SQL oracle获取一行中的列值

时间:2017-10-12 13:07:27

标签: sql oracle

我有两张桌子。 第一个'table_fields'

Type    Name    Label
ORG     text1   organisation
ORG     text2   location
PERS    text1   manager
PERS    text2   gender
PERS    text3   age

第二个' table_data'

 Type   ID      text1   text2       text3   text4
ORG     Sven    HR      Brussels        
PERS    Ludo    theo    male        43  
ORG     Sara    MR      Barcelona

我尝试做的是像table_Fields这样的表,它有两个额外的列,表示我的table_data的ID以及table_fields中特定Name的特定列的值。 我的结果应该是:

Type    Name    Label           ID_table_data   VALUE
ORG     text1   organisation    Sven            HR
ORG     text2   location        Sven            Brussels
PERS    text1   manager         Ludo            theo
PERS    text2   gender          Ludo            male
PERS    text3   age             Ludo            43
ORG     text1   organisation    Sara            MR
ORG     text2   location        Sara            Barcelona

我不知道SQL Oracle中是否有类似的东西

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用CREATE TABLE table_fields ( Type, Name, Label ) AS SELECT 'ORG', 'text1', 'organisation' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'ORG', 'text2', 'location' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'PERS', 'text1', 'manager' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'PERS', 'text2', 'gender' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'PERS', 'text3', 'age' FROM DUAL; CREATE TABLE table_data ( Type, ID, text1, text2, text3, text4 ) AS SELECT 'ORG', 'Sven', 'HR', 'Brussels', NULL, CAST( NULL AS VARCHAR2(20) ) FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'PERS', 'Ludo', 'theo', 'male', '43', NULL FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'ORG', 'Sara', 'MR', 'Barcelona', NULL, NULL FROM DUAL;

SQL Fiddle

Oracle 11g R2架构设置

FROM   table_data
        UNPIVOT ( value FOR name IN (
          text1 AS 'text1',
          text2 AS 'text2',
          text3 AS 'text3',
          text4 AS 'text4'
        ) ) d
        INNER JOIN table_fields f
        ON ( f.type = d.type AND f.name = d.name)


| TYPE |  NAME |        LABEL |   ID |     VALUE |
|  ORG | text1 | organisation | Sven |        HR |
|  ORG | text2 |     location | Sven |  Brussels |
| PERS | text1 |      manager | Ludo |      theo |
| PERS | text2 |       gender | Ludo |      male |
| PERS | text3 |          age | Ludo |        43 |
|  ORG | text1 | organisation | Sara |        MR |
|  ORG | text2 |     location | Sara | Barcelona |

<强> Results

var messagebody = "Hello ".concat(req.body.name).concat(", One of your team mates have submitted an application form for intern next summer. Please approve or reject the same on the internship portal. Best Regards.");
var mailOptions = {
            from: from, // sender address
            to: to, // list of receiver
            // cc: cc,
            subject: subject, // Subject line
            text: messagebody, // plaintext body
            html: ' Hello '.concat(req.body.name).concat(' , <br /></br > One of your team mates have submitted an application for intern(s) for next summer. Please approve or reject the proposal on the internship portal. <br /> Here is the link of the internship portal : <a href=""></a><br /><br /> Best Regards.') // html body

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您正在寻找INNER JOIN之类的:

    SELECT t2.*
        ,t2.ID AS ID_table_data
            WHEN t2.NAME = 'text1'
                THEN d.text1
            WHEN t2.NAME = 'text2 '
                THEN d.text2
            WHEN t2.NAME = 'text3 '
                THEN d.text3 
            END As VALUE
FROM table_fields t1 INNER JOIN table_data t2 ON t1.Type = t2.Type

修改 根据我在开始时没有意识到的MT0评论,我编辑了添加CASE语句以匹配预期结果

答案 2 :(得分:1)


with table_fields (type, name, label) as
  select 'ORG', 'text1', 'organisation' from dual union all
  select 'ORG', 'text2', 'location' from dual union all
  select 'PERS', 'text1', 'manager' from dual union all
  select 'PERS', 'text2', 'gender' from dual union all
  select 'PERS', 'text3', 'age' from dual
table_data (type, id, text1, text2, text3, text4) as
  select 'ORG', 'Sven', 'HR', 'Brussels', null, null from dual union all
  select 'PERS', 'Ludo', 'theo', 'male', '43', null from dual union all
  select 'ORG', 'Sara', 'MR', 'Barcelona', null, null from dual
select tf.type, tf.name, tf.label, td.id id_table_data,
         when tf.name = 'text1' then td.text1
         when tf.name = 'text2' then td.text2
         when tf.name = 'text3' then td.text3
         when tf.name = 'text4' then td.text4
         else null
       end value
  from table_fields tf
 inner join table_data td on (td.type = tf.type);