public void Learn_Internal(double[][] aadMlInpFv, int[] anMlOutGt)
if (aadMlInpFv == null || aadMlInpFv.Length == 0) return;
//Use the first 80% of data as training sample
int trainingSampleCount = (int)(aadMlInpFv.Length * 0.8);
Matrix<Byte> varType = new Matrix<byte>(aadMlInpFv[0].Length + 1, 1);
varType.SetValue((byte)VarType.Categorical); //the data is categorical
Matrix<byte> sampleIdx = new Matrix<byte>(aadMlInpFv.Length, 1);
using (Matrix<byte> sampleRows = sampleIdx.GetRows(0, trainingSampleCount, 1))
//Matrix<double> trainData = new Matrix<double>(aadMlInpFv.Length, aadMlInpFv[0].Length);
Matrix<float> trainData = new Matrix<float>(aadMlInpFv.Length, aadMlInpFv[0].Length);
for (int i = 0; i < aadMlInpFv.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < aadMlInpFv[i].Length; j++)
trainData[i, j] = (float)aadMlInpFv[i][j];
Matrix<int> trainClasses = new Matrix<int>(anMlOutGt);
using (TrainData td = new TrainData(trainData, DataLayoutType.RowSample, trainClasses))
catch (Exception ex)
它会导致异常:System.AccessViolationException:'尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常表明其他记忆已经腐败。 m_oModelDTree是DTrees初始化的对象:
m_oModelDTree = new DTrees()
MaxDepth = 8,
MinSampleCount = 10,
RegressionAccuracy = 0,
UseSurrogates = true,
MaxCategories = 15,
CVFolds = 10,
Use1SERule = true,
TruncatePrunedTree = true
我已经在Emgu.CV中实现了其他分类器模型,如KNN,AdaBoost等,就像这种方法一样,除了DTrees之外,它们都可以工作。 这有什么问题?
修改 抛出异常:m_oModelDTree.Train(td);