我想在Xcode 9上使用Swift 4中的Decode协议轻松解码JSON文件。我的问题是: 如何像这样解码àJSON:
"name": "My first Catalog",
"order": 0,
"products": [
"product": {
"title": "product title",
"reference": "ref"
fileprivate struct Catalog: Codable {
var name: String
var order: Int
var product: [Product]
fileprivate struct Product: Codable {
var title: String
var reference: String
// JSON Decoder
do {
let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath), options: .alwaysMapped)
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
let jsonCatalogs = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Array<Catalog>.self,
from: jsonData)
return jsonCatalogs
} catch {
print ("error")
return nil
我不知道为什么它在使用Xcode 9的Swift 4中不起作用。感谢您的帮助; - )
答案 0 :(得分:5)
fileprivate struct Catalog: Codable {
var name: String
var order: Int
var products: [Products] // this key is wrong in your question, it should be products instead of product
//this particular structure was missing as your products is having a dictionary and in that dictionary you are having product at key product
fileprivate struct Products: Codable {
var product: Product
fileprivate struct Product: Codable {
var title: String
var reference: String
现在您可以检查您的功能,也可以使用带有错误处理的try catch轻松调试它
// JSON解码器
do {
let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath:filePath), options: .alwaysMapped)
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
let jsonCatalogs = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Array<Catalog>.self,from: jsonData)
return jsonCatalogs
} catch let error {
print ("error -> \(error)") // this will always give you the exact reason for which you are getting error
return nil
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
根据您的JSON尝试此解决方案,并且我已经在xcode 9.4的Swift 4中使用了Decoder。
struct Catalog : Decodable {
let name : String?
let order : Int?
let productArray : [Products]? // this is products array.
struct Products : Decodable {
let productDict : Product? // this is product dictionary
struct Product : Decodable {
let title : String?
let reference : String?
var catalogArray = [Catalog]() // Declaration
// JSON Decoder
do {
let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath:filePath), options: .alwaysMapped)
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
let jsonCatalogs = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Catalog.self,from: jsonData)
return jsonCatalogs
} catch let error {
print ("error -> \(error)") // this will always give you the exact reason for which you are getting error
return nil