
时间:2017-10-17 07:56:31

标签: c# unity3d



我在这里发了一篇文章   Rotate a door in both directions in Unity   我在与它交互时创造了一个全自动门。



    Vector3 openRotation; // door rotation when opened

    float duration; // opening speed (duration)

    bool isClosable; // door can be closed again?

    Vector3 pivotPosition; // position of the pivot point

    bool opensAwayFromPlayer; // always open away from the player

    bool isActive = false; // door is "busy" ?

    Transform doorPivot; 

    Transform playerTransform;

    bool isOpen = false;

    private void Start()
        playerTransform = Globals.GetPlayerObject().transform;
        doorPivot = new GameObject().transform;
        doorPivot.position = pivotPosition;

    public void Interact() // Interact with the door and start opening / closing it

    void IEnumerator DoorRotation()
        if (isActive) // return if already active
            yield break;

        isActive = true;

        float counter; // current rotation counter

        Vector3 defaultAngles = doorPivot.eulerAngles;

        Vector3 desiredRotation = this.openRotation; // the target rotation

        if (opensAwayFromPlayer && PlayerIsBehindDoor(transform, playerTransform)) // if behind door -> change direction
            desiredRotation = -desiredRotation;

        Vector3 openRotation = transform.eulerAngles + desiredRotation; // the final rotation

        if (!isOpen) // open if closed
            counter = 0;
            while (counter < duration)
                counter += Time.deltaTime;
                LerpDoorRotation(doorPivot, defaultAngles, openRotation, counter, duration); // open the door
                yield return null;

            if (!isClosable) // if not closing again, destroy the script
        else // close the door
            counter = duration;
            while (counter > 0)
                counter -= Time.deltaTime;
                LerpDoorRotation(doorPivot, defaultAngles, openRotation, counter, duration); // close the door
                yield return null;

        isOpen = !isOpen; // Toggle door state

        isActive = false; // Door is not "busy"

    bool PlayerIsBehindDoor(Transform door, Transform player) // Check if the player is in front or behind the door
        Vector3 doorTransformDirection = door.forward.normalized;
        Vector3 playerTransformDirection = (player.position - door.position).normalized;
        return Vector3.Dot(doorTransformDirection, playerTransformDirection) < 0;

    void LerpDoorRotation(Transform doorPivot, Vector3 defaultAngles, Vector3 targetRotation, float counter, float duration) // Door Rotation
        doorPivot.eulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(defaultAngles, targetRotation, counter / duration);




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