import grails.plugin.spock.*
class EventControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec {
def "Creating a breadcrumb from an event"() {
given: "I have a named event"
def eventController = Mock(EventController)
def event = Mock(Event)
event.title >> 'Space-Journey with Sprock and the Crew'
event.title == 'Space-Journey with Sprock and the Crew'
when: "I create a breadcrumb from it"
def eventCrumb = eventController.createCrumb("Event", "show", "1", event.title)
private Map createCrumb (String controllerName, String actionName, String id, String msg) {
msg = (msg ? msg : "cr.breadcrumb.${controllerName}.${actionName}")
[ 'controller':controllerName,
then: "I receive a map where the message-value is the events' title"
eventCrumb.message == event.title
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import grails.plugin.spock.*
class EventControllerSpec extends ControllerSpec {
def "Creating a breadcrumb from an event"() {
given: "I have a named event"
def event = Mock(Event)
event.title >> 'Space-Journey with Sprock and the Crew'
when: "I create a breadcrumb from it"
def eventCrumb = controller.createCrumb("Event", "show", "1", event.title)
private Map createCrumb (String controllerName, String actionName, String id, String msg) {
msg = (msg ? msg : "cr.breadcrumb.${controllerName}.${actionName}")
[ 'controller':controllerName,
then: "I receive a map where the message-value is the events' title"
eventCrumb.message == event.title