
时间:2017-10-17 20:30:09

标签: javascript accordion


<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
            var optionValue = $(this).attr("value");
                $(".box").not("." + optionValue).hide();
                $("." + optionValue).show();
            } else{


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果选项的值始终与选项类匹配,则代码应该有效。当您执行$('.box').not('option[value="' + optionValue + '"]').hide(); $('option[value="' + optionValue + '"]').show(); 时,您正在搜索与class属性不匹配的所有内容,但- (NSString *) qCustomDescription { static int depth = 0; NSMutableString *resultString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"<%@: %p>", NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; uint32_t ivarCount; Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList([self class], &ivarCount); if( ivars ) { ++depth; [resultString appendString: @"\n"]; for( int tabs = depth; --tabs > 0; ) [resultString appendString: @"\t"]; [resultString appendString: @"{"]; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < ivarCount; ++i ) { Ivar ivar = ivars[i]; const char* type = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar); const char* ivarName = ivar_getName( ivar ); NSString* valueDescription = @""; NSString* name = [NSString stringWithCString: ivarName encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; switch( type[0] ) { case '@': { id v = object_getIvar(self, ivar); if( v ) { if( [self respondsToSelector: @selector(qDescriptionForValue:)] ) valueDescription = [self performSelector: @selector(qDescriptionForValue:) withObject: v]; else valueDescription = [v description]; } break; } case 'c': { char v = ((char (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%c", v]; break; } case 'i': { int v = ((int (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%i", v]; break; } case 's': { short v = ((short (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", v]; break; } case 'l': { long v = ((long (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", v]; break; } case 'q': { long long v = ((long long (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%lld", v]; break; } case 'C': { unsigned char v = ((unsigned char (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%uc", v]; break; } case 'I': { unsigned int v = ((unsigned int (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%u", v]; break; } case 'S': { unsigned short v = ((unsigned short (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%u", v]; break; } case 'L': { unsigned long v = ((unsigned long (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%lu", v]; break; } case 'Q': { unsigned long long v = ((unsigned long long (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%llu", v]; break; } case 'f': { float v = ((float (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", v]; break; } case 'd': { double v = ((double (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", v]; break; } case 'B': { BOOL v = ((BOOL (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", v ? @"YES" : @"NO"]; break; } case '*': { char *v = ((char* (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", v]; break; } case '#': { id v = object_getIvar(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Class: %s", object_getClassName(v)]; break; } case ':': { SEL v = ((SEL (*)(id, Ivar))object_getIvar)(self, ivar); valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Selector: %s", sel_getName(v)]; break; } case '[': case '{': case '(': case 'b': case '^': { valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", type]; break; } default: valueDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UNKNOWN TYPE: %s", type]; break; } [resultString appendString: @"\n"]; for( int tabs = depth; --tabs >= 0; ) [resultString appendString: @"\t"]; [resultString appendFormat: @"%@: %@", name, valueDescription]; } [resultString appendString: @"\n"]; for( int tabs = depth; --tabs > 0; ) [resultString appendString: @"\t"]; [resultString appendString: @"}"]; --depth; free(ivars); } return resultString; } 来自value属性。我假设类/值属性不匹配(不能在没有HTML的情况下告诉),所以它不会隐藏任何内容。


for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++) {
        int distanceToEdgeOfRow = Math.abs(rows - (r - rows)); //this finds the number of steps to the nearest row end
        int distanceToEdgeOfColumn = Math.abs(columns - (c - columns)); //this find the number of steps to the nearest column end

        int shortestPath = Math.min(distanceToEdgeOfColumn, distanceToEdgeOfRow); //is it shorter to take the closest row exit or column exit?

        //the shortestPath is still off by one, so we need to add 1 to shortestPath to see what should be printed on this tile
        matrix[r][c] = shortestPath + 1;