
时间:2017-10-11 20:12:24

标签: swift uitextview swift4


this answer开始,我可以看到NSMutableAttributedString / NSAttributedStringappendAttributedString() / append()的转换可以通过textView.attributedText / let string2 = NSAttributedString(string: "success", attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.green]) let newMutableString = textView.attributedText.copy() as! NSMutableAttributedString newMutableString.append(string2) textView.attributedText = newMutableString.copy() as! NSAttributedString 完成,但当我拉动并更新Could not cast value of type 'NSConcreteAttributedString' (0x10c7dff30) to 'NSMutableAttributedString' (0x10c7dff80). 这样的时候

points = {'A':[X_SoC[8][1], Y_SoC[8][1]], 'B': [X_SoC[9][1], Y_SoC[9][1]], 'C' :[X_SoC[9][2], Y_SoC[9][2]], 
      'D' : [X_SoC[1][1], Y_SoC[1][1]], 'E': [X_SoC[10][1], Y_SoC[10][1]], 'F' :[X_SoC[10][2], Y_SoC[10][2]],
      'G' : [X_SoC[11][1], Y_SoC[11][1]], 'H': [X_SoC[10][3], Y_SoC[10][3]], 'J' :[X_SoC[9][3], Y_SoC[9][3]],
      'K' : [X_SoC[10][4], Y_SoC[10][4]], 'L': [X_SoC[8][2], Y_SoC[8][2]], 'M' :[X_SoC[7][4], Y_SoC[7][4]],
      'N' : [X_SoC[9][4], Y_SoC[9][4]], 'P': [X_SoC[7][5], Y_SoC[7][5]]}

for i in range(Num_Channels):
    trace0.append(go.Scatter(x=df_lab["Time"], y = df_lab[Headers[i+1]], mode = 'lines', name = Headers[i+1]))
    trace1.append(go.Scatter(x=X_SoC[i], y = Y_SoC[i], mode = 'markers', showlegend = False))

traceA = go.Scatter(x = [points['A'][0]], y = [points['A'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['A'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceB = go.Scatter(x = [points['B'][0]], y = [points['B'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['B'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceC = go.Scatter(x = [points['C'][0]], y = [points['C'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['C'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceD = go.Scatter(x = [points['D'][0]], y = [points['D'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['D'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceE = go.Scatter(x = [points['E'][0]], y = [points['E'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['E'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceF = go.Scatter(x = [points['F'][0]], y = [points['F'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['F'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceG = go.Scatter(x = [points['G'][0]], y = [points['G'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['G'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceH = go.Scatter(x = [points['H'][0]], y = [points['H'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['H'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceJ = go.Scatter(x = [points['J'][0]], y = [points['J'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['J'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceK = go.Scatter(x = [points['K'][0]], y = [points['K'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['K'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceL = go.Scatter(x = [points['L'][0]], y = [points['L'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['L'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceM = go.Scatter(x = [points['M'][0]], y = [points['M'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['M'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceN = go.Scatter(x = [points['N'][0]], y = [points['N'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['N'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)
traceP = go.Scatter(x = [points['P'][0]], y = [points['P'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['P'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False)

print("The label 'A' should be at ", points['A'][0] , " and ", points['A'][1] , " of the ninth graph down")

fig = tools.make_subplots(rows = Num_Channels, cols = 1,shared_xaxes = True)

for i in range(Num_Channels):

fig.append_trace(traceA, 9, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceB, 10, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceC, 10, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceD, 2, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceE, 11, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceF, 11, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceG, 12, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceH, 11, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceJ, 10, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceK, 11, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceL, 9, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceM, 8, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceN, 10, 1)
fig.append_trace(traceP, 8, 1)

fig['layout'].update(height = 750, width = 950, title = 'Bit Timing!')



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


let newMutableString = textView.attributedText.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableAttributedString