// create a canvas and add it to the DOM
var createImage = function(w, h) {
var i = document.createElement("canvas");
i.width = w;
i.height = h;
i.ctx = i.getContext("2d");
return i;
var canvas = createImage(941, 600);
var ctx = canvas.ctx;
// shapes for the foot. Left foot
const footScale = 0.05; // how big the foot is
const stepLen = 20; // distance between steps
var stepCount = 0; // current set num so left and right can be known
var stepTime = 100; // time ms between steps
// path to walk
const path = [
15.20191403126277, 62.4451015086347, 15.38688266344644,
15.80127602121507, 15.98280549274708, 192.86637096042372,
121.57528916149568, 221.34586055208607, 124.81159479691195,
256.2979614145819, 141.64038410107662, 293.8391067854107,
168.82535143857336, 311.9624183437419, 203.77745230106916,
336.5583411729056, 238.0822920364817, 344.9727358249879,
278.2124819156436, 341.0891690624884, 316.40088841355566,
329.43846877498976, 343.58585575105235, 310.6678960895754,
370.77082308854904, 275.7157952270795, 359.12012280105046,
244.64726112708325, 344.23311687813566, 207.10611575625444,
355.23655603855093, 168.9177092583423, 394.0722236635463,
37.2019140312628, 438.0859803052077, 137.84917515834604,
487.27782596353507, 174.0957982750084, 507.9901820301992,
21.9931216791693, 513.1682710468652, 269.243183956247,
500.87030963228347, 318.43502961457443, 480.1579535656192,
54.68165273123674, 453.62744426338134, 396.86543776550707,
414.1445200788371, 427.9340428271046, 372.7198079555102,
47.3518767949864, 320.2916566617712, 442.173787778395,
272.39433325761024, 427.9340429825634, 218.02439858261675,
41.5265266513118, 185.66134222845398, 472.59506075130815,
160.418158272207, 514.6670340117198, 168.2291881671332,
57.5405924870362, 200.59229872785795, 598.9654951914354,
232.9553551615553, 627.4449850627141, 273.08554504131894,
651.3936467669101, 320.3356073183967, 663.0443470544095,
368.2329307225576, 663.6916081814927, 417.4247763808851,
649.4518633856611, 460.7912718954633, 626.150462810664,
509.33585642670744, 593.1401453294179, 530.6954736204549,
556.8935222127556, 559.9273870166451, 517.9197870310509,
const pLen = path.length;
// fix the path so it starts at zero
for (var i = 2; i < pLen; i += 2) {
path[i] -= path[0];
path[i + 1] -= path[1];
path[0] = path[1] = 0;
// tracks the foot pos
var pos = {
x: path[0],
y: path[1],
index: 0,
// tracks the foot pointing to pos
var pos1 = {
x: path[0],
y: path[1],
index: 0,
// get a distance alone the path
function getDistOnPath(dist, pos) {
var nx = path[(pos.index + 2) % pLen] - pos.x;
var ny = path[(pos.index + 3) % pLen] - pos.y;
var d = Math.hypot(nx, ny);
if (d > dist) {
pos.x += (nx / d) * dist;
pos.y += (ny / d) * dist;
return pos;
dist -= d;
pos.index += 2;
pos.x = path[pos.index % pLen];
pos.y = path[(pos.index + 1) % pLen];
return getDistOnPath(dist, pos);
function drawFoot(x, y, dir, left) {
var i, j, shape;
var xdx = Math.cos(dir) * footScale;
var xdy = Math.sin(dir) * footScale;
if (left) {
ctx.setTransform(xdx, xdy, -xdy, xdx, x + xdy * 50, y - xdx * 50);
ctx.rotate(-0.1); // make the foot turn out a bit
} else {
// draw the foot as a set of paths points
var footImage = new Image();
footImage.src = './images/paw_print.svg';
ctx.drawImage(footImage, -footImage.width / 2, -footImage.height / 2);
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
pos1 = getDistOnPath(stepLen / 10, pos1);
function drawStep() {
pos = getDistOnPath(stepLen, pos);
pos1 = getDistOnPath(stepLen, pos1);
drawFoot(pos.x, pos.y, Math.atan2(pos1.y - pos.y, pos1.x - pos.x),
(stepCount++) % 2 === 0);
setTimeout(drawStep, stepTime);