
时间:2017-10-15 19:49:49

标签: string vba ms-access


Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim str1, str2, str3, str4, str5 As String
Dim strString As String

If chB1 = True Then
str1 = "111 - "
End If

If chB2 = True Then
str2 = "222 - "
End If

If chB3 = True Then
str3 = "333 - "
End If

If chB4 = True Then
str4 = "444 - "
End If

If chB5 = True Then
str5 = "555 - "
End If

strString = str1 & str2 & str3 & str4 & str5 & Date
Debug.Print strString

End Sub

我现在有这个。我可以用另一种方式吗? 有什么帮助吗?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

让每个CheckBox控件在某个地方都有相关的字符串 - 可以是它的Caption,也可以是它的Tag,无论如何 - 你需要一种从复选框本身获取该字符串的方法,如果你想避免硬编码。


Dim items(), itemCount As Long
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control, chkBox As MSForms.CheckBox

For Each ctrl In Me.Controls 'iterate all form controls
    If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then 'only care for checkboxes
        Set chkBox = ctrl ' type cast to the MSForms.CheckBox interface
        If chkBox.Value Then 'only care for checked checkboxes
            itemCount = itemCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve items(1 To itemCount)
            items(itemCount) = chkBox.Tag 'or whatever you've mapped the strings to
        End If
    End If


Debug.Print Join(items, " - ")