How to pass reference to function in VB.NET?

时间:2017-10-12 10:11:21

标签: vb6

I have a program that already written in VB6, now I need to change it to VB.NET, but I got System.AccessViolationException error.


Public result(512) As Byte
Private Declare Function getInfo Lib "abc" Alias "_GetInfo@12" (ByVal uiCom As Long, ByVal uiParam As Long, ucResult As Any) As Long
Dim isSuccess As Long
isSuccess = getInfo(0, 1, result(0))


Public result(512) As Byte
Private Declare Function getInfo Lib "abc" Alias "_GetInfo@12" (ByVal uiCom As Long, ByVal uiParam As Long, ucResult As Object) As Long
Dim isSuccess As Long
isSuccess = getInfo(0, 1, result(0))

Is it because the result is passing the value not the reference to function?

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