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Sub Printing()
Dim CheckCol1 As Integer, CheckCol2 As Integer
Dim rowCount As Integer, rowCount1 As Integer, rowCount2 As Integer, currentRow As Integer
Dim currentRowValue1 As String, currentRowValue2 As String
Dim found As String
found = "No"
CheckCol1 = 1 'column A has a value of 1
CheckCol2 = 2 'column B has a value of 2
rowCount1 = Cells(Rows.Count, CheckCol1).End(xlUp).Row
rowCount2 = Cells(Rows.Count, CheckCol2).End(xlUp).Row
rowCount = Application.Max(rowCount1, rowCount2)
' find the first blank cell on both the columns
For currentRow = 1 To rowCount
currentRowValue1 = Cells(currentRow, CheckCol1).Value
currentRowValue2 = Cells(currentRow, CheckCol2).Value
If (IsEmpty(currentRowValue1) Or currentRowValue1 = "") And (IsEmpty(currentRowValue2) Or currentRowValue2 = "") Then
MsgBox ("No data on Column A and B in row" & currentRow)
found = "Yes"
End If
If found = "No" Then ' This will return rowcount+1 when the columns have values throughout the range
MsgBox ("No data on Column A and B in row" & rowCount + 1)
End If
End Sub
注意: - 您可以通过添加少量变量来增加要检查的列数。您可以通过添加Checkcol3,rowcount3,currentrowvalue3并向if子句添加一个条件来尝试添加第三列