#Gets a list of all MAC addresses
MACList = fetchMAC.MAC
i = 0
while i<len(MACList):
#Gets data associated to MAC
hostLogin(user, password, MACList[i])
#After above function is executed, below variables will change values for each MAC, it adds second MAC to SecondMAC
# It can not see ip associated to SecondMac so it puts "NA" under IPAddr2 as placeholder
print "Data: ", MACList[i], SecondMAC, IPAddr1,IPAddr2, Host, Loc
#Add all this data in a database
MacDB.updateDB(MACList[i], SecondMAC, IPAddr,IPAddr2, Host, Loc)
i +=1
# I am stuck here
# so after adding very first MAC, the loop starts over with i = 1
# It goes thru hostlogin() function as usual and gets all data for second MAC.
# But before adding its own row in DB by calling updateDB(), I would like to check if this MAC is already exists. Three ways I believe we can check:
# 1 - Compare new MAC is in SecondMAC variable of PREVIOUS MAC loop
# 2 - Opposite of 1. Check if previous MAC is in SecondMAC variable of THIS loop.
# 3 - Query DB and see if it already exists under SecondMAC column of BD.
# if second MAC in MACList is already in DB as SecondMAC
# then run it though below func and if not, add it normally and move on to next MAC
MacDB.editDB(MACList[i], SecondMAC, IPAddr)
# Above func edits the row where MAC was stored and Sets the value of IPAddr2 for that SecondMAC.
不幸的是,当我使用hostLogin函数获取数据时,它可以看到MAC地址,但只能看到与该主机关联的IP地址,而不能看到与同一主机上的第二个MAC关联的IP。这是我必须进行比较并确保我没有添加MAC / IP的新条目的主要原因,该条目是具有2个NICS的主机的一部分。