
时间:2017-10-11 12:09:08

标签: docusignapi

我正在尝试使用docusign嵌入式签名获得2位用户签名。我正在使用Docusign / github提供的示例代码。我想第二个用户,看到第一个用户签署了文档,所以,根据这里的一些解释,我尝试获取信封ID,当第一个签名者签署文档,但我得到一个错误。似乎第二个收件人有问题。有人会帮忙吗?

// create a new DocuSign configuration and assign host and header(s)
$config = new DocuSign\eSign\Configuration();
$config->addDefaultHeader("X-DocuSign-Authentication", "{\"Username\":\"" . $username_docusign . "\",\"Password\":\"" . $password_docusign . "\",\"IntegratorKey\":\"" . $integrator_key_docusign . "\"}");
// STEP 1:  Login() API
// instantiate a new docusign api client
$apiClient = new DocuSign\eSign\ApiClient($config);
// we will first make the Login() call which exists in the AuthenticationApi...
$authenticationApi = new DocuSign\eSign\Api\AuthenticationApi($apiClient);
// optional login parameters
$options = new \DocuSign\eSign\Api\AuthenticationApi\LoginOptions();
// call the login() API
$loginInformation = $authenticationApi->login($options);
// parse the login results
if(isset($loginInformation) && count($loginInformation) > 0)
    // note: defaulting to first account found, user might be a 
    // member of multiple accounts
    $loginAccount = $loginInformation->getLoginAccounts()[0];
        $accountId = $loginAccount->getAccountId();
            echo "Account ID = $accountId\n";
// STEP 2:  Create & Send Envelope with Embedded Recipient
// set recipient information
$recipientName = "user1";
$recipientEmail = "email1";
// configure the document we want signed

$recipientName2 = "user2";
$recipientEmail2 = "email2";

$documentFileName = "hhhh.pdf";
$documentName = "hhhh.pdf";
// instantiate a new envelopeApi object
$envelopeApi = new DocuSign\eSign\Api\EnvelopesApi($apiClient);
// Add a document to the envelope
$document = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Document();
// Create a |SignHere| tab somewhere on the document for the recipient to sign
$signHere = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\SignHere();

$signHere->setAnchorString("Sign here user1");//here my text in html
// add the signature tab to the envelope's list of tabs
$tabs = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Tabs();
// add a signer to the envelope
$signer = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer();

$signHere2 = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\SignHere();

$signHere2->setAnchorString("Sign here user2");//here my text in html
// add the signature tab to the envelope's list of tabs
$tabs2 = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Tabs();
// add a signer to the envelope
$signer2 = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer();

 // must set this to embed the recipient!
// Add a recipient to sign the document
$recipients = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\Recipients();
$recipients->setSigners(array($signer),array($signer2) );
$envelop_definition = new DocuSign\eSign\Model\EnvelopeDefinition();
$envelop_definition->setEmailSubject("oggetto mail");
// set envelope status to "sent" to immediately send the signature request
// create and send the envelope! (aka signature request)
$envelop_summary = $envelopeApi->createEnvelope($accountId, $envelop_definition, null);

// STEP 3:  Request Recipient View (aka signing URL)
// instantiate a RecipientViewRequest object
$recipient_view_request = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\RecipientViewRequest();
// set where the recipient is re-directed once they are done signing
// configure the embedded signer 
if ($_GET['enevelope']=="") {
// must reference the same clientUserId that was set for the recipient when they 
// were added to the envelope in step 2
// used to indicate on the certificate of completion how the user authenticated
// generate the recipient view! (aka embedded signing URL)
$signingView = $envelopeApi->createRecipientView($accountId, $envelop_summary->getEnvelopeId(), $recipient_view_request);
$signurl= $signingView->getUrl();
  } else {
// must reference the same clientUserId that was set for the recipient when they 
// were added to the envelope in step 2
// used to indicate on the certificate of completion how the user authenticated
// generate the recipient view! (aka embedded signing URL)
$signingView = $envelopeApi->createRecipientView($accountId, $_GET['enevelope'], $recipient_view_request);
$signurl= $signingView->getUrl();

 header('Location: '.$signurl);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)






