
时间:2017-10-04 23:51:08

标签: java joptionpane


public class Triangle
   private double x1;
   private double y1;
   private double x2;
   private double y2;
   private double x3;
   private double y3;
   private double lengthA;
   private double lengthB;
   private double lengthC;
   private double angleA;
   private double angleB;
   private double angleC;
   private double perimeter;
   private double height;
   private double area;

   public double calcArea()
      area = .5 * lengthC * height;
      return area;

   public double calcPerimeter()
      perimeter = lengthA + lengthB + lengthC;
      return perimeter;

   public double lengthA()
      lengthA = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x3),2) + Math.pow(height,2));
      return lengthA;

   public double lengthB()
      lengthB = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x3 - x1),2) + Math.pow(height,2));
      return lengthB;

   public double lengthC()
      lengthC = x2 - x1;
      return lengthC;

   public double getHeight()
      height = y3 - y1;
      return height; 

   public double angleA()
      angleA = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(height / lengthB)));
      return angleA;

   public double angleB()
      angleB = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(height / lengthA)));
      return angleB;

   public double angleC()
      angleC = 180 - angleA - angleB;
      return angleC;


import javax.swing.*;
public class TriangleTester
   public static void main (String [] args)
      double x1;
      double y1;
      double x2;
      double y2;
      double x3;
      double y3;
      String v1;
      String v2;
      String v3;
      String v4;
      String v5;
      String v6;

      v1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x1 for point A");
      v2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y1 for point A");
      v3 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x2 for point B");
      v4 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y2 for point B");
      v5 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x3 for point C");
      v6 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y3 for point C");
      x1 = Integer.parseInt(v1);
      y1 = Integer.parseInt(v2);
      x2 = Integer.parseInt(v3);
      y2 = Integer.parseInt(v4);
      x3 = Integer.parseInt(v5);
      y3 = Integer.parseInt(v6);

      Triangle tri = new Triangle();
      double lengthA = tri.lengthA();
      double lengthB = tri.lengthB();
      double lengthC = tri.lengthC();
      double angleA = tri.angleA();
      double angleB = tri.angleB();
      double angleC = tri.angleC();
      double perimeter = tri.calcPerimeter();
      double height = tri.getHeight();
      double area = tri.calcArea();

      System.out.printf("Set up triangle with coordinates (" + x1 + "," + y1 + "), (" + x2 + "," + y2 + "), (" + x3 + "," + y3 + ")");
      System.out.printf("\nArea:\t\t\t\t" + area);
      System.out.printf("\nPerimeter:\t\t" + perimeter);
      System.out.printf("\nLength side a:\t" + lengthA);
      System.out.printf("\nLength side b:\t" + lengthB);
      System.out.printf("\nLength side c:\t" + lengthC);
      System.out.printf("\nHeight h:\t\t" + height);
      System.out.printf("\nAngle A:\t\t\t" + angleA);
      System.out.printf("\nAngle B:\t\t\t" + angleB);
      System.out.printf("\nAngle C:\t\t\t" + angleC);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这里的主要想法是你使用吸气剂作为制定者。 您没有在类之间传递setter方法的数据 主程序

package triangles;

import javax.swing.*;
public class Triangles {

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args)
   double x1;
  double y1;
  double x2;
  double y2;
  double x3;
  double y3;
  String v1;
  String v2;
  String v3;
  String v4;
  String v5;
  String v6;

  v1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x1 for point A");
  v2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y1 for point A");
  v3 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x2 for point B");
  v4 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y2 for point B");
  v5 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter x3 for point C");
  v6 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter y3 for point C");
  x1 = Integer.parseInt(v1);
  y1 = Integer.parseInt(v2);
  x2 = Integer.parseInt(v3);
  y2 = Integer.parseInt(v4);
  x3 = Integer.parseInt(v5);
  y3 = Integer.parseInt(v6);

  Triangle tri = new Triangle();
  //set all needed data
  // set calculations off the data

  double perimeter = tri.calcPerimeter();

  double area = tri.calcArea();

  System.out.printf("Set up triangle with coordinates (" + x1 + "," + y1 + "), (" + x2 + "," + y2 + "), (" + x3 + "," + y3 + ")");
  System.out.printf("\nArea:\t\t\t\t" + area);
  System.out.printf("\nPerimeter:\t\t" + perimeter);
  System.out.printf("\nLength side a:\t" + tri.lengthA);
  System.out.printf("\nLength side b:\t" + tri.lengthB);
  System.out.printf("\nLength side c:\t" + tri.lengthC);
  System.out.printf("\nHeight h:\t\t" + tri.height);
  System.out.printf("\nAngle A:\t\t\t" + tri.angleA);
  System.out.printf("\nAngle B:\t\t\t" + tri.angleB);
  System.out.printf("\nAngle C:\t\t\t" + tri.angleC);




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package triangles;

 * @author jstil
public class Triangle {

    private double x1;
   private double y1;
   private double x2;
   private double y2;
   private double x3;
   private double y3;
   public double lengthA;
   public double lengthB;
   public double lengthC;
   public double angleA;
   public double angleB;
   public double angleC;
   private double perimeter;
   public double height;
   private double area;

   public double calcArea()
      area = .5 * lengthC * height;
      return area;

   public double calcPerimeter()
      perimeter = lengthA + lengthB + lengthC;
      return perimeter;

   public void setLengthA( double x2 , double x3)
      lengthA = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x3),2) + Math.pow(height,2));


   public void setLengthB(double x3, double x1)
      lengthB = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x3 - x1),2) + Math.pow(height,2));


   public void setLengthC(double x2, double x1)
      lengthC = x2 - x1;


   public void setHeight(double y3, double y1)
      height = y3 - y1;


   public void setAngleA()
      angleA = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(height/ lengthB)));


   public void setAngleB()
      angleB = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(height / lengthA)));


   public void setAngleC()
      angleC = 180 - angleA - angleB;
