R Studio:某些软件包安装,而其他软件包无法安装

时间:2017-10-18 16:00:12

标签: r dplyr rstudio install.packages

我可以在我的R Studio系统库中加载许多软件包(例如集群),但是我无法加载其他软件包,例如dplyr,即使它出现在系统库中。例如,当我尝试加载dplyr时,收到此错误消息:

Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : 
 there is no package called ‘DBI’


'\\s10file\user$\ben.k\My Documents\R\win-library\3.4'
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
UNC paths are not supported.  Defaulting to Windows directory.
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning in install.packages : 
running command '"C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.4revised/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l 
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.4revised\library" "C:/Users/Ben.K/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpgTzZma/downloaded_packages/DBI_0.7.tar.gz"' had status 1
Warning in install.packages : installation of package 
‘C:/Users/Ben.K/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpgTzZma/downloaded_packages/DBI_0.7.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status


  • 设置install.packages dependencies = TRUE
  • 让IT更改我对R
  • 的管理员权限
  • 编辑系统环境变量
  • 以管理员身份打开和运行R Studio
  • 更改install.packages的文件路径
  • 可能还有其他一些我忘记记录的事情


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