使用jest for test react-native - redux app

时间:2017-10-05 19:42:13

标签: unit-testing testing react-native react-redux jest


我已成功完成此操作,但未使用redux,即使用本机反应原生状态。 this.state


//inside constructor
this.state = {
  email: ''

<TextInput value={this.state.email} onChangeText={(text) => {
  console.log('Here change email text!!! ==> ', text);
    email: text
}} />


import LoginScreen from '../../App/Containers/LoginScreen' // => connected component.. exported with `export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LoginScreen)`
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'

import Actions, { reducer, INITIAL_STATE } from '../../App/Redux/Reducers/UserReducer'

const initialState = {
  user: {
    email: 'mockState email',
    password: '',
    requesting: 0,
    userData: null,
    loginFinish: false,
    errorMessage: null

const mockStore = configureStore([]);
let store = mockStore(initialState);

const wrapper = shallow(
  { context: { store: store } },

test('>>>>> LoginScreen component renders correctly', () => {

test('>>>>> Login button Press', () => {
  let render = wrapper.dive();

  const textInputProps = render.find('TextInput'); //getting text input from render
  console.log(`textInputProps.getNode(1).props.value BEFORE ====>`, textInputProps.getNodes()[0].props.value);

  textInputProps.first().simulate('changeText', 'My new value'); // executing onChangeText inside render of component

  const textInputProps2 = render.find('TextInput'); //getting text input again for check changes
  console.log(`textInputProps2.getNode(1).props.value====>`, textInputProps2.getNodes()[0].props.value); 

  const state = store.getState(); //verifying internal `initialState`.. NOT CHANGES
  console.log('state ===> ', state);


我依赖this link


yarn test v0.24.6
$ jest 
 PASS  Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js
  ✓ >>>>> LoginScreen component renders correctly (282ms)
  ✓ >>>>> Login button Press (33ms)

  console.log Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js:60
    textInputProps.getNode(1).props.value BEFORE ====> 

  console.log App/Containers/LoginScreen.js:124
    Here change email text!!! ==>  My new value

  console.log Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js:67
    textInputProps2.getNode(1).props.value====> My new value => (!!!WORKS!!!)

  console.log Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js:86
    state ===>  { user: 
       { email: 'mockState email',
         password: '',
         requesting: 0,
         userData: null,
         loginFinish: false,
         errorMessage: null } }

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   1 passed, 1 total
Time:        2.337s, estimated 3s
Ran all test suites.
✨  Done in 3.10s.

正如您在日志中看到的那样textInputProps2.getNode(1).props.value ====>向我显示预期值。




<TextInput value={this.props.user.email} style={styles.textInputs} placeholder={'Email'} autoCapitalize={'none'} onChangeText={(text) => {
  console.log('Here change email text!!! ==> ', text);
}} />


const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    user: state.user

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
  return {
    email_typing: (text) => dispatch(UserReducer.email_typing(text)),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LoginScreen)


import { createReducer, createActions } from 'reduxsauce'
import Immutable from 'seamless-immutable'

/* ------------- Types and Action Creators ------------- */

const { Types, Creators } = createActions({
  email_typing: ['email'],

export const LoginTypes = Types
export default Creators

/* ------------- Initial State ------------- */

export const INITIAL_STATE = Immutable({
  email: ''

/* ------------- Reducers ------------- */

// state.merge undefined error: https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/pull/20#issuecomment-202550408. Fixed including in Inmutable
export const emailTyping = (state, { email }) => {
  console.log('Email Typing changes !!! in original reducer')
  return Immutable(state).merge({ email })

/* ------------- Hookup Reducers To Types ------------- */

export const reducer = createReducer(INITIAL_STATE, {
  [Types.EMAIL_TYPING]: emailTyping,



const mockStore = configureStore([]);
let store = mockStore(INITIAL_STATE);


 ● >>>>> LoginScreen component renders correctly

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of undefined



yarn test v0.24.6
$ jest 
 PASS  Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js
  ✓ >>>>> LoginScreen component renders correctly (345ms)
  ✓ >>>>> Login button Press (24ms)

  console.log Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js:58
    textInputProps.getNode(1).props.value BEFORE ====> mockState email

  console.log App/Containers/LoginScreen.js:120
    Here change email text!!! ==>  My new value

  console.log Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js:61
    textInputProps2.getNode(1).props.value====> mockState email => **(!! HERE !!!, THE VALUE IS BEING THE PREVIOUS ONE AND IGNOR THE CHANGE)**

  console.log Tests/Containers/loginScreenTest.js:79
    state ===>  { user: 
       { email: 'mockState email',
         password: '',
         requesting: 0,
         userData: null,
         loginFinish: false,
         errorMessage: null } }

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   1 passed, 1 total
Time:        2.904s
Ran all test suites.
✨  Done in 3.68s.



我认为在const initialState内声明的test file在调用this.props.email_typing(text)动作时,它不受实际减速器中所做更改的影响;


我知道它有点长,我很感激你的阅读时间。 我试着尽可能多地解释它和尽可能多的信息。 非常感谢,我期待任何回复。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer } from '.../UserReducer';

// create a real store with the needed reducer(s)
const store = createStore(combineReducers({ user: reducer }));

const wrapper = shallow(
  { context: { store } },

// ...

test('>>>>> Login button Press', () => {
  let render = wrapper.dive();

  const textInputProps = render.find('TextInput');
  console.log(`value BEFORE ====>`, textInputProps.getNodes()[0].props.value);

  textInputProps.first().simulate('changeText', 'My new value');

  // Force the component to update after changing state 
  render = wrapper.update().dive();

  const textInputProps2 = render.find('TextInput');
  console.log(`value AFTER ====>`, textInputProps2.getNodes()[0].props.value); 

  const state = store.getState();
  console.log('state ===> ', state);


console.log src/Test.test.js:27
value BEFORE ====> 

console.log src/Test.test.js:35
value AFTER ====> My new value

console.log src/Test.test.js:38
state ===>  { user: { email: 'My new value' } }