Highcharts - 忽略Pie Percentage中的系列

时间:2017-10-02 20:46:26

标签: highcharts




    vm.installationResultsConfig = {
      options: {
        exporting: {
          type: 'application/pdf',
          filename: 'installation-results'
        credits: {
          enabled: false
        navigation: {
          buttonOptions: {
            enabled: false
        chart: {
          backgroundColor: '#F9F9F9',
          borderColor: '#eee',
          plotBackgroundColor: null,
          plotBorderWidth: 0,
          plotShadow: false,
          height: 440
        title: {
          text: 'Installation Results',
          align: 'center',
          verticalAlign: 'top'
        tooltip: {
          pointFormat: '{series.name}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
        plotOptions: {
          pie: {
            dataLabels: {
              enabled: false
            startAngle: 0,
            endAngle: 360,
            center: ['50%', '55%'],
            showInLegend: true
        legend: {
          align: 'left',
          verticalAlign: 'middle',
          layout: 'vertical',
          x: -8,
          y: 30,
          labelFormatter: function () {
            if(this.name === 'All Vehicles') {
              this.percentage = 100;
            return '<span>' + this.name + '</span><br />' +
            '<span>' + this.dataLabels.count + '</span><br />' +
            '<span>' + $filter('number')(this.percentage) + '%</span>';
          useHTML: true,
          itemMarginTop: 5,
          itemMarginBottom: 5
      series: [{
        type: 'pie',
        name: 'Installation Results',
        innerSize: '70%',
        data: [
            name: 'All Vehicles', // should be ignored and alway render as 100%
            y: chartData.allVehicles,
            color: '#999999',
            dataLabels: {
              count: $filter('number')(chartData.allVehicles)
            name: 'Successful',
            y: chartData.successful,
            color: '#50CF63',
            dataLabels: {
              count: $filter('number')(chartData.successful)
            name: 'Failed',
            y: chartData.failed,
            color: '#F22F1D',
            dataLabels: {
              count: $filter('number')(chartData.failed)
            name: 'Not Attempted',
            y: chartData.notAttempted,
            color: '#296499',
            dataLabels: {
              count: $filter('number')(chartData.notAttempted)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

percentage属性将影响系列中的所有饼图切片。在这种情况下,您可以创建自定义百分比属性,该属性将仅基于不是'All Vehicles'切片的可见切片计算。看看下面的例子。另外,我认为labelFormatter函数不适合进行计算,但我只想向您展示这个想法。
