我的迷宫应该由三个不同的关卡组成。我的简单级别工作得很好,但平均和困难的人不断出错。我只是按照第一个使用的相同模式和逻辑,所以我真的不明白。有人可以解释什么是错的以及为什么它是错的?谢谢! :(
def easy():
maze1_list = []
# [Description, North, East, South, West]
maze1_list.append(['Available Directions: East', None, 1, None, None]) #0
maze1_list.append(['Available Directions: East, South, West', None, 2, 3, 0]) #1
maze1_list.append(['Available Directions: West', None, None, None, 1]) #2
maze1_list.append(['Available Directions: North, East', 1, 4, None, None]) #3
maze1_list.append(['Available Directions: South, West', None, None, 5, 3]) #4
current_tile = 0
done = False
directions = {'North' or 'north' or 'NORTH':1, 'East' or 'east' or 'EAST':2, 'South' or 'south' or 'SOUTH':3, 'West' or 'west' or 'WEST':4}
#Source: obtained from <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46511833/how-do-you-make-a-simple-3x3-maze-on-python-using-lists/46517061#46517061>
#Date: <October 2, 2017>
#Name of Author/Programmer: <Anton vBR>
while not done:
x = '0'
available = False
while not available:
while not directions.get(x.title()): #Source: obtained from <http://programarcadegames.com/index.php?chapter=lab_adventure>
#Date: <October 2, 2017>
#Name of Author/Programmer: <Paul Vincent Craven>
if x!='0':
print('Please choose an available direction. ')
x = input('Which direction will you take? \n')
next_move = directions.get(x.title()) #Source: obtained from <http://programarcadegames.com/index.php?chapter=lab_adventure>
#Date: <October 2, 2017>
#Name of Author/Programmer: <Paul Vincent Craven>
next_tile = maze1_list[current_tile][next_move]
if next_tile:
available = True
current_tile = next_tile
elif x == 'quit':
print('Please choose an availble direction.')
x = '0'
if current_tile == 5:
print('Congratulations! You found the exit. \nGoodbye.')
done = True
后不再进步的平均水平”def average():
maze2_list = []
# [Description, North, East, South, West]
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East', None, 1, None, None]) #0
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East, South, West', None, 2, 5, 0]) #1
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East, West', None, 3, None, 1]) #2
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: West', None, None, None, 2]) #3
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East, South', None, 5, 8, None]) #4
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: North, East, West', 1, 6, None, 4]) #5
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East, West', None, 7, None, 5]) #6
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: South, West', None, None, 11, 6]) #7
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: North, South', 4, None, 12, None]) #8
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East', None, None, 5, 3]) #9
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: South, West', None, None, 14, 9]) #10
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: North, South', 7, None, 15, None]) #11
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: North, East', 8, 13, None, None]) #12
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: East, West', None, 12, None, 12]) #13
maze2_list.append(['Available Directions: North, East', 10, 15, None, 14]) #14
now_tile = 0
finished = False
compass = {'North' or 'north' or 'NORTH':1, 'East' or 'east' or 'EAST':2, 'South' or 'south' or 'SOUTH':3, 'West' or 'west' or 'WEST':4}
#Source: obtained from <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46511833/how-do-you-make-a-simple-3x3-maze-on-python-using-lists/46517061#46517061>
#Date: <October 2, 2017>
#Name of Author/Programmer: <Anton vBR>
while not finished:
y = '0'
present = False
while not present:
while not compass.get(y.title()): #Source: obtained from <http://programarcadegames.com/index.php?chapter=lab_adventure>
#Date: <October 2, 2017>
#Name of Author/Programmer: <Paul Vincent Craven>
if y!='0':
print('Please choose an available direction. ')
y = input('Which direction will you take? \n')
next_move2 = compass.get(y.title()) #Source: obtained from <http://programarcadegames.com/index.php?chapter=lab_adventure>
#Date: <October 2, 2017>
#Name of Author/Programmer: <Paul Vincent Craven>
next_tile2 = maze2_list[now_tile][next_move2]
if next_tile2:
available = True
now_tile = next_tile2
print('Please choose an available direction.')
y= '0'
if now_tile == 15:
print('Congratulations! You found the exit. \nGoodbye.')
finished = True