rdb:1) help set
Modifies parts of the ruby-debug environment. Boolean values take
on, off, 1 or 0.
You can see these environment settings with the "show" command.

List of set subcommands:
set annotate -- Set annotation level
set args -- Set argument list to give program being debugged when it is started
set autoeval -- Evaluate every unrecognized command
set autolist -- Execute 'list' command on every breakpoint
set autoirb -- Invoke IRB on every stop
set autoreload -- Reload source code when changed
set basename -- Report file basename only showing file names
set callstyle -- Set how you want call parameters displayed
set debuggertesting -- Used when testing the debugger
set forcestep -- Make sure 'next/step' commands always move to a new line
set fullpath -- Display full file names in frames
set history -- Generic command for setting command history parameters
set keep-frame-bindings -- Save frame binding on each call
set linetrace+ -- Set line execution tracing to show different lines
set linetrace -- Set line execution tracing
set listsize -- Set number of source lines to list by default
set trace -- Display stack trace when 'eval' raises exception
set width -- Number of characters the debugger thinks are in a line    


我查看了Official ruby-debug doc并查看了RailsGuides Debugging Rails Applications doc,但没有看到答案。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


另请注意,如果“set autoeval”设置为“on”,则会自动评估您在(rdb)提示符处输入的非命令的任何内容。因此,您不需要输入“p x = 1”,而是可以输入“x = 1”而不必进入irb以避免“p”或“eval”。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


(rdb:1) p x=2
(rdb:1) finish

答案 2 :(得分:2)

→ ruby temp.rb 
puts x
(rdb:1) irb
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > x
 => 1 
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > x = 2
 => 2 
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > ^D
puts x
(rdb:1) cont