
时间:2017-10-15 16:18:51

标签: assembly file-handling


This one is the part where the user will type the content and .txt file

This one is the part where the program prints the contents of the .txt file


    buff4 db 30
total4 db 0
char2 db 30 dup (0)

buff9 db 250
total9 db 0
text db 250 dup (0)
g db "Input text:$"

;view memo NEW
 a db "Filename:$"
  uMaxLength db 255
  uActualLength db ?
  szFileName db 255 dup (?)
  buffer db 100 dup (?), '$'


            crm proc near
            call cls
            call content
            call promptt
            call input2
            call file
            jmp open
            crm endp    

                  content proc near
                    mov ah, 2                       
                    mov dl, 16
                    mov dh, 8
                    int 10h

                    mov dx, offset buff9            ; buffered input
                    mov ah, 0ah
                    int 21h
                    mov bh, 0                       ; keyboard input
                    mov bl, total9                      
                    add bx, offset text
                    mov byte ptr [bx], 0
                    mov dx, offset text
                        cmp text, 'B'
                        je open
                        jne cmptexte
                 content endp

                promptt    proc near
                 mov ah, 2                      
                 mov dl, 33
                 mov dh, 5
                 int 10h
                promptt endp

              input2 proc near
               mov dx, offset buff4
               mov ah, 0ah
               int 21h
               mov bh, 0
               mov bl, total4
               add bx, offset char2
               mov byte ptr [bx], 0
               cmp char2, 'B'
               je open
              input2 endp

              file  proc near
               mov ah, 3ch
               mov cx, 0
               mov dx, offset char2
               int 21h
               mov h, ax                ;preserve
               mov ah, 40h          ;write
               mov bx, [h]
               mov cx, 250          ;string length
               mov dx, offset text
               int 21h
               mov ah, 3eh          ;close file
               mov bx, [h]
               int 21h
              file endp


            view proc near
         call cls

          mov ax, seg uMaxLength 
          mov ds, ax         

          mov ah, 0ah
          lea dx, uMaxLength ;read file name
          int 21h        

          mov ah, 2                     
          mov dl, 16
          mov dh, 8
          int 10h

          mov al, uActualLength 
          xor ah, ah
          mov si, ax
          mov szFileName[si], 0 ;make sz see 0A function

          cmp szFileName, 'B'
          je open
          jne cmpex

        view endp

                cmpex proc near
                    cmp szFileName, 'E'
                    je exit
                    jne view2
                cmpex endp

        view2 proc near
          mov ah, 3dh
          xor al, al 
          lea dx, szFileName
          int 21h ;open the file

          jc view ;if error

          mov bx, ax 

            mov ah, 3fh
            lea dx, buffer
            mov cx, 100 
            int 21h

            jc view; if error

            mov si, ax
            mov buffer[si], '$'

            mov ah, 09h
            int 21h ;print on screen

            cmp si, 100
            je repeat 

            call tdbe
        view2 endp

            cmpb proc near
                cmp openin, 'B'
                je menu
                jne cmpee
            cmpb endp

                    cmpee proc near
                        cmp openin, 'E'
                        je exit
                        jne open
                    cmpee endp


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