[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on project finances-web:
Failed to retrieve remote metadata com.finances.web:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml:
Could not transfer metadata com.finances.web:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to isban (http://nexus3:8081/nexus/repository/maven-snapshots/):
Failed to transfer file: http://nexus3:8081/nexus/repository/maven-snapshots/com/finances/web/2.1.7-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml. Return code is: 500 ,
ReasonPhrase:javax.servlet.ServletException: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OLowDiskSpaceException:
Error occurred while executing a write operation to database 'component' due to limited free space on the disk (241 MB). The database is now working in read-only mode. Please close the database (or stop OrientDB), make room on your hard drive and then reopen the database. The minimal required space is 256 MB. Required space is now set to 256MB (you can change it by setting parameter storage.diskCache.diskFreeSpaceLimit) .?? DB name="component". -> [Help 1]
Error occurred while executing a write operation to database 'component' due to limited free space on the disk (1 MB). The database is now working in read-only mode. Please close the database (or stop OrientDB), make room on your hard drive and then reopen the database. The minimal required space is 256 MB. Required space is now set to 256MB (you can change it by setting parameter storage.diskCache.diskFreeSpaceLimit) . DB name="component"