
时间:2017-10-05 21:55:00

标签: excel vba compiler-errors byref


Sub Trendline()
Dim eqn, name As String
Dim cht As ChartObject
Dim i As Integer
For Each cht in Worksheets(1).ChartObjects
    If cht.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines.Count > 0 Then
        name = Split(ActiveChart.name)(1)
        i = Worksheets(name).Range("Z2").Value 'indicates what kind of trendline
        eqn = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines(1).DataLabel.Text
        'the trendline has both R-square and Equation displayed
        eqn = Split(eqn, Chr(10))(0)
        Worksheets(name).Range("AA1").Value = MakeEqn(i, eqn)
    End If
Next cht
End Sub

Function MakeEqn(i As Integer, eqn As String) As String
'1 is linear, 2 polynomial, 3 polynomial order 3
'4 is power, 5 exponential, 6 logarithmic
    eqn = Replace(eqn, "y = ", "")
If i = 6 Then ' removes 6 from options
    eqn = Replace(eqn, "ln", "*LN")
    eqn = Replace(eqn, "x", "*x")
    If i = 1 Then ' removes 1 from options
    ElseIf i = 5 Then ' removes 5 from options
        eqn = Replace(eqn, "e", "*EXP(")
        eqn = eqn & ")" ' add ")" to end of string
        ' Break
    ElseIf i = 4 Then ' removes 4 from options
        eqn = Replace(eqn, "x", "x^")
    Else ' for both 2 and 3
        eqn = Replace(eqn, "x2", "x^2") ' 2 is now done
        If i = 3 Then
            eqn = Replace(eqn, "x3", "x^3")
        End If
    End If
End If
MakeEqn = eqn
End Function

这里,MakeEqn调用中的“eqn”突出显示,并抛出以下编译错误。 Compile Error: ByRef


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

确实存在问题,因为变量 eqn 在示例的第二行隐式声明为Variant类型:Dim eqn, name As String。在VBA中,你需要显式声明每个变量,即使它在同一行(除非它确实是Variant),如下所示:

Dim eqn As String, name As String

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Dim eqn, name As String


Function MakeEqn(i As Integer, eqn As String) As String

您无法将Variant传递给ByRef String。 (它将生成“ByRef参数类型不匹配”错误。)


Dim eqn As String, name As String


Function MakeEqn(i As Integer, ByVal eqn As String) As String